Wednesday, 20 January 2010

6 Steps To Make Your Hair Grow

The average rate of hair growth is between one half to one inch a month. In my opinion this is false as the number is nothing but an average. You can discover how to make your hair grow with the following tips \there are both internal and external ways to make your hair grow 1. Internally you need to exercise daily. Exercise will increase blood flow to the scalp and help you grow healthy tresses 2. Supplements your diet with the following hair vitmians? Biotin, vitamin C and B 3. Other good supplements include amino acids and ashwaganda. Both help boost your immune system and encourage the growth of healthy long locks

4. Drinks lots of water and keep yourself hydrated! This will keep your organs and immune system in good shape which will help grow a long mane

Here are a few external ways on how to make your hair grow.

* Get s scalp massage with Mira hair oil. This is an arjuvedic oil that will make your hair grow fast. Simply apply it into the scalp and massage it using the tips of your fingers. * With the oil in your scalp, give yourself a hair tug. Simply slide your fingers into your hair and gently pull or tug at the rots. This is how to make your hair grow

If you want to discover how to make your hair grow, then follow these simple steps. Longer locks will soon be yours in no time.

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