There are professional methods that can help you stay in shape during pregnancy. Do you want to get rid of your unwanted extra pounds? Use a method that works for real. You can read about them here Get in shape after pregnancy click here |
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy.

Saturday, 30 January 2010
Stay In Shape During Pregnancy - Tips And Methods That Makes You A Slim Mom
Healthy Diet For Acne Prone Skin
For more information on dealing with problem acne in natural and healthy ways, visit |
Thursday, 28 January 2010
How to Remove Stretch Marks - Bring Back Your Youthful Looking Skin
For more information on how to remove stretch marks with home remedies, visit as well prevention tips and the best stretch marks creams and lotions reviewed. |
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
How to Have Healthy Looking Skin
Make sure what you are using can sustain the youthful functioning of your dermis. Look for a moisturizer that contains Phytessence Wakame. This Wakame sea kelp can help plump up your skin and prevent harmful enzymes from breaking down your hyaluronic acid. With more hyaluronic acid in our body, we can stay young looking for long.
Most people don't know that harmful free radicals destroy our young skin cells. If you are wondering why your skin is looking dull and lifeless even though you are taking the time to take care of it, harmful free radicals may be the culprit.
As we get older, our skin loses its ability to produce collagen and elastin-the two components that hold our skin together and make it more supple. CynergyTK is a good ingredient that can effectively boost the regrowth of collagen and elastin so you can drive those wrinkles and fine lines away and have a smooth and soft skin just like a baby's bottom.
And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I would like to share with you one anti aging skin care range of products that I discovered. They contain more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply to "nourish" the skin. So, they never feel greasy. I have never seen any other natural products that are as good and report no negative or adverse effects. They are hypo-allergenic, fragrance free and can be used on any skin-type. If you want to see and discover similar results, you should visit to find out more. |
A Natural Face Lift and Your 4 Bodily Substances Responsible
Adele DeMasi is a long time user of natural skin care products to help maintain her youthful appearance. For a complete list of ingredients both harmful and nourishing to your skin, visit her website This will give you the information you need to make the right choice for your skin care. |
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Wellbeing In The Work Place - Portable Creature Comforts
Why do we need to have workplace wellbeing? Because we spend so much time in the workplace even if your work place is home, it needs to induce wellbeing and make sure that your work life balance is suitable to your needs. Many professionals who go out to work will not have the creature comforts around them; if you are" hot desk-ing, outsourced, small office-ing, open planned, Nomad working", or moving from office to office, you know that it is not so easy to get your comforting and familiar things around you. However there are ways that you can achieve a holistic wellbeing in the workplace no matter what your work place looks like.
One of the issues which you might consider if stress is ruining your life is how to build a structure around you which you can take any where you work.
Why would you do this? Well most organization are demanding what they now call "Emotional Resilience" in their workers. What is this new concept? Well with the demand for workers not to be made ill by their work organizations are stating that their workers need to take responsibility for their resilience to the emotional impact of their job.
From gas fitters to social workers, you will experience stress as unique to you. As an employee you will therefore need to know what impact stress is having on your perception of reality, your thinking and on your behavior
It is not really a new concept, it's meaning is related to vigor in the workplace, and is measured on an individuals ability to complete work because they have the physical, emotional or cognitive strength to meet the demands of the job.
How will this affect some workers? Well basically if you do not know what the test for emotional resilience is you will not know how to prove it.
So what ways can you ensure you prepare yourself for things which may affect your well being at work?
Although there are thought to be 3 major ways of ensuring a balance life, which equally equate to wellbeing in the work place i.e. spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing, you need to establish patterns to keep you on track to ensuring that you are achieving a balance in your life.
There are 5 key areas which workers may wish to consider in getting them to this balance
1. Awareness of your needs
An awareness of what your needs are, and what the demands of the job have on you as well as what your employer expects from you.
2. Self Care
How you intend to take care of yourself whilst you do your job and all available resources which are in side your organization as well as external to your organization need to be mobilized in order to care for you.
3. Career development or goals
Basically whatever you choose to take on to keep you motivated and stimulated and to achieve your potential both in work and in your own life.
4. A reviewing system which is effective
How you are going to keep yourself on track in order to achieve the things which you think are important and to ensure you get the right life work balance which makes a difference to you.
5. Positive mind frame
And finally being positive about yourself and what you are achieving or have achieved. This is especially important as the shifting of your emotional position at will so that you can affect the desired results for you, enhancing your thinking, and increasing the use of positive behaviors will have major benefits for you.
You do not need to be dependent on what your organization has to offer you alone, you can take some control and obtain emotional resilience and vigor at work whilst ensuring a healthy balance in your life. Your creature comforts now become mobile Assets which help to bolster your emotional resilience and are also transferable so you can take them with you no matter what environment you work in.
Gradle Gardner Martin is a Social Worker, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide To Stress Management" available to buy from her website and at all book stores. |
Free Low Cholesterol Diets Recipes Can Be A Powerful Natural Way To Lower High Cholesterol
It is my belief that you will leave here with some really good ideas that I personally use to keep my cholesterol in check. After reading this article you will not only have a couple of ingredients for free low cholesterol diets but will have gained some valuable information about both cholesterol and product label reading.
One thing I can't stress enough is the importance of label reading before purchasing any ingredient for inclusion into any of your newly created free cholesterol diets. Some labels will be surprising deceiving while others will be even better than expected. Terms often used in food labeling are reduced fat, light, low fat, reduced or fewer calories, and fat free. Let's look at each one in a little more detail.
*Reduced fat: 25% less fat than the same brand in its regular form.
*Light: 50% less fat than the same brand in its regular form.
*Low fat: 3 grams or less of fat per serving. Watch out here, the serving size might be much smaller than you think.
*Reduced fat: 25% or less calories that in its original form.
*Fat free: Less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving.
While the above label reading guidelines are valuable if you can find products that are labeled fat free, or 98 or 99 percent fat free, you likely will have a winner in your person war against cholesterol.
Today we have a grouping of products that would fit nicely in anyone's top list of free cholesterol diets.
Some canned chili is a much as 40 percent saturated fat. Saturated fat, is our artery clogging mortal enemy in the battle against high cholesterol, and should be avoided or limited at all costs. With this in mind one manufacturer (Hormel) has come out with a line of great tasting canned chili that is anywhere from 98 percent to 99 percent fat free. The 98 percent turkey chili contains 210 calories per serving, 5 percent total fat, 5 percent saturated fat, and 0 trans fat. The more healthful choice for inclusion in any of our free cholesterol diets would be the vegetarian with bean variety which is 99 percent fat free. It contains a paltry 2 percent total fat, *0 saturated fat, 0 trans fat, and 190 calories.
Note: You could also make these already healthy choices even more powerful by adding a small portion of fresh garlic before cooking.
A small side salad with low fat or not fat dressing or lemon wedges topped with an avocado slice and a few walnuts and you will have created a recipe that could be included in even the strictest of free low cholesterol diets.
Additionally, many natural health minded individuals have found that by combining diet modification with natural cholesterol lowering remedies they have been able to achieve even better results. Something to consider, wouldn't you say?
Saturday, 23 January 2010
How To Check Your Anger
1--- The very first thing you need to do is, try to identify the kind of temperament you have, with this you will know the kind of person you are, maybe you are the kind that possess that very hot and spontaneous temperament, or maybe you are the cool and quiet type. This is how you are able to avoid and control situations that gets you angry. So try to know the category you belong, this will help in many ways....
2--- Try as much as possible to avoid unnecessary arguments, arguments on topics you think are too sensitive for you, either sports, religion, politics, belief anything that doesn't go down well with your temperament should be avoided as best as possible..
3--- When ever the feeling comes over you, just walk away from the scene, find a quiet place, this helps to diffuse the tension and pour some cold water on that very hot emotion, walking away doesn't make you a looser rather it gives you enough time to have a rethink and reflect over the situation around, when you walk away you live to see another beautiful day....
4--- Avoid taking addictive drugs to suppress the anger this will only worsen the problem, depression could set in, so just work on it with the strength and determination inside....
5--- Smile more often, try to absorb yourself in mind releasing activities like sharing jokes, engaging in healthy and light discussions, with this positive activities you are able to push that bad temper far away from you, the more you engage in activities like this the lesser you experience that bad anger and uncontrollable rage...
6--- Always have this at the back of your mind, there is always a negative consequences and nothing good comes out of a stupid anger, the more you register this the better for your psyche...
7--- Pray hard, with God all this are so possible, let the peace of the almighty dwell in your heart, this will help..
for more articles please visit, |
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Miraculous Fish Oils and Essential Fatty Acids
Fish oils have absolutely amazing healing properties. There's been so much media attention on fish oils and for good reason. The medical community is just waking up to what Naturopaths have been prescribing for decades. The science is undeniable and inescapable. Fish oils and Omega 3's heal.
Who Needs Essential Fatty Acids?
- People with joint pain or back pain
- Those who are forgetful and have trouble thinking clearly eg students or stroke victims
- Anyone with any kind of skin condition eg skin rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, hives etc
- Women suffering PMS, menopause, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, ovarian cysts
- Those with a family history of cardiovascular disease
- Diabetics
- Pregnant women
- Men and women with hair loss
- Those with poor eyesight
- People with high blood pressure and high cholesterol
- Stressed out, highly anxious or even depressed individuals
What's All The Fuss About?
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) are ESSENTIAL to the body and to good health. This is because the body does not make them and therefore must receive them from outside sources via the diet or by supplementing.
There are 3 types: Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. It's the Omega 3 that is most deficient in western diets and it is the most important good fat. Western society diets are notoriously high in Omega 6 which in high amounts can be PRO inflammation. Not what we want, because it just leads to diseases. The Omega 3 Fatty Acids protect the cells membranes. That means good nutrients can get in and bad wastes can get out. The cells stay flexible because of the Omega 3 and have a major anti-inflammatory effect on the whole body.
Often many symptoms you may be experiencing will disappear all at once.
Where Can I Find Omega 3 in my Diet?
* Fresh fish eg salmon, tuna or cod
* Nuts and seeds
* Flaxseed oil or olive oil
* Fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements
NB: Fish oils are the highest in Omega 3 because they have an active ingredient called EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosohexaenoic acid). Remember to keep oils fresh, leave in the refrigerator, including oil supplements. What Should I Look for in Fish Oil Supplements?
If you don't buy the good stuff, forget it, don't waste your money, because they won't do anything. Spend more on fish oils and you'll see the "amazing" results.
* PURITY. That means free from contaminants like heavy metals.
* Saltwater fish freshly caught
* Distillation at low temperatures to extract the desired oil and leave behind pollutants
* Addition of antioxidants - this prevents the oil going rancid
Ask your Naturopath about the right dose for YOU and you'll be well on your way to a pain free and healthy body and mind.
Bye for now and Happy Fishing! Linda |
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
6 Steps To Make Your Hair Grow
4. Drinks lots of water and keep yourself hydrated! This will keep your organs and immune system in good shape which will help grow a long mane
Here are a few external ways on how to make your hair grow.
* Get s scalp massage with Mira hair oil. This is an arjuvedic oil that will make your hair grow fast. Simply apply it into the scalp and massage it using the tips of your fingers. * With the oil in your scalp, give yourself a hair tug. Simply slide your fingers into your hair and gently pull or tug at the rots. This is how to make your hair grow
If you want to discover how to make your hair grow, then follow these simple steps. Longer locks will soon be yours in no time.
Diet Plan For Fat Loss - Easy Veggie Meal Plans
Click Here For Easy Veggie Meal Plans Instant Access Now!
Try to think of more effective ideas that could lead you to this easy veggie meal plans strategy. You are free to choose on whatever you like and want to choose but o f course because you wanted to lose weight in a healthy way, then you really should go for the process that it would be giving you. Most of the time nutritional facts are also being neglected without knowing that it is really necessary for us to check it often.
In every Meal preparation that we would be applying we should have our own HCG diet meal plan. This could make everything a lot easier for us.It could establish a meal routine that could stabilize our food adjustment and could result to a very good outcome.We look into diet menus most of the time, but don't you think it would be a lot more fun to create our own?
Well, a balanced diet is not only based on the HCG diet meal plans we make but we also have to realize that it is a matter of self-discipline. It is not only on how we make our own eating plans be more effective but it is on how we follow and apply it, and consistensy should also be in-lined with this.
So why don't we try to have our own easy veggie meal plan and find out what would really be more effective among the two.Through that, we could determine the right diet plan for our body.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Individuals Who Can Help You Reduce Teacher Stress
There are many ways to reduce teacher stress; but the most effective ones involve people who are suitable for such a concern and who can help teachers cope with their draining situation. These individuals must be the ones that educators consult in order to have a lasting and more positive result.
The extreme pressure that teachers often feel must be avoided as much as possible. While other professionals also experience stress, educators are the ones who have a greater risk in acquiring it because of how dynamic their working environment is. Thus, to better cope with the situation, it is important to contact individuals who can help with the process. Here are some suggested persons to consult.
Option #1: Spouse. They are the closest person you can actually consult and converse with. You can share in-depth insights and concerns with the one you love most. On a personal scale, with a partner, you should be able to heartily address any such concern. And while they might not be the best at giving you advice on how to reduce teacher stress, they can nonetheless give you the comfort you need. Their attention can somehow ease and lighten your mood.
Option #2: Colleagues. They are the individuals you work with in school. They may be old or new teacher friends of yours. With regards to teacher stress, it is best to consult educators who are already experienced in the said profession. They have valuable information and effective solutions on how they managed and composed themselves amidst the stress. After talking to them, you can pick valuable data and resolutions that you can personally apply. If their solutions fail, you can then ask other colleagues how they have resolved teacher stress. I am sure you will find some of their answers applicable to you as well.
Option #3: Guidance counselor. They are your in-school consultants that you can easily address whenever concerns and problems arise. If ever you are faced with work related stress, then it is preferable to see the guidance counselor. Since they have background on psychology, they are likely to be able to give you effective solutions. Additionally, they also have a solid background in problem management, and are thereby able to really help you cope with it. Just note that in some schools, guidance counselors do not make themselves available to teachers, but only to the students.
Option #4: Psychologists. They have studied human behavior and applied it to their work. With that said, they are the best person to seek when you are dealing with stress. They can give you therapies, treatments and sessions that provide long term solutions on your end. They may come with a price - unless the psychologist is your friend - but nonetheless, you can be assured that they will be able to provide you with an unfailing solution.
Stress is something not to be taken lightly, since it can cause complex problems if not properly addressed. It does not only affect you in an emotional way, but also in other aspects of your being. Therefore, start prioritizing your mental health immediately. Find someone who you are comfortable with and who can help you reduce teacher stress immediately.
Are you looking for ways to reduce teacher stress? Better read now! |
Health and Nutrition Benefits of Honey
Honey- a natural sugary solution made by bees contains various important ingredients such as glucose, fructose, water, oil and special enzymes. Made from flowers, honey also offers anti-bacterial properties, which can treat minor sunburns and skin irritations. There are many health benefits of honey, but here we will discuss some of its benefits for skin:
• Honey is used in manufacturing moisturizers, creams and beauty products as it has the ability the retain water.
• Honey is a very good hair conditioner. Just pour one tablespoon of honey in a mug of water and rinse your hair after proper hair bath. It will help you make your hair soft and silky.
• Mix one tablespoon of honey with equal part of milk and apply on your face. You will notice an immediate glow on your face.
• Honey is a very good anti-oxidant and prevents aging. It also helps cure the damage caused by sun's ultra violet rays.
• Honey has a soothing effect on throat, so it is used in many ayurvedic medicines to treat throat infections.
• You can create your own face scrub using honey. Just mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of finely grounded almonds, and add 2 tablespoons of dry oatmeal and some lemon juice to make an exfoliating scrub.
Do you know honey is also used for treating acne? Its anti-microbial properties make it an important ingredient for many babycare, skin care, and hair care products. Honey has been in use since ages and it helps keep skin well-hydrated and fresh. So, if you are also looking for a young-looking and radiant skin, opt for honey.
Helen R. Miller is a diet control fanatic, who has lost over 70 pounds of body fat. She shares her amazing story of how she did it through her weight and diet control blog. |
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Stay Healthy - Create a Healthy Living Environment By Alyssa Bennet
To keep healthy living on your mind it is important to create a healthy living environment. This includes keeping healthy foods stocked in your pantry and fridge. Living in a healthy environment makes it easier to do the things that are important to our health. It can be as simple as having a nice comfortable clean place to rest at night so your body can rejuvenate itself and having fresh nutritious foods on hand that will keep you from snacking on less healthy alternatives.
When you create a healthy environment, it is important to choose furnishings that are fuss free and easy to clean so that it is easy to keep dust and allergens at bay. Hardwood, tile, or linoleum floors are the best choice since they are more easily cleaned than carpet. Items that can be washed instead of dry cleaned help you to create a healthy living environment, since the dry cleaning process uses dangerous chemicals to clean your clothes with.
Cleaning your home with natural products instead of harsh chemicals also helps you to create a healthy environment. If you do need to use strong chemicals, be sure to open windows so that the odors can dissipate quickly. It is not hard to create a healthy environment; it just takes a little thought and planning so that you have the right things on hand.
Your home is your sanctuary from the world and a healthy living environment gives your body and mind a chance to recover from the stresses of the world around you. You don't have to be rich to live in a environment; you just need to make the right choices. Creating a healthy living environment gives you peace of mind and helps you live a healthier lifestyle.
Tips For Healthy Living - Little Things That Make Life Happy and Healthy
The benefits of living a healthy life are pretty obvious. It makes you stay physically active and you don't easily get sick. If you are healthy and active, you can do all the things you want to do. That's why most people are doing everything they can just to achieve a healthy life.
The most common tips for healthy living include doing regular fitness workouts, eating healthy foods, and practicing a healthy lifestyle.
For fitness workouts, you can also perform simple exercises at home or in the office if you don't have time to go to the gym. Simple activities like walking, running, swimming, or dancing are best form of exercises that can be done at home. But if you are serious about getting physically fit and if you have enough time and budget to do it, gym membership is the best option for you.
When it comes to healthy eating, nothing can be healthier than eating vegetables, fresh fruits and plenty of pure water. A healthy eating habit means avoiding heavy dinners, junk foods, and plenty of sweets and fatty foods. To avoid taking unhealthy snacks, it is advisable that you eat complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and protein-rich foods during meals. Other healthy foods that you can take are nuts like cashews, almonds, and walnuts. Drinking a cup of herbal tea instead of coffee is also a healthy option.
To practice a healthy lifestyle is about stopping unhealthy vices like smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
Other helpful tips for healthy living that you can consider include purifying the air in your own homes, taking vitamins and health supplements, and losing weight if necessary.
In addition to the several tips for healthy living mentioned above, having a healthy and safe environment is also a must in order to live a healthy life. You can make your environment healthy by knowing the right place where to put the toxic waste and chemicals.
For parents, you have an added responsibility in taking care for the wellness and healthy life of your children aside from your own physical health and well-being.
Health care is also a very important part of living a healthy life. This covers regular medical checkups and screenings. It will help you reduce your spending on health care if a health problem is treated earlier. However, if you are already sick and in need of medication, you can ask your physician on switching to cheaper yet effective alternatives.
All these tips for healthy living will only become effective if you religiously follow them with all your heart. Remember, all the benefits you will get from these are also for your own good. You are primarily responsible for your own life. If you want a healthy and active life, no one else can help you achieve it without you helping yourself first. Your doctor, gym instructor, family, friends, or neighbors can help you live a healthy life but without your personal desire and commitment to achieving it, everything else will fail. Always put in your mind that living a healthy life will lead you to living a happy, fulfilling and satisfying life.
Carolyn Anderson loves to share great resources to live a healthy and happy life. To learn about what you can do to have a healthy life, check out these rituals to healthy living. Also check out Think Right Now, a set of programs to help you improve any area of your life by changing the way you think, feel and act. |
Monday, 11 January 2010
How helpful is vitamin for the body?
The vitamin is categorized by the material it will dissolve in. This process is broadly used by the nutritionists. There exist only two categories, the water-soluble and fat-soluble.
The examples of water soluble vitamin are B and C. The sub categories of B includes B1, also known as thiamin, B2, also called riboflavin, B3 is also called niacin, B6, also known as pyridoxine, B9 also known as folate and B12, also known as cobalamin. They travel through the bloodstream of a human being. The water-soluble vitamins that are not used by the body are eliminated vide urine.
The examples of fat-soluble vitamin are A, D, E and K. They can be stored in the fat tissues of a human body from a few days up to six months. Excess of a fat-soluble vitamin can be stored in your liver and may sometimes cause health problems.
The intake of each category is required proportionately to ensure a healthy body. Human beings should consult their medical practitioners as high or low consumption of each vitamin has its adverse effects. It may lead to some diseases which affects the sound health of a person. The sources of these should also be familiar to a person in the society.
To read about vitamins and other information, visit the vitamin c site.
2012 and the need for the Wondrous Benefits of Soy Protein
The advent of the year 2012 shift will be one of consciousness primarily.
Magical Mindoffers you to the tools to improve and protect your physical
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Soy protein is emerging as one of the great alternative protein sources for human consumption. Health experts are all excited about how soy protein can change the face of nutrition. What's all the rage? Here are some great reasons to get with soy protein.
Soy Protein is Plant Protein Soy beans contain complete protein and have one of the best protein digestibilities among all protein sources. Soy beans also contain little or no fat and have virtually no cholesterol. Lactose intolerant ones will be pleased to know that soy beans contain no lactose.
Being a plant protein, soy is free from steroids and antibiotics animal protein contains. It is also free from the parasites that contaminate some of these products. They also contain none of the diseases one can contract from mean sources such as Mad Cow Disease, and Foot and Mouth Disease.
Vegetarians love this bean as it provides a comparable - if not better - source of protein as compared to its animal counterpart. It provides a protein that is better and easier to digest and is comparable to most protein supplements.
Soy Beans are Very Versatile Soy beans are very versatile. Various cuisines, especially Asian ones recognize the value of the humble soy bean. A variety of naturally yummy delicacies are all soy based: tofu, soy pudding, Soya milk, and meat substitutes - not to mention condiments such as soy sauce, and hoi sin sauce.
To counter the problem of world hunger, the growing of soybeans has been suggested. Not only are soybeans easy to grow and harvest, they will grow pretty much anywhere and produces much in a little time. There have been farmers reported to have replaced their entire crop line with soy bean plants. These hardy little plants produce much per harvest, and, as said earlier, can grow in even the most trying terrain.
The Great Substitute Soy is low in fat and can be used to substitute most protein sources. When cooking, you may use soy substitutes instead of flour for a low fat alternative. This makes it a great protein source for those that are looking to lose weight without compromising their protein requirements.
Bodybuilders are considering how this can make their jobs a lot easier. Without the fat and with all the protein goodness - easily digestible at that - bodybuilding has just received a great blessing of a food.
Although these bodybuilders are currently debating how soy can be a help to bodybuilders, it doesn't take away anything from what soy can contribute to the overall health of a person.
It is very advisable to stick to natural protein rather than processes protein if possible, as processed foods typically have some risk attached to them. The best use of this food can be attributed to how it perfectly fits into anyone's low-fat, high-protein diet.
Soy products can be incorporated into shakes and drinks. And being lactose-free, lactose intolerant people will still be able to get their milkshake fix without having to suffer so.
Soy products are also a great source of other nutrients such as saponins, isoflavones, and phytosterol. Saponins help support a healthy immune system. It also combines with cholesterol to avoid increased absorption of cholesterol in the body. Phytosterols also help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the body in the same way saponins do.
Isoflavones are powerful antioxidants and prevent the effects of free radicals in the body. They prevent many of the signs of aging and have been known to help prevent cancer. This alone makes soy a miracle protein source in its own right.
Isoflavones, along with vitamins A,C, and E are among the front liners in the fight against such disease - they also counter the effects of pollution, and stress.
How Much is Too Much Unlike other protein sources, it is pretty safe to consume a wide amount of soy products. While allergies to soy products exist, cases are few and far between. When changing to a soy diet, however, it would be best to consult your physician or your nutritionist. Ask specifically if the soy interferes with any prescription drugs you are taking.
Soy can be great blessing for people who are looking for a great source of protein that does not entail the side effects of most of the other sources. It would be advisable for one to explore how it can improve one's diet.
About the Author
Ed Bryant has been a vegetarian for over 30 years and produced soy products in Africa. He is also a health and fitness expert.
Friday, 8 January 2010
Recommended Stress Relief Tips You Can Perform Instantly
Mind conditioning is just a matter of shifting your thoughts from an unpleasant one to a more pleasant one that can be entertaining. If you identify the cause of the stress the better so you can work on some solutions. You can always throw those stressing habits and reward yourself with a healthy makeover. Always consider preventive care in dealing with your problems for this can surely save you a great deal in terms of health-care costs.
It is highly important to be mindful of preventive care to avoid depressing tendencies and this can also allow you to enjoy a bundle of good health. With such preventive measures, unnecessary health-care costs can be avoided. A non-stressful living brings about a healthy life and can extend one's longevity. You must erase from your mind anything that can lead to disappoint you for this can obviously weakening and may be manifested in your behavior.
Whenever you can feel that you are already tired physically or exhausted mentally or even psychologically unstable then you are already stressed conclusively. Incidentally, all these depressing symptoms can be readily addressed with some simple and easy stress relief tips which can be done anywhere at anytime you need to. You can find these tips in the next succeeding paragraph for your ready reference and find your stress level.
Physical Stress: The best remedy when you are physically stressed is to get good rest, or eat when you feel hungry, or take time to relax and enjoy until you have replenished your lost strength. Always bear in mind that your body experiences fatigue when you have gone beyond the limits of your physical capacity.
Emotional and Psychological Stress: If you do not know how to manipulate your mind power you will surely need another option. The mind power plays a very important role in such conditions. Negative thoughts should not be entertained for these can lead to anxiety and depression which are surely too stressful. Uncontrollable anxiety can lead to tremendous emotional and psychological fatigue and must be under professional care to treat such.
Psychological and Emotional Stress: The power of the mind plays a big role here. A total hold and control of one's emotion is very crucial in this level. These depressing psychological and emotional levels often go hand-in-hand and truly a downer! In most cases, if the situation is too much for a person to handle or control due to a weak mind power, professional help may be resorted to.
As a friendly reminder, all these types of stress are too common and almost everyday. If ever you feel you are suffering from any of these forms, the most immediate relief available is to inhale deeply though the nostrils and fully exhale through the mouth. You can do this as often as you can at anytime and anywhere. Bear in mind that mental conditioning plays an important role for effective results of all these stress relief tips.
About the Author
You should know these stress relief tips when such anxiety occur. This is because you are the only person who can help yourself when this arises. You may want to read more about it. Or you may want to know on how to cure panic attacks.
Breast Cancer Prevention
But the old saying that prevention is better than cure is certainly true. Sadly we still do not know what can definitely prevent the disease. We know of several factors which are relevant to the prevention of the disease and the main one of course is regular check-ups. Cancer can be beaten if caught at an early stage and this means constant screenings for breast cancer signs.
Diet, exercise and weight control are three important factors. The good thing about all three is that in almost every case, a woman can control her destiny. You can eat a well-balanced and wholesome diet, you can undertake sensible and regular exercise and you can do something about being overweight. For some it may not be as easy as for others but generally speaking, every woman can take charge of her diet, exercise and weight.
Anyone can develop cancer but women who have a greater risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer, and in developed countries like the USA, this can be as high as 1 in 8, are women who have a family history of cancer and particularly breast cancer.
There are different ways to detect breast cancer. Every woman should carry out a breast self-examination at least once a month. Any swelling or anything unusual should result in a visit to her doctor. A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast and such an examination is able to pick up almost all tumors even if quite small. Catching the tumor in its infancy is vital in the successful treatment of the disease. The two methods are both essential with the self-examination being far more regular than the mammogram. Health authorities recommended all women under 40 have a least one mammogram and once into their 40s to have an annual mammogram.
Young women need to be aware that there is usually a thicker layer of glandular breast tissue and this can screen or hide a possible tumor. An ultrasound is capable of penetrating the dense breast tissue and is used to screen for any cancer. It can see specific areas and pick up matter which a mammogram may miss.
Any woman from a high-risk area such as a family history with breast cancer should consider medical examinations like a mammogram every six months as opposed to once a year. Consult your doctor for advice on your timetable.
In summary there is no definite way to prevent breast cancer. There are ways to reduce the risk and there are simple and powerful ways to detect any cancer. And better still, treatments continue to improve as well.
About the Author
As isolated as you may feel right now, you are not alone. Cancer diagnosis is no longer the end of the story. Cancer survivors prove every day that this can be the beginning of a whole new positive chapter in your life. Join our unique community of cancer survivors to be right now and receive a FREE report on Cancer Survivor's tips.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Turmeric:The Health Benefits of Fresh Herbs
Turmeric is a tropical root plant that has huge health benefits. Grown mostly in India,it is the family of ginger. Turmeric is used enormously in Indian cooking. The medicinal benefits that Turmeric has:
Turmeric is widely known as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal herb, which also lowers cholesterol. Helpful in the treatment of jaundice, the extract also has been known to benefit the liver. In fact, historically, this extract was utilized in treating liver and gallbladder disorders by helping in the flow of bile from the liver.
Benefit in using turmeric is the recommendation to help your skin. Also a good treatment against cancer, turmeric is being studied for this and other potential treatments as well. Some reports that turmeric shuts down a protein active in the spread of breast cancer. It should also be mentioned that another study revealed that the incidence of leukemia is very low in countries where the people consume a lot of turmeric in their daily diet.
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory agent, it is said to relieve the aches and pains associated with arthritis; improves cardiovascular conditions; said to decrease symptoms of skin cancers and reduced the incidence of chemically caused breast cancer on tests with animals; and its oil functions as an external antibiotic, preventing bacterial infection in wounds. Turmeric also reduces an active number of genes which is linked to heart disease, colon cancer and Alzheimer's.
Occasionally shredded and used fresh, turmeric is more often dried and powdered for use. Turmeric extract and turmeric have been used by humans as a food for a very long time, and little or no toxicity at all when taken in moderate doses. Turmeric is generally safe. It has been used in large quantities as a condiment and cooking ingredient with no side effects.
My view is not to use Turmeric Extract during pregnancy or breastfeeding as it might cause uterine contraction. Turmeric Extract is not good for people with gallstones or obstruction of bile passages without consulting their doctor.
Consult your physician before taking turmeric or any dietary supplement.
You Can Increase Your Low Sperm Count
There are many ways to increase sperm. Some of the natural supplements that assist to increase male sexual potency and sperm are vitamin E, zinc, ascorbic acid i.e. Vitamin C, argentine, vitamin E, Retinol (vitamin A), flax seed oil, Beta-carotene, octacosanol, Vitamin B6, and also group of vitamin B. All such nutrients are very essential to enhance and increase the sperm count, bettering sperm motility, improve prostate gland function, correct male sex hormone production by the body or correcting and achieving healthy nervous system.
The effects of aging on male fertility are not very sure, nevertheless, evidences reveal that it could be an important factor. Fertilization rates are generally over 60 per cent for men those who age below forty but for those above that age, the rates drop to slightly over a half.
However, there are no exact treatments to cure decreased sex interest as the causes may vary. Right from disliking the sexual partner to male sex hormone insufficiency and from altered male sex hormones to any damage or weakened male sexual organs can give rise to male low sperm. Depending on the causes, signs and symptoms, a treatment to increase sperm is decided. However, in case of loss of sperm due to some modern medication is cured by using antidotes that work against those medicines and restore the male sperm. Psychological factors can be tackled using some behavior therapy and mental counseling that focus on sexuality.
There are many herbal products that help in increasing sperm all naturally. Herbal extracts such as Shatavari, Ginseng, Shilajit, Indian gooseberry, Mucuna, etc are few of the herbs that are known to enhance the male sperm without affecting other body systems and also without producing any side/unwanted or harmful effects.
Low sperm count can be tackle using aphrodisiac herbs. One should also be careful while cycling since exercises like bicycling may raise scrotal temperature and may also contribute to numbness in genital organs. Low sperm count can be cured by quitting alcohol and smoking since they are known factor to cause infertility. Tobacco is found to damage the sperm's DNA and give rise to infertility. drug abusing and narcotic drug consumption may cause low sperm count.
For increasing sperm, one should also consume particular foods such as celery, raw oysters, banana, avocados, nuts, mango, peaches, strawberry, egg, liver, figs, onions, garlic, and even chocolate. Obesity can also bring decrease in sperm and hence, one has to take care about not putting extra pounds. Over weight fellow is a risk factor to have erectile dysfunction and lower levels of testosterone. With proper diet and special exercises (such as pelvic muscle strengthening physical workout - as in Kegel Exercise), one can increase the male sex hormone production. Saturated fatty acids can result in clogging of the arteries that, in turn, may obstruct the blood flow to the male genital region and so the genital organs.
Many holistic healing practitioners believe that practicing Pranayama and yogasanas may help in treating male sexual problems and also help in increasing sperm. Techniques like ballooning, Jaquline exercises may help in preventing the premature ejaculation and may also help in getting good erection as a treatment for loss of sperm.
You may be interested in reading Increase Sperm Count and Increase Sperm Volume. Also read more Low Sperm Count Treatment
Serious Skin Care Treatment with Facials
Of course, to keep our skin looking beautiful and young, proper skin care is really necessary. See, there are a lot of skin care regimens that people can adapt and practice everyday, and there are also a number of skin care products available in markets today that are formulated to maintain the natural suppleness of the skin.
Meanwhile, skin care does not necessarily have to cost you a lot of money. As for skin care products, learn how to choose products that are not too expensive yet provide excellent skin maintenance results. Treatments, on the other hand, do not really need to be high-end and costly. Simple treatments like facial are usually the ones needed by the skin.
What is a facial treatment?
A facial is a form of serious skin care treatment that nourishes, exfoliates, and cleanses the skin, thus, promoting a well-hydrated, smooth, and clear complexion. This type of skin care is in fact regarded as one of the most popular and in-demand spa and salon treatments today.
There are a lot of tools and equipment used in facial treatments. Among them are the following:
1. Facial chair or bed 2. Magnifying lamp 3. Facial steamer 4. Small trolley 5. Cotton and cotton pads 6. Gauze 7. Towels 8. Head covering 9. Facial massager 10. Cleansers, astringents, sanitizers, moisturizers, creams, 11. Facial masks
What are the basic procedures in a facial treatment?
The following are the basic steps in a facial treatment:
1. Facial cleansing 2. Skin analysis 3. Exfoliation using steaming 4. Extraction of blackheads 5. Facial massage to relax the body and stimulate the skin 6. Application of facial mask 7. Application of protective creams and toners
How often should you get a facial treatment?
According to dermatologists and skin care specialists, people should get a serious skin care facial treatment every four to six weeks. The ideal number of times to have facial treatments is four to five times a year. Those who have skin complications like acne may need to get a facial more often than the usual recommended times to get it.
As for the cost of the treatment, it varies depending on the price offerings of spa and salon establishments. The packages and add-ons on the procedure make the cost of the treatment higher.
Furthermore, those who cannot afford to get a facial treatment at spas and salons can opt for a home-made facial treatment. A quick facial regimen that can be practiced at home includes that following easy-to-do steps:
1. Splash your face with warm water. 2. Massage your face using olive oil. 3. Thoroughly scrub your face with a half-teaspoon of sugar. 4. Wipe your face with a warm wet cloth.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Am I Healthy?: The Ten Best Ways to Measure Your Health and Fitness
I’m a big believer in monitoring all of these things and then some. Seems like a big job, but really it only takes a few minutes to do each one, involves inexpensive equipment or can be a regular part of a visit to your physician. I call them "The Big Ten Health and Fitness Measures."
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Body composition
Resting and target heart rates
Cardiorespiratory fitness
Energy level
Blood pressure
Glucose & cholesterol
Why keep track of all these things? First, because there isn't one single good way to define what makes a person healthy or fit. For instance, just because you are at a healthy weight, does not mean that you don't have high cholesterol. Also, it can be discouraging to use just one method. You may find yourself in a situation where even though you did not lose any weight in a given week, you may have lost inches.
Monitoring several indicators of health and fitness helps you to get a well-rounded picture of your entire self. We do not judge our children in just one subject at school right? And just because the child does poorly in math does not mean he won't excel at other subjects. And just because you have not lost any weight on the scale does not mean that your waist isn't getting smaller.
Secondly, we have all heard the adage, "a problem defined is 95% solved." Knowing your target ranges for health indicators like weight, body fat and BMI can help you to define what you need to work on. You avoid unnecessary changes and difficulties by having the correct information. For instance, someone with good cholesterol levels has no need for an ultra-low fat diet.
Third, it serves as a point of inspiration to see how far you have come. Since the changes you are making will be small and incremental, it may be discouraging at times not to see overt progress. However, by keeping track of a variety of fitness indicators, it is easier to see, in black and white, all of the progress you are making.
Jennifer D. Wetmore, DPT has been involved in health and fitness for over a decade working with a range of clients and patients from health clubs to hospitals. Dr. Wetmore is the author of "Small Changes, Big Results: The Health and Fitness Manual with the Secrets to Working Smarter, Not Harder." Please visit [] for more information about the Big 10 Health and Fitness Measures.