Monday, 23 November 2009

Natural and Effective Hair Loss Treatments - Learn to Cope With Baldness

Hair loss is a struggle faced by a majority of men in America. While daily shedding of hair is natural, men's bodies begin to produce large amounts of testosterone that lead to a lack of re-growth in the hair follicles. As early as his late teens, this can result in thinning near the temples and around the crown of the head.
Causes of hair loss include stress, hormonal changes, poor diet and genetic factors. A primary cause of male pattern baldness is the chemical Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood stream which erodes the hair follicle over time until it eventually dies. Poor diet can lead to hair loss when the body is starved of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth.
To re-grow hair on the scalp, topical and internal prescription products exist that serve to block DHT from reaching the hair follicle. Some of these products carry adverse health and sexual side effects. A primary component is the chemical minoxidil which, when applied topically, stimulates the capillaries around the hair stem allowing proteins to reach the root of the hair promoting growth. Internal supplements act in a similar fashion to allow proteins to reach hair except that it is accomplished by blocking DHT internally.
Natural supplements are available that are as potent or more effective than these pharmaceuticals. Recent studies have found that procyanidin B-2 in the skin of green apples perform this function and are up to two hundred times as effective as minoxidil. The Saw Palmetto herb has been found to effectively block DHT, as well as promote prostate health. The benefit of these natural alternatives is that you don't see the more dramatic side effects of the pharmaceutical drugs.
A proper diet is essential to growing healthy hair. Follicles cannot rebuild hair without the building blocks to do so. Foods such as eggs, fish, and leafy greens provide B-vitamins, folic acid, niacin, and minerals including Zinc and magnesium that will encourage hair growth. Multivitamins are a great way to supplement the diet in addition to these foods.
More aggressive treatments exist, such as implants, that show immediate improvements in quantity of hair but very painful and expensive. Supplements as well as topical and internal drugs require a great deal longer, with results often not showing up for three to six months. Patience is the key to remember when working to re-grow hair.
Hair loss and baldness is treatable. Take steps early and stay committed. Remember that you're not alone in dealing with this; there are others all around you learning to cope with this challenge.
Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?
John Farikani is an expert on treatments for balding men. Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site

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