Dating back more than 4,000 years, Chinese green tea diet has been long revered as a tasty drink that can ward off diseases and improve one's well-being. There are only a few herbs that can surpass the impressive history of Chinese green tea diet.
Since its first recorded use during the time of Emperor Shen Nung, the link between Chinese green tea diet and good health has never been severed. Today, further studies are made to test the benefits of the remarkable health elixir that is Chinese green tea diet.
Traditional Health Benefits of the Chinese Green Tea Diet
According to tradition, this Chinese diet could cure anything from headaches, body aches, and pains to constipation and depression. Over the centuries, more health claims are made on account of the Chinese green tea diet.
Chinese green tea detoxifies the body. The presence of polyphenols, a naturally occurring antioxidant in this particular tea, is said to combat harmful free radicals and help keep the body free from diseases. In this regard, Chinese green tea helps maintain the overall well-being of the body. It fights against the anti-aging process because the antioxidants in Chinese green tea diet can boost immunity, preserve young-looking skin, and brighten the eyes.
Additional health benefits of Chinese green tea is it increases the blood flow throughout the body. Because it contains a little caffeine, ingesting this drink stimulates the heart and allows the blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels. For the same reason that tea stimulates blood flow, it also stimulates mental clarity.
For many years, men of science remained skeptical about the health claims made by Chinese green tea diet enthusiasts because the health benefits are truly vast in number. Their doubt was changed to a more positive reception when subsequent researchers proved the disease-preventing attributes of the Chinese green tea diet and confirmed most of the health claims.
The Heart
Study after study has shown that drinking Chinese green tea and eating polyphenol-rich foods reduces the risk of any heart complications. It helps strengthen the blood vessels that provide oxygen and valuable nutrients to the heart and brain. It has also been researched that men who use the Chinese green tea diet have a 75 percent less possibility of having a stroke than those who don't use the diet.
The Chinese green tea diet helps lower total cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Study shows that men who drink nine or more cups of Chinese green tea diet daily have lower cholesterol levels than those who drink fewer than two cups. While nine cups may seem a lot, break it up through out the day and you'll realize it's not that difficult to drink that many cups. You could have one during and after each meal and during your breaks.
You really need to learn more. The Silent Killer Exposed uncovers and gives you the information you need to maintain a healthy blood system. Visit it here now.
The role of Chinese green tea diet in promoting longevity has been investigated upon by many researchers. They found the premise of their study on observing Japanese women who are greater-than-average Chinese green tea diet drinkers; have lower mortality rates compared to others. This led the researchers to believe that the Chinese green tea diet has "a protective factor against premature death."
The polyphenols found in the diet may be held accountable. With its high amount of polyphenols, it seems to have a stimulating effect on the immune system. A stronger immune system as a result of drinking Chinese green tea helps reduce risks of obtaining many illnesses.
If these health benefits of doing the Chinese green tea diet don't motivate you to start drinking this miracle in a cup, chances are you'll never become motivated to loose weight. So start today and drink up. The health benefits go well beyond weight loss!
Julie Health writes about the many health benefits of chinese green tea at If you're interested, you can also learn more about a diet by drinking green tea. Jokingly, her last name is said to be the reason for her involvement in health.
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy.

Monday, 30 November 2009
Saturday, 28 November 2009
The Road to Fitness Success - Choose Your Fitness Products Wisely!
Now that you have created a burning desire to be fit, healthy and attractive, and have begun secretly conspiring to satisfy your desires, the obvious question becomes...
There are so many different types of fitness products to choose from... all claiming to be your perfect fitness, health and physique solution.
* So many recommendations...
* So many famous personalities...
* So many advertisements...
But which fitness product will work best for you?
Here are some characteristics to look for when choosing a fitness product.
The more of these characteristics the fitness product has... the better the chance you will succeed in achieving your fitness, health and physique goals.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Effective
While this characteristic seems like a no-brainer... you would be surprised at just how many people are actively using a fitness product that will never give them the results they seek.
Many people say they want improve their level of fitness... and get a bodybuilding product.
Big muscles are not necessarily indicative of a high level of fitness.
Many people say they want to lose fat... and get an aerobic endurance product.
Aerobic training is only a part of the fat loss equation, and will not produce the lean, muscular, athletic body most people want... regardless of all the hard work. The point is, make sure the fitness product you choose is designed to get the results you want... or you are doomed to failure before you begin. If you want to increase fitness, improve health and develop an attractive physique... look for fitness products designed to produce these results.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Interesting
Let's face it, if you are not interested in the fitness product you choose... you will not use it long enough to see results.
I don't care if the fitness product was proven to work by thousands of scientific studies... it will have no positive effect on your fitness, health or physique if you don't do it.
And you won't do it... if it does not hold your attention and peak your interest.
No matter how many times you say...
"This time I'm not giving up until I get the results I want."
... you will eventually give up if the fitness product is not interesting to you.
Don't force yourself to struggle with a fitness product you hate... look for interesting fitness products that fit into your lifestyle and match your personality.
You should look forward to physical training... not dread it!
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Modifiable
There is not one fitness product in existence that can be all things to all people... regardless of what all the slick-tongued advertisements say.
Fitness products must be modifiable to your goals, needs, abilities and limitations... you must be given a degree of freedom to make the physical fitness program uniquely your own.
You have different wants and needs.
You have different strengths and weaknesses needing specific attention.
You must be able to take an active role in the use of the fitness product... modifying it into your perfect fitness program.
Cookie-cutter programs claiming long-term results do not work.
Look for fitness products that can be easily modified to your unique situation.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Sustainable The more the fitness product is dependent on machines, devices and other complexities... the easier it is to destroy.
What happens when the machine is not available, the device breaks or the complexity you have based you entire fitness program on is lacking?
Your physical training comes to a grinding halt!
I am not saying you should stay away from fitness products that use machines, special equipment, etc... only don't choose a product that makes you dependent upon them.
You are responsible for your fitness success... not the availability of a piece of equipment, or access to a machine.
Look for fitness products that help you sustain physical training in your lifestyle no matter what the circumstances.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Progressive
There are many fitness products out there presented as a fixed workout.
"Do this over and over again and you will get the results you want."
And the workout may be effective in the beginning... for some people and for a limited amount of time.
Unfortunately, any workout program not part of a progressive over-all plan is doomed to failure.
This is why you still need fitness products with all the free workouts out there.
A workout without a progressive plan is little more than manual labor... and will fail to take you where you need to go.
Any improvements you see in the beginning will quickly disappear, leaving you asking, "What do I do now?"
Then it is off to look for another workout to try.
Make sure the fitness product you choose is progressive in nature... and not just "add more weight" either.
Progression on many different levels is probably the most important aspect of any successful fitness program.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Measurable
The pursuit of fitness, health and physique is a journey... and like any worthwhile journey, it should be documented.
The ability to measure your progress will keep you on the track of success... enabling you to see where you've been and where you're going.
Make sure the fitness product you choose comes with a workout journal, or that one can be easily made... Don't underestimate the importance of a workout journal.
Your workout journal will help you...
* judge if your physical training efforts are getting you closer to your goals...
* decide if you need to modify your fitness program...
* and determine if it is time to switch to something completely different...
... ultimately guiding and documenting your fitness success.
Look for fitness products making it easy to measure their effectiveness... how else will you really know if it is working for you or not?
Use Your Common Sense
If the fitness product...
* attracts you...
* speaks to you...
* excites you...
* and ultimately makes sense to you...
... it is probably the right fitness product for you.
After all, only a physical fitness program you actually do, and that becomes a part of your lifestyle, will give you the long-term fitness, health and physique benefits you seek.
Now that you have a burning desire to be fit, healthy and attractive, have secretly conspired within yourself to achieve your goals and know what to look for in a fitness product, there is only one thing left to do... act!
In part 4, I'll show you how knowledge without action us useless.
Coach Lomax, founder and president of the Optimum Fitness Network LLC, has gained a reputation for creating and recommending fitness resources that get results. To see his ever growing network of fitness sites, go to Best At Home Workouts. His best selling eBook, Workout Without Weights shows you how to perform, feel and look your best
There are so many different types of fitness products to choose from... all claiming to be your perfect fitness, health and physique solution.
* So many recommendations...
* So many famous personalities...
* So many advertisements...
But which fitness product will work best for you?
Here are some characteristics to look for when choosing a fitness product.
The more of these characteristics the fitness product has... the better the chance you will succeed in achieving your fitness, health and physique goals.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Effective
While this characteristic seems like a no-brainer... you would be surprised at just how many people are actively using a fitness product that will never give them the results they seek.
Many people say they want improve their level of fitness... and get a bodybuilding product.
Big muscles are not necessarily indicative of a high level of fitness.
Many people say they want to lose fat... and get an aerobic endurance product.
Aerobic training is only a part of the fat loss equation, and will not produce the lean, muscular, athletic body most people want... regardless of all the hard work. The point is, make sure the fitness product you choose is designed to get the results you want... or you are doomed to failure before you begin. If you want to increase fitness, improve health and develop an attractive physique... look for fitness products designed to produce these results.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Interesting
Let's face it, if you are not interested in the fitness product you choose... you will not use it long enough to see results.
I don't care if the fitness product was proven to work by thousands of scientific studies... it will have no positive effect on your fitness, health or physique if you don't do it.
And you won't do it... if it does not hold your attention and peak your interest.
No matter how many times you say...
"This time I'm not giving up until I get the results I want."
... you will eventually give up if the fitness product is not interesting to you.
Don't force yourself to struggle with a fitness product you hate... look for interesting fitness products that fit into your lifestyle and match your personality.
You should look forward to physical training... not dread it!
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Modifiable
There is not one fitness product in existence that can be all things to all people... regardless of what all the slick-tongued advertisements say.
Fitness products must be modifiable to your goals, needs, abilities and limitations... you must be given a degree of freedom to make the physical fitness program uniquely your own.
You have different wants and needs.
You have different strengths and weaknesses needing specific attention.
You must be able to take an active role in the use of the fitness product... modifying it into your perfect fitness program.
Cookie-cutter programs claiming long-term results do not work.
Look for fitness products that can be easily modified to your unique situation.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Sustainable The more the fitness product is dependent on machines, devices and other complexities... the easier it is to destroy.
What happens when the machine is not available, the device breaks or the complexity you have based you entire fitness program on is lacking?
Your physical training comes to a grinding halt!
I am not saying you should stay away from fitness products that use machines, special equipment, etc... only don't choose a product that makes you dependent upon them.
You are responsible for your fitness success... not the availability of a piece of equipment, or access to a machine.
Look for fitness products that help you sustain physical training in your lifestyle no matter what the circumstances.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Progressive
There are many fitness products out there presented as a fixed workout.
"Do this over and over again and you will get the results you want."
And the workout may be effective in the beginning... for some people and for a limited amount of time.
Unfortunately, any workout program not part of a progressive over-all plan is doomed to failure.
This is why you still need fitness products with all the free workouts out there.
A workout without a progressive plan is little more than manual labor... and will fail to take you where you need to go.
Any improvements you see in the beginning will quickly disappear, leaving you asking, "What do I do now?"
Then it is off to look for another workout to try.
Make sure the fitness product you choose is progressive in nature... and not just "add more weight" either.
Progression on many different levels is probably the most important aspect of any successful fitness program.
Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Measurable
The pursuit of fitness, health and physique is a journey... and like any worthwhile journey, it should be documented.
The ability to measure your progress will keep you on the track of success... enabling you to see where you've been and where you're going.
Make sure the fitness product you choose comes with a workout journal, or that one can be easily made... Don't underestimate the importance of a workout journal.
Your workout journal will help you...
* judge if your physical training efforts are getting you closer to your goals...
* decide if you need to modify your fitness program...
* and determine if it is time to switch to something completely different...
... ultimately guiding and documenting your fitness success.
Look for fitness products making it easy to measure their effectiveness... how else will you really know if it is working for you or not?
Use Your Common Sense
If the fitness product...
* attracts you...
* speaks to you...
* excites you...
* and ultimately makes sense to you...
... it is probably the right fitness product for you.
After all, only a physical fitness program you actually do, and that becomes a part of your lifestyle, will give you the long-term fitness, health and physique benefits you seek.
Now that you have a burning desire to be fit, healthy and attractive, have secretly conspired within yourself to achieve your goals and know what to look for in a fitness product, there is only one thing left to do... act!
In part 4, I'll show you how knowledge without action us useless.
Coach Lomax, founder and president of the Optimum Fitness Network LLC, has gained a reputation for creating and recommending fitness resources that get results. To see his ever growing network of fitness sites, go to Best At Home Workouts. His best selling eBook, Workout Without Weights shows you how to perform, feel and look your best
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Staying Healthy With Natural Health Care
With the growing number of medical issues surrounding the current health care system, people are becoming increasingly frustrated with treatment results and the expense of maintaining personal health. Are you concerned about or wondering if it's possible to naturally treat health issues without killing yourself? A growing number of people are turning to alternative medicine and natural health care and doing so very successfully. Natural, everyday, common sense methods of preventing illness and maintaining optimal health do exist.
What does your body need to maintain proper health?
This is a question that continues to be asked, why, I don't know, because there are no hidden secrets about this. In fact I'm sure you probably already know the answer.
• Proper diet
It is known that many health problems (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and others) are exasperated by improper and poor diets. We live in a fast paced world driven by extreme commercialism that bombards us with images of super sized hamburgers, fries and extra large sodas. Many of our foods come in boxes loaded with artificial ingredients and real, un-natural, man-made chemicals to help us exist in our fast paced life. The first thing we need to do in maintaining our health is to get back to a healthy natural food based diet.
• Moderate exercise
Sitting on the couch watching TV or driving the car to the mailbox is not moderate exercise. Walking, bicycling, swimming, tennis, hiking, gymnastics, dancing and weight training are forms of exercise that we need in our daily lives. Achieving 30 minutes of some form of cardiovascular activity several times a week has a huge payback in maintenance of health, appearance, and well being.
• Excess avoidance (drugs, alcohol, fast food, smoking)
There is no mistake that excessive use of drugs, alcohol, fast food and smoking have a detrimental effect on health. If you are using any of these substances in excess you can expect to live a much shorter and unhealthier life. Even if you use these substances in moderation you may experience a shorter and unhealthier life.
• Good genetics
Now here's something you cannot control. We've all heard of the guy that smoked 2 packs of cigarettes' a day until he was 92 then got stepped on by an elephant while dancing with his 38 year old girl friend. There are those that are fortunate to be born to parents and grandparents that took care of their health. Then there are those that are born to parents/grandparents that did not enjoy healthy lifestyles. And let's face it; Mother Nature can be quite cruel at times as well. No matter what the case, your life and health can be improved by proper diet, exercise, and excess avoidance.
Other methods and forms of natural health care
While the things mentioned above are fundamentals of natural health care, there are other methods and forms of natural treatment and care that complement healthy living. We know that even healthy people are going to become ill with common ailments and diseases from time to time. However there are things that can be done to minimize the effects and duration of the inevitable cold, flu, pain, rash, and other common ailments or diseases that are sure to come from time to time.
Herbs and vitamins
Many natural herbs and vitamins can be obtained from health stores that strengthen our natural immunity to health issues. If you are experiencing a particular health issue, a trip to the health store should be considered, there will be a supplement that can help you overcome your health issue.
Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine focuses on how the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of the body are interconnected to maintain wellness (holistic health). When one part of the body or mind is not working properly, it is believed to affect the whole person. Holistic approaches focus on the whole person rather than just on the illness or part of the body that is not healthy. There are many holistic practitioners available to help you with your health and well being.
Acupuncture is a treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a system of healing that dates back thousands of years. At the core of TCM is the notion that a type of life force, or energy, known as qi (pronounced "chee") flows through energy pathways (meridians) in the body. Each meridian corresponds to one organ, or group of organs, that governs particular bodily functions. Achieving the proper flow of qi is thought to create health and wellness. Many ailments and health problems are treated with acupuncture by inserting a set of tiny needles at points along the meridians.
For those that cannot tolerate the thought of needles poking their skin, there is a form of needless acupuncture available. Check out the resource box below to get more information.
Acupressure is often called acupuncture without the needles. Instead of needles, acupressure involves the application of manual pressure (usually with the fingertips) to specific points on the body. Acupressure is typically used for:
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy/ morning sickness
Motion sickness
Nausea after surgery
Nausea due to chemotherapy
Cancer-related fatigue
Menstrual cramps
Muscle tension and pain
Magnetic Health Care
Magnetics have been around for several hundred years and has found a place in natural health care. There are many products available using static magnetic fields that offer relief of pain and reduction or elimination of many health ailments. One of the most common type of magnetic health care products is the magnetic bracelet. There are other products that emit electromagnetic pulses that have greater potential of providing natural health care treatment than products offering a single static magnetic field.
Chiropractic Health care
Believe it or not Chiropractic health care is a form of natural alternative health care. Chiropractic health care is based upon the fact that all organ, tissue, and gland functions are controlled via nervous system input starting from signals in the brain cascading downward via the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. On some occasions, the spinal bones (vertebra) which protectively surround the spinal cord can misalign or subluxate creating increased pressure upon the nerve roots that pass between the vertebrae. This increased pressure strangles or pinches the nerve roots, thus decreasing the impulses to the end organs. Prolonged pressure upon these nerves causes disease states to develop, whether it be muscular or internal. Spinal adjustments are high speed, low force procedures that restore the spinal bones into their correct alignment, thus relieving stress upon the spinal nerves. Once the stress has been relieved upon the nerves, the body can naturally be restored to 100% of its healing capacity.
There has been a real shift in the way people think about their health. Rising health care costs as well as inherent risks that come with medical treatments and pharmaceutical drugs is becoming a legitimate concern. You can take charge and responsibility of your own health care and live a long and healthy life. Of course there will be times when a doctor is needed for your health care, but with self administered natural health care those times can be minimized. To your health!
Woody Longacre is a writer and publisher of articles for the Internet. This article was written for Immune Sentry, LTD. Please visit for information about an amazing Natural Health Care Product.
What does your body need to maintain proper health?
This is a question that continues to be asked, why, I don't know, because there are no hidden secrets about this. In fact I'm sure you probably already know the answer.
• Proper diet
It is known that many health problems (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and others) are exasperated by improper and poor diets. We live in a fast paced world driven by extreme commercialism that bombards us with images of super sized hamburgers, fries and extra large sodas. Many of our foods come in boxes loaded with artificial ingredients and real, un-natural, man-made chemicals to help us exist in our fast paced life. The first thing we need to do in maintaining our health is to get back to a healthy natural food based diet.
• Moderate exercise
Sitting on the couch watching TV or driving the car to the mailbox is not moderate exercise. Walking, bicycling, swimming, tennis, hiking, gymnastics, dancing and weight training are forms of exercise that we need in our daily lives. Achieving 30 minutes of some form of cardiovascular activity several times a week has a huge payback in maintenance of health, appearance, and well being.
• Excess avoidance (drugs, alcohol, fast food, smoking)
There is no mistake that excessive use of drugs, alcohol, fast food and smoking have a detrimental effect on health. If you are using any of these substances in excess you can expect to live a much shorter and unhealthier life. Even if you use these substances in moderation you may experience a shorter and unhealthier life.
• Good genetics
Now here's something you cannot control. We've all heard of the guy that smoked 2 packs of cigarettes' a day until he was 92 then got stepped on by an elephant while dancing with his 38 year old girl friend. There are those that are fortunate to be born to parents and grandparents that took care of their health. Then there are those that are born to parents/grandparents that did not enjoy healthy lifestyles. And let's face it; Mother Nature can be quite cruel at times as well. No matter what the case, your life and health can be improved by proper diet, exercise, and excess avoidance.
Other methods and forms of natural health care
While the things mentioned above are fundamentals of natural health care, there are other methods and forms of natural treatment and care that complement healthy living. We know that even healthy people are going to become ill with common ailments and diseases from time to time. However there are things that can be done to minimize the effects and duration of the inevitable cold, flu, pain, rash, and other common ailments or diseases that are sure to come from time to time.
Herbs and vitamins
Many natural herbs and vitamins can be obtained from health stores that strengthen our natural immunity to health issues. If you are experiencing a particular health issue, a trip to the health store should be considered, there will be a supplement that can help you overcome your health issue.
Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine focuses on how the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of the body are interconnected to maintain wellness (holistic health). When one part of the body or mind is not working properly, it is believed to affect the whole person. Holistic approaches focus on the whole person rather than just on the illness or part of the body that is not healthy. There are many holistic practitioners available to help you with your health and well being.
Acupuncture is a treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a system of healing that dates back thousands of years. At the core of TCM is the notion that a type of life force, or energy, known as qi (pronounced "chee") flows through energy pathways (meridians) in the body. Each meridian corresponds to one organ, or group of organs, that governs particular bodily functions. Achieving the proper flow of qi is thought to create health and wellness. Many ailments and health problems are treated with acupuncture by inserting a set of tiny needles at points along the meridians.
For those that cannot tolerate the thought of needles poking their skin, there is a form of needless acupuncture available. Check out the resource box below to get more information.
Acupressure is often called acupuncture without the needles. Instead of needles, acupressure involves the application of manual pressure (usually with the fingertips) to specific points on the body. Acupressure is typically used for:
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy/ morning sickness
Motion sickness
Nausea after surgery
Nausea due to chemotherapy
Cancer-related fatigue
Menstrual cramps
Muscle tension and pain
Magnetic Health Care
Magnetics have been around for several hundred years and has found a place in natural health care. There are many products available using static magnetic fields that offer relief of pain and reduction or elimination of many health ailments. One of the most common type of magnetic health care products is the magnetic bracelet. There are other products that emit electromagnetic pulses that have greater potential of providing natural health care treatment than products offering a single static magnetic field.
Chiropractic Health care
Believe it or not Chiropractic health care is a form of natural alternative health care. Chiropractic health care is based upon the fact that all organ, tissue, and gland functions are controlled via nervous system input starting from signals in the brain cascading downward via the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. On some occasions, the spinal bones (vertebra) which protectively surround the spinal cord can misalign or subluxate creating increased pressure upon the nerve roots that pass between the vertebrae. This increased pressure strangles or pinches the nerve roots, thus decreasing the impulses to the end organs. Prolonged pressure upon these nerves causes disease states to develop, whether it be muscular or internal. Spinal adjustments are high speed, low force procedures that restore the spinal bones into their correct alignment, thus relieving stress upon the spinal nerves. Once the stress has been relieved upon the nerves, the body can naturally be restored to 100% of its healing capacity.
There has been a real shift in the way people think about their health. Rising health care costs as well as inherent risks that come with medical treatments and pharmaceutical drugs is becoming a legitimate concern. You can take charge and responsibility of your own health care and live a long and healthy life. Of course there will be times when a doctor is needed for your health care, but with self administered natural health care those times can be minimized. To your health!
Woody Longacre is a writer and publisher of articles for the Internet. This article was written for Immune Sentry, LTD. Please visit for information about an amazing Natural Health Care Product.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Natural and Effective Hair Loss Treatments - Learn to Cope With Baldness
Hair loss is a struggle faced by a majority of men in America. While daily shedding of hair is natural, men's bodies begin to produce large amounts of testosterone that lead to a lack of re-growth in the hair follicles. As early as his late teens, this can result in thinning near the temples and around the crown of the head.
Causes of hair loss include stress, hormonal changes, poor diet and genetic factors. A primary cause of male pattern baldness is the chemical Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood stream which erodes the hair follicle over time until it eventually dies. Poor diet can lead to hair loss when the body is starved of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth.
To re-grow hair on the scalp, topical and internal prescription products exist that serve to block DHT from reaching the hair follicle. Some of these products carry adverse health and sexual side effects. A primary component is the chemical minoxidil which, when applied topically, stimulates the capillaries around the hair stem allowing proteins to reach the root of the hair promoting growth. Internal supplements act in a similar fashion to allow proteins to reach hair except that it is accomplished by blocking DHT internally.
Natural supplements are available that are as potent or more effective than these pharmaceuticals. Recent studies have found that procyanidin B-2 in the skin of green apples perform this function and are up to two hundred times as effective as minoxidil. The Saw Palmetto herb has been found to effectively block DHT, as well as promote prostate health. The benefit of these natural alternatives is that you don't see the more dramatic side effects of the pharmaceutical drugs.
A proper diet is essential to growing healthy hair. Follicles cannot rebuild hair without the building blocks to do so. Foods such as eggs, fish, and leafy greens provide B-vitamins, folic acid, niacin, and minerals including Zinc and magnesium that will encourage hair growth. Multivitamins are a great way to supplement the diet in addition to these foods.
More aggressive treatments exist, such as implants, that show immediate improvements in quantity of hair but very painful and expensive. Supplements as well as topical and internal drugs require a great deal longer, with results often not showing up for three to six months. Patience is the key to remember when working to re-grow hair.
Hair loss and baldness is treatable. Take steps early and stay committed. Remember that you're not alone in dealing with this; there are others all around you learning to cope with this challenge.
Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?
John Farikani is an expert on treatments for balding men. Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site
Causes of hair loss include stress, hormonal changes, poor diet and genetic factors. A primary cause of male pattern baldness is the chemical Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood stream which erodes the hair follicle over time until it eventually dies. Poor diet can lead to hair loss when the body is starved of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth.
To re-grow hair on the scalp, topical and internal prescription products exist that serve to block DHT from reaching the hair follicle. Some of these products carry adverse health and sexual side effects. A primary component is the chemical minoxidil which, when applied topically, stimulates the capillaries around the hair stem allowing proteins to reach the root of the hair promoting growth. Internal supplements act in a similar fashion to allow proteins to reach hair except that it is accomplished by blocking DHT internally.
Natural supplements are available that are as potent or more effective than these pharmaceuticals. Recent studies have found that procyanidin B-2 in the skin of green apples perform this function and are up to two hundred times as effective as minoxidil. The Saw Palmetto herb has been found to effectively block DHT, as well as promote prostate health. The benefit of these natural alternatives is that you don't see the more dramatic side effects of the pharmaceutical drugs.
A proper diet is essential to growing healthy hair. Follicles cannot rebuild hair without the building blocks to do so. Foods such as eggs, fish, and leafy greens provide B-vitamins, folic acid, niacin, and minerals including Zinc and magnesium that will encourage hair growth. Multivitamins are a great way to supplement the diet in addition to these foods.
More aggressive treatments exist, such as implants, that show immediate improvements in quantity of hair but very painful and expensive. Supplements as well as topical and internal drugs require a great deal longer, with results often not showing up for three to six months. Patience is the key to remember when working to re-grow hair.
Hair loss and baldness is treatable. Take steps early and stay committed. Remember that you're not alone in dealing with this; there are others all around you learning to cope with this challenge.
Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?
John Farikani is an expert on treatments for balding men. Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site
Saturday, 21 November 2009
How Dancing Your Favourite Music Can Help Sculpt Your Muscles
It is always said that if you want to sculpt your muscles, you will need to learn and apply several workout exercises according to your purpose. While people do these things and achieve results, do you know that a faster results can be achieved if you add dancing into the combined exercises? Finding it difficult to believe? It is true, it has worked for so many athletes and muscle sculpters and will work for you if you give it a trial.
Dancing is a natural art bestowed on every one of us. You don't need to learn a particular dancing style to dance well. For the muscle sculpturer who is doing several of the exercises prescribed for him, dancing will help him to quickly reach his goal because dancing is the natural work of nature that helps restore the natural curves of the body. Which is also the goal of every muscle sculpturer, therefore dancing is the ultimate climax of all the sculpturing exercises designed to accomplish this purpose.
Dancing also helps in strengthening the muscles and balance resistance. It is the final solution to your fitness exercises. What happens to your body when you dance?
In the process of dancing, the whole body is exercised, thus strengthening important muscles, joints and allows for flexibility of the entire body. Dancing gives you easily what other forms of workouts can not give you given the time consumed by them. I'm not saying that other workouts are redundant, what I'm saying is that dancing completes the exercises and make reaching your goal of having a sculpted physique a reality in a shorter time. Now, there are different forms of dancing, which include shake, ballerina, folklore, and others. You will need to choose whichever one you are comfortable with and dance it.
Dancing Exercise:
Locate yourself in the middle of a room with enough space. Now, start dancing. Step forward, right, centre, left and rotate. Repeat again while rotating your hips, and waistline. Now, switch on your stereo and slot in your favourite music. Now dance to the rhythm of this music. Dance as vigorously as you can. Be in the spirit of the music. A point of note, you are not going to be playing sentimental blues as this music is too soft for the mind. You will need any of Jazz, country side, regae, hip-hop, or any other appealing but energetic song or music. As you dance, you will notice some tension leaving your body, this allows for flexibility and enhances the formation of your natural curves just like your exercises. If you experience sharp pain, just stop, that will mean you have some health problem. You will only feel stress or tension that these dancing movements bring.
As you dance, be absorbed in the music, flow with it, discover the hidden potential that lies in this powerful yet effective way of reaching a stunning physique.
Joe Okoro Writes About Muscle Sculpting, Fitness and Body building. Get his Detailed Free Report on Body Building Here:
Dancing is a natural art bestowed on every one of us. You don't need to learn a particular dancing style to dance well. For the muscle sculpturer who is doing several of the exercises prescribed for him, dancing will help him to quickly reach his goal because dancing is the natural work of nature that helps restore the natural curves of the body. Which is also the goal of every muscle sculpturer, therefore dancing is the ultimate climax of all the sculpturing exercises designed to accomplish this purpose.
Dancing also helps in strengthening the muscles and balance resistance. It is the final solution to your fitness exercises. What happens to your body when you dance?
In the process of dancing, the whole body is exercised, thus strengthening important muscles, joints and allows for flexibility of the entire body. Dancing gives you easily what other forms of workouts can not give you given the time consumed by them. I'm not saying that other workouts are redundant, what I'm saying is that dancing completes the exercises and make reaching your goal of having a sculpted physique a reality in a shorter time. Now, there are different forms of dancing, which include shake, ballerina, folklore, and others. You will need to choose whichever one you are comfortable with and dance it.
Dancing Exercise:
Locate yourself in the middle of a room with enough space. Now, start dancing. Step forward, right, centre, left and rotate. Repeat again while rotating your hips, and waistline. Now, switch on your stereo and slot in your favourite music. Now dance to the rhythm of this music. Dance as vigorously as you can. Be in the spirit of the music. A point of note, you are not going to be playing sentimental blues as this music is too soft for the mind. You will need any of Jazz, country side, regae, hip-hop, or any other appealing but energetic song or music. As you dance, you will notice some tension leaving your body, this allows for flexibility and enhances the formation of your natural curves just like your exercises. If you experience sharp pain, just stop, that will mean you have some health problem. You will only feel stress or tension that these dancing movements bring.
As you dance, be absorbed in the music, flow with it, discover the hidden potential that lies in this powerful yet effective way of reaching a stunning physique.
Joe Okoro Writes About Muscle Sculpting, Fitness and Body building. Get his Detailed Free Report on Body Building Here:
Health, Fitness and Music
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy.
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