Here are some easy to follow tips to help you enjoy your food and still keep off the weight:
• Set Goals
Set goals on how much weight you want to lose. Once you decide on how much weight you want to lose and still be healthy - (For instance you can decide to lose a to2 pounds every month) - follow some safe weight loss plans. Some important strategies for a safe and healthy weight loss are listed below
• Watch what you eat – As the saying goes ‘you are what you eat’. Eat whatever you enjoy but in moderation. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables provide many essential vitamins and minerals that our body need. Higher intakes of fruits and vegetables are associated with healthier lives including lower risks of cancer and coronary heart disease. Follow the “5 a Day for Better Health”. A word of caution – some fruits contain a lot of sugars and may not be good for some people. Contact your dietician for the types that are suitable for safe weight loss.
• Eat slowly - Eating slowly helps you to enjoy, taste and smell your food. It improves your digestion as it gives your stomach more time to start working on the food. Helps you lose weight because it takes your stomach about 20 minutes to produce the hormones that tell your brain that you are full. If you slow down, you give yourself more time to feel full and this gives you a better chance of stopping before you ‘overeat’. I have started eating slowly and have found out that I eat less than I would normally do - so slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy your food.
• Drink a lot of filtered water - The usefulness of water to our health cannot be underestimated. It is one of the most essential elements to good health. Add some lemon and fresh peppermint to your drinking water as this makes you feel full - you are likely to eat just the right quantity of food when you feel full. If you exercise, then you need to drink a lot of water than you would usually do because a lot of water is lost during performance and this needs to be replaced.
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy.

Thursday, 31 December 2009
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Stay Healthy Over Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year's in 5 Easy Steps
Well it is nearly the end of November, and like it or not, Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year is looming on the horizon for many of us. For those of us who do not celebrate it in our homes, there are still social engagements, office parties and meals to contend with. Each year we are squeezed into making more effort, buying more presents and more food than before.
There can be weeks of December and New Year where a constant stream of drinks and nibbles if offered where ever we go, our classes and gyms are closed when we want them, and at the same time, we are expected to look fabulous and cheerful all of the time. Well I say ENOUGH! We can socialize and have fun at this time of the year without having to compromise our healthy lifestyles. Here are five ways to survive the season of gluttony;
1. Keep to your exercise schedule; it is tempting to let the dark nights, cold mornings, endless chores, shopping, and preparation get in the way of your usual exercise routine whether that is classes, gym, home routines, or walking programmes. Make sure that you mark in your diary the times that you will be exercising and stick to them as if they are an appointment with somebody special- your body deserves not to be neglected. Anyway, for once the gym will be empty and you can stay on the running machine for as long as you like!
2. Stick to your healthy eating plan; just because the supermarket shelves are groaning under the weight of Belgian chocolates and bumper packets of Pringles doesn’t mean you HAVE to buy them. Ignore the special offers; don’t buy 3 of something you would never usually buy just because it is festive, and NEVER walk through the Christmas food section! Keep your cupboards stuffed with healthy things. Don’t forget that this is the best time of the year for citrus, so if you want something Christmassy then buy a huge pack of satsumas or clementines.
3. Watch out for what you drink. There may be parties, drinks after work, meals out, and social visits; for many people this will involve drinking more alcohol/mixers/soft drinks than usual. As we have discussed before, these drinks may have a detrimental effect on our weekly calorie intake.
• Make sure that you eat before you go out drinking- hunger can lead to drinking too much too quickly. • Make your first drink a sparkling mineral water- this ensures that thirst doesn’t make you gulp your drink down. • Match each alcoholic drink for a glass of water to stay hydrated and ensure that you don’t drink too much. • If you do not drink, still watch out for soft drinks which are high in calories. Mix fruit juice with sparkling water, or drink water with a slice of lemon or lime. • Choose a spirit such as vodka and drink with plenty of fresh fruit juice or cranberry. Drink white wine spritzers, or make a luxury Bucks Fizz with good quality fresh orange juice and sparkling wine.
4. Watch out for what you eat; here are some ideas for healthier alternatives to party snacks:
Swap Belgian chocs for Dark Chocolate-covered Brazil nuts (rich in selenium and other antioxidants).
Swap Peanuts for Unsalted seed and nut mix: almonds, brazils, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, soya nuts, hazelnuts- all rich in essential fatty acids. These will do you good, but don’t go mad, even good fats will contribute to weight gain in excess.
Swap Crisps (aprox 33% fat)for Japanese rice crackers (often almost fat free), salted pretzels 3% fat or less (not the flavoured ones).
Swap Little pastry snacks (mini-quiches, vol-au-vents, cheese straws etc) for Margarita Mini-pizzas, blinis/mini oat cakes with smoked salmon and half-fat cream cheese, bread sticks.
Swap Crisps with dips (sour cream and chive, blue cheese etc)for hummus or low-fat yoghurt with onion and herbs. Make vegetable batons or bread sticks for dipping. Avoid creamy and cheesy dips,
5. Enjoy yourself, have little bits of what you want, but EXERCISE RESTRAINT. You do not have to go crazy just because everyone else is. You will feel much better going to bed without that horrible stretched feeling in your belly. Try serving or choosing green salad or vegetable soup before the main meal to suppress your appetite and discourage over eating. Buy small amounts of quality treats rather than the huge bags and boxes of special offer stuff. If it is there in huge quantities, you can bet you will eat in huge quantities.
Well you may scream Bah Humbug at me, but I know how hard this time of the year can be for people; hopefully by keeping ourselves in check and searching for healthy alternatives, we can all emerge in January still healthy, fit and happier than the people who bought the bumper packs of Pringles.
Do you have any friends and family who could benefit from getting fitter and feeling better? If you do, then treat them to free copy of this newsletter, forward it to them, and get them to e-mail me with a request. E-mail subject: newsletter request. Would you like to bring health into the workplace? Get fitter now offers a corporate package, including yoga classes/courses, Nutrition seminars, conference breaks, Company Wellness days and Healthy Friday a monthly wellness event. Please visit
There can be weeks of December and New Year where a constant stream of drinks and nibbles if offered where ever we go, our classes and gyms are closed when we want them, and at the same time, we are expected to look fabulous and cheerful all of the time. Well I say ENOUGH! We can socialize and have fun at this time of the year without having to compromise our healthy lifestyles. Here are five ways to survive the season of gluttony;
1. Keep to your exercise schedule; it is tempting to let the dark nights, cold mornings, endless chores, shopping, and preparation get in the way of your usual exercise routine whether that is classes, gym, home routines, or walking programmes. Make sure that you mark in your diary the times that you will be exercising and stick to them as if they are an appointment with somebody special- your body deserves not to be neglected. Anyway, for once the gym will be empty and you can stay on the running machine for as long as you like!
2. Stick to your healthy eating plan; just because the supermarket shelves are groaning under the weight of Belgian chocolates and bumper packets of Pringles doesn’t mean you HAVE to buy them. Ignore the special offers; don’t buy 3 of something you would never usually buy just because it is festive, and NEVER walk through the Christmas food section! Keep your cupboards stuffed with healthy things. Don’t forget that this is the best time of the year for citrus, so if you want something Christmassy then buy a huge pack of satsumas or clementines.
3. Watch out for what you drink. There may be parties, drinks after work, meals out, and social visits; for many people this will involve drinking more alcohol/mixers/soft drinks than usual. As we have discussed before, these drinks may have a detrimental effect on our weekly calorie intake.
• Make sure that you eat before you go out drinking- hunger can lead to drinking too much too quickly. • Make your first drink a sparkling mineral water- this ensures that thirst doesn’t make you gulp your drink down. • Match each alcoholic drink for a glass of water to stay hydrated and ensure that you don’t drink too much. • If you do not drink, still watch out for soft drinks which are high in calories. Mix fruit juice with sparkling water, or drink water with a slice of lemon or lime. • Choose a spirit such as vodka and drink with plenty of fresh fruit juice or cranberry. Drink white wine spritzers, or make a luxury Bucks Fizz with good quality fresh orange juice and sparkling wine.
4. Watch out for what you eat; here are some ideas for healthier alternatives to party snacks:
Swap Belgian chocs for Dark Chocolate-covered Brazil nuts (rich in selenium and other antioxidants).
Swap Peanuts for Unsalted seed and nut mix: almonds, brazils, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, soya nuts, hazelnuts- all rich in essential fatty acids. These will do you good, but don’t go mad, even good fats will contribute to weight gain in excess.
Swap Crisps (aprox 33% fat)for Japanese rice crackers (often almost fat free), salted pretzels 3% fat or less (not the flavoured ones).
Swap Little pastry snacks (mini-quiches, vol-au-vents, cheese straws etc) for Margarita Mini-pizzas, blinis/mini oat cakes with smoked salmon and half-fat cream cheese, bread sticks.
Swap Crisps with dips (sour cream and chive, blue cheese etc)for hummus or low-fat yoghurt with onion and herbs. Make vegetable batons or bread sticks for dipping. Avoid creamy and cheesy dips,
5. Enjoy yourself, have little bits of what you want, but EXERCISE RESTRAINT. You do not have to go crazy just because everyone else is. You will feel much better going to bed without that horrible stretched feeling in your belly. Try serving or choosing green salad or vegetable soup before the main meal to suppress your appetite and discourage over eating. Buy small amounts of quality treats rather than the huge bags and boxes of special offer stuff. If it is there in huge quantities, you can bet you will eat in huge quantities.
Well you may scream Bah Humbug at me, but I know how hard this time of the year can be for people; hopefully by keeping ourselves in check and searching for healthy alternatives, we can all emerge in January still healthy, fit and happier than the people who bought the bumper packs of Pringles.
Do you have any friends and family who could benefit from getting fitter and feeling better? If you do, then treat them to free copy of this newsletter, forward it to them, and get them to e-mail me with a request. E-mail subject: newsletter request. Would you like to bring health into the workplace? Get fitter now offers a corporate package, including yoga classes/courses, Nutrition seminars, conference breaks, Company Wellness days and Healthy Friday a monthly wellness event. Please visit
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
What Can I Eat For Christmas to Ease My Pain on January 1st?
Actually, you can eat anything you want 365 days a year. You heard it here first. You can eat cookies, cake, brownies, fudge, fruit salad, anything you want. That's right, you can eat all of those "bad" things, but there's just one catch. You can't eat very much.
Yay, that's good news right? You can eat anything you want, just in moderation. The problem is, most of the stuff we want to eat, is stuff we shouldn't eat. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that we all go out and stuff ourselves will all sorts of sugary delights, I'm just saying that we can have a taste of these sugary delights without contributing to the weight we will want to lose come January 1st. It's funny how there seem to be two different categories of "treat eaters."
One category of people find that they crave sugary stuff like cake, pie, and chocolate, but once they've had a bite or two, the craving subsides. The other category of people craves the stuff and when they get a taste, it's like a vampire on a blood feeding frenzy, they can't stop! So when I say you can have a taste, you have to be a category one person, you have to have a little self control and only have a bite or two. If you aren't there yet, it's honestly best for you to avoid the sugar altogether, sorry, just keeping it real.
So, How Much Can I Have?
Well, let's look at sugar like alcohol. In Texas, if you are caught driving with a Blood Alcohol (BA) level of.08% you are considered intoxicated, or over the limit. Anything leading up to that is not over the limit, but you still have the substance in your body.
Now, depending on your size, it doesn't take much to have a BA level of.08. It only takes a few drinks. Studies suggest that and average sized person can have one alcoholic drink per hour, and stay under the limit. The reason is because the alcohol is metabolized in the body over time.
Alcohol is basically sugar, and cookies, cake, brownies, fudge... are almost completely carbohydrates, and those carbs are almost all sugar. So, generally more than one drink per hour puts you over the limit, so how many bites of sugary goodness can we have?
This might be depressing, but don't let it cause you to drink. You can have about two bites of these delights without going over your limit. Notice the word bites, not mouthfuls.
So What Happens When I Go Over The Limit?
You won't get arrested for eating too much sugar, but you probably will be feeling guilty. What actually happens is, when you get a shot of roughly 20grams or more of sugar, your insulin spikes. To keep this very plain and simple, when you eat a certain amount of sugar or carbohydrates, your insulin spikes. The more sugar you consume at one time, the more dramatic the spike.
This insulin carries the sugar throughout your bloodstream and it makes two stops. It first stops at the body's muscles. If you've recently worked out, your muscles' glycogen stores are being used up, and the insulin carries the sugar to restore it. That's a good thing, but how many of us are working out and consuming cookies and other holiday treats at the same time?
If our muscles don't need the sugar, and they don't if we aren't doing any strenuous activity, then it goes on to its second stop. The second stop is FAT stores. That's right, eat, or drink too much sugar at one time and it's probably going straight to your problem areas. Think about that the next time you clean your dessert plate.
The Solution:
Eat only a few bites of the goodies. A few bites will keep your sugar level low enough that it doesn't cause a spike, and the sugar is more likely to be used as energy rather than stored as fat. Just like above, you can eat a few bites per hour, but any more, and you go over the limit.
The Reality:
Who can really eat just a few bites? We all can. We don't really like to eat all of these goodies; we just like the taste of them. New research has come out saying that on average, on the third bite of something, our taste buds become rapidly insensitive to a food. That means that only the first few bites really taste that great. Try this for yourself. I was personally surprised to find that this was the case with my favorite ice cream.
So, have a merry Christmas and eat what you want, just keep it to a bite or two per hour. Remember, the new year is only a week away, it's much easier to not eat it than to burn it off after January 1st.
Want to find out more about Building Huge Muscles, then visit Klint Newton's site on how to choose the best muscle building exercises for your body type.
Yay, that's good news right? You can eat anything you want, just in moderation. The problem is, most of the stuff we want to eat, is stuff we shouldn't eat. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that we all go out and stuff ourselves will all sorts of sugary delights, I'm just saying that we can have a taste of these sugary delights without contributing to the weight we will want to lose come January 1st. It's funny how there seem to be two different categories of "treat eaters."
One category of people find that they crave sugary stuff like cake, pie, and chocolate, but once they've had a bite or two, the craving subsides. The other category of people craves the stuff and when they get a taste, it's like a vampire on a blood feeding frenzy, they can't stop! So when I say you can have a taste, you have to be a category one person, you have to have a little self control and only have a bite or two. If you aren't there yet, it's honestly best for you to avoid the sugar altogether, sorry, just keeping it real.
So, How Much Can I Have?
Well, let's look at sugar like alcohol. In Texas, if you are caught driving with a Blood Alcohol (BA) level of.08% you are considered intoxicated, or over the limit. Anything leading up to that is not over the limit, but you still have the substance in your body.
Now, depending on your size, it doesn't take much to have a BA level of.08. It only takes a few drinks. Studies suggest that and average sized person can have one alcoholic drink per hour, and stay under the limit. The reason is because the alcohol is metabolized in the body over time.
Alcohol is basically sugar, and cookies, cake, brownies, fudge... are almost completely carbohydrates, and those carbs are almost all sugar. So, generally more than one drink per hour puts you over the limit, so how many bites of sugary goodness can we have?
This might be depressing, but don't let it cause you to drink. You can have about two bites of these delights without going over your limit. Notice the word bites, not mouthfuls.
So What Happens When I Go Over The Limit?
You won't get arrested for eating too much sugar, but you probably will be feeling guilty. What actually happens is, when you get a shot of roughly 20grams or more of sugar, your insulin spikes. To keep this very plain and simple, when you eat a certain amount of sugar or carbohydrates, your insulin spikes. The more sugar you consume at one time, the more dramatic the spike.
This insulin carries the sugar throughout your bloodstream and it makes two stops. It first stops at the body's muscles. If you've recently worked out, your muscles' glycogen stores are being used up, and the insulin carries the sugar to restore it. That's a good thing, but how many of us are working out and consuming cookies and other holiday treats at the same time?
If our muscles don't need the sugar, and they don't if we aren't doing any strenuous activity, then it goes on to its second stop. The second stop is FAT stores. That's right, eat, or drink too much sugar at one time and it's probably going straight to your problem areas. Think about that the next time you clean your dessert plate.
The Solution:
Eat only a few bites of the goodies. A few bites will keep your sugar level low enough that it doesn't cause a spike, and the sugar is more likely to be used as energy rather than stored as fat. Just like above, you can eat a few bites per hour, but any more, and you go over the limit.
The Reality:
Who can really eat just a few bites? We all can. We don't really like to eat all of these goodies; we just like the taste of them. New research has come out saying that on average, on the third bite of something, our taste buds become rapidly insensitive to a food. That means that only the first few bites really taste that great. Try this for yourself. I was personally surprised to find that this was the case with my favorite ice cream.
So, have a merry Christmas and eat what you want, just keep it to a bite or two per hour. Remember, the new year is only a week away, it's much easier to not eat it than to burn it off after January 1st.
Want to find out more about Building Huge Muscles, then visit Klint Newton's site on how to choose the best muscle building exercises for your body type.
Monday, 21 December 2009
Tips For Healthy Living - Little Things That Make Life Happy and Healthy
The benefits of living a healthy life are pretty obvious. It makes you stay physically active and you don't easily get sick. If you are healthy and active, you can do all the things you want to do. That's why most people are doing everything they can just to achieve a healthy life.
The most common tips for healthy living include doing regular fitness workouts, eating healthy foods, and practicing a healthy lifestyle.
For fitness workouts, you can also perform simple exercises at home or in the office if you don't have time to go to the gym. Simple activities like walking, running, swimming, or dancing are best form of exercises that can be done at home. But if you are serious about getting physically fit and if you have enough time and budget to do it, gym membership is the best option for you.
When it comes to healthy eating, nothing can be healthier than eating vegetables, fresh fruits and plenty of pure water. A healthy eating habit means avoiding heavy dinners, junk foods, and plenty of sweets and fatty foods. To avoid taking unhealthy snacks, it is advisable that you eat complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and protein-rich foods during meals. Other healthy foods that you can take are nuts like cashews, almonds, and walnuts. Drinking a cup of herbal tea instead of coffee is also a healthy option.
To practice a healthy lifestyle is about stopping unhealthy vices like smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
Other helpful tips for healthy living that you can consider include purifying the air in your own homes, taking vitamins and health supplements, and losing weight if necessary.
In addition to the several tips for healthy living mentioned above, having a healthy and safe environment is also a must in order to live a healthy life. You can make your environment healthy by knowing the right place where to put the toxic waste and chemicals.
For parents, you have an added responsibility in taking care for the wellness and healthy life of your children aside from your own physical health and well-being.
Health care is also a very important part of living a healthy life. This covers regular medical checkups and screenings. It will help you reduce your spending on health care if a health problem is treated earlier. However, if you are already sick and in need of medication, you can ask your physician on switching to cheaper yet effective alternatives.
All these tips for healthy living will only become effective if you religiously follow them with all your heart. Remember, all the benefits you will get from these are also for your own good. You are primarily responsible for your own life. If you want a healthy and active life, no one else can help you achieve it without you helping yourself first. Your doctor, gym instructor, family, friends, or neighbors can help you live a healthy life but without your personal desire and commitment to achieving it, everything else will fail. Always put in your mind that living a healthy life will lead you to living a happy, fulfilling and satisfying life.
Carolyn Anderson loves to share great resources to live a healthy and happy life. To learn about what you can do to have a healthy life, check out these rituals to healthy living. Also check out Think Right Now, a set of programs to help you improve any area of your life by changing the way you think, feel and act.
The most common tips for healthy living include doing regular fitness workouts, eating healthy foods, and practicing a healthy lifestyle.
For fitness workouts, you can also perform simple exercises at home or in the office if you don't have time to go to the gym. Simple activities like walking, running, swimming, or dancing are best form of exercises that can be done at home. But if you are serious about getting physically fit and if you have enough time and budget to do it, gym membership is the best option for you.
When it comes to healthy eating, nothing can be healthier than eating vegetables, fresh fruits and plenty of pure water. A healthy eating habit means avoiding heavy dinners, junk foods, and plenty of sweets and fatty foods. To avoid taking unhealthy snacks, it is advisable that you eat complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and protein-rich foods during meals. Other healthy foods that you can take are nuts like cashews, almonds, and walnuts. Drinking a cup of herbal tea instead of coffee is also a healthy option.
To practice a healthy lifestyle is about stopping unhealthy vices like smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
Other helpful tips for healthy living that you can consider include purifying the air in your own homes, taking vitamins and health supplements, and losing weight if necessary.
In addition to the several tips for healthy living mentioned above, having a healthy and safe environment is also a must in order to live a healthy life. You can make your environment healthy by knowing the right place where to put the toxic waste and chemicals.
For parents, you have an added responsibility in taking care for the wellness and healthy life of your children aside from your own physical health and well-being.
Health care is also a very important part of living a healthy life. This covers regular medical checkups and screenings. It will help you reduce your spending on health care if a health problem is treated earlier. However, if you are already sick and in need of medication, you can ask your physician on switching to cheaper yet effective alternatives.
All these tips for healthy living will only become effective if you religiously follow them with all your heart. Remember, all the benefits you will get from these are also for your own good. You are primarily responsible for your own life. If you want a healthy and active life, no one else can help you achieve it without you helping yourself first. Your doctor, gym instructor, family, friends, or neighbors can help you live a healthy life but without your personal desire and commitment to achieving it, everything else will fail. Always put in your mind that living a healthy life will lead you to living a happy, fulfilling and satisfying life.
Carolyn Anderson loves to share great resources to live a healthy and happy life. To learn about what you can do to have a healthy life, check out these rituals to healthy living. Also check out Think Right Now, a set of programs to help you improve any area of your life by changing the way you think, feel and act.
Friday, 18 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Choosing a Positive Attitude For Good Health
Good health is difficult to define, but it is certainly more than just the absence of disease. It reflects, rather, a combination of mental, social, physical and spiritual well-being, ALL of which is strongly influenced by lifestyle.
Are YOU tired of feeling sick, sick and tired of being sick, or always feeling miserable and depressed? Are you tired of being overweight? Is your self esteem at an all-time low? If you answered YES to any of the questions, then take heart! It is no secret that a good, POSITIVE attitude can change any situation, no matter how desperate.
Remember that the benefits of keeping a positive outlook on life are many. Research has shown that positive thinking has been known to boost the immune system, which in turn increases the body's ability to fight off diseases and infections. Develop a PASSION for living an all-round healthy lifestyle. Never accept mediocrity when it comes to your health! Always be pro-active.
If being overweight is getting you down, make a plan to get your WEIGHT down. Set attainable goals...take it slow... don't get despondent! You didn't gain the weight overnight, and nor will you lose it overnight. Find out how to WAKE UP your metabolism, and light the natural fire in your body! Pay attention to regular exercise. Create a new life-culture, based on a firm foundation of healthy eating habits. Consider that you have nothing to lose, except excess, unwelcome...FAT! What you will GAIN is more self-confidence and better all-round health.
The word "diet" is derived from the Greek "diata" which means "way of life." So it stands to reason that if you change your diet, you WILL change your life!
NOW is the time to take responsibility for your own physical and emotional health. Opt for natural remedies wherever possible. Make it your business to find out which supplements are best suited for you.
Don't let any disease sneak up on you! Get good, sound nutritional advice. Many ailments respond well to natural remedies. But if you are in any doubt about anything, always consult a Qualified Health Practioner.
For information on the OPTIMAL-HEALTHYLIFE-CLUB, sign on to or mail Hayley at
Are YOU tired of feeling sick, sick and tired of being sick, or always feeling miserable and depressed? Are you tired of being overweight? Is your self esteem at an all-time low? If you answered YES to any of the questions, then take heart! It is no secret that a good, POSITIVE attitude can change any situation, no matter how desperate.
Remember that the benefits of keeping a positive outlook on life are many. Research has shown that positive thinking has been known to boost the immune system, which in turn increases the body's ability to fight off diseases and infections. Develop a PASSION for living an all-round healthy lifestyle. Never accept mediocrity when it comes to your health! Always be pro-active.
If being overweight is getting you down, make a plan to get your WEIGHT down. Set attainable goals...take it slow... don't get despondent! You didn't gain the weight overnight, and nor will you lose it overnight. Find out how to WAKE UP your metabolism, and light the natural fire in your body! Pay attention to regular exercise. Create a new life-culture, based on a firm foundation of healthy eating habits. Consider that you have nothing to lose, except excess, unwelcome...FAT! What you will GAIN is more self-confidence and better all-round health.
The word "diet" is derived from the Greek "diata" which means "way of life." So it stands to reason that if you change your diet, you WILL change your life!
NOW is the time to take responsibility for your own physical and emotional health. Opt for natural remedies wherever possible. Make it your business to find out which supplements are best suited for you.
Don't let any disease sneak up on you! Get good, sound nutritional advice. Many ailments respond well to natural remedies. But if you are in any doubt about anything, always consult a Qualified Health Practioner.
For information on the OPTIMAL-HEALTHYLIFE-CLUB, sign on to or mail Hayley at
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Natural Health Solutions
Natural health solutions may be your alternative to a prescription drugs. Personally if one does go down the natural health road it will greatly benefit them for the long term. I think we may rely on prescription drugs a bit too much these days and ceratin natural health solutions can work just as effectively. I also understand sometimes people need to be on medications in order to function properly. We don't have to choose just one method of living, either prescription drugs or natural health solutions, it's not that black and white. If we combine natural treatments with medications, making sure they don't conflict with each other, we can live long more productive lives.
There is a pill for everything now but there are natural health solutions that require just some research and going to the local grocery store. I'm looking for the natural treatments more often then I use to instead of just popping a pill for everything. Medications are very expensive also compared to natural treatments which can be a fraction of the cost.
You don't have to cut out the medications cold turkey but I would suggest looking to other natural treatments for what ails you. A simple example would be when you have a cough and instead of taking cough medicine try drinking tea with some honey in it and that should help soothe your throat, things like that.
We get out what we put into our bodies and natural health solutions should be something you highly consider investing time and research in.
Looking for the best, online Natural Health Solutions? CLICK HERE
There is a pill for everything now but there are natural health solutions that require just some research and going to the local grocery store. I'm looking for the natural treatments more often then I use to instead of just popping a pill for everything. Medications are very expensive also compared to natural treatments which can be a fraction of the cost.
You don't have to cut out the medications cold turkey but I would suggest looking to other natural treatments for what ails you. A simple example would be when you have a cough and instead of taking cough medicine try drinking tea with some honey in it and that should help soothe your throat, things like that.
We get out what we put into our bodies and natural health solutions should be something you highly consider investing time and research in.
Looking for the best, online Natural Health Solutions? CLICK HERE
Monday, 14 December 2009
Good Health and Weight Loss – The Usefulness of Water
The usefulness of water cannot be underestimated in our pursuit for good health and weight loss. These are some but few of the benefits of water:
• Promotes weight loss
• Combats cancer
• Conquers kidney stones
• Smoothes skin
Water is one of the most essential elements to good health. It is necessary for the digestion and absorption of food; helps maintain proper muscle tone; promotes weight-loss; combats cancer; supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells; rids the body of wastes; and serves as a natural air conditioning system.
Health officials emphasize the importance of drinking at least eight glasses of clean water each and every day to maintain good health.
The human body consists of 75 percent of water, and this undoubtedly makes it clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on earth. Water circulates through the human body transporting, dissolving, replenishing nutrients and organic matter while carrying away waste material. It also regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions in the body.
Research shows that the body loses 2-3 litters of water each day through elimination, urination, perspiration and respiration. The amount of water lost each day may increase during illness, high performance, exercise, pregnancy and nursing. It is worth noting that coffee, tea, alcohol, soft and sugary drinks cause the loss of water dissolved in and also draw water the body reserves.
The loss of fluid should be replaced by drinking water, possibly, pure water. Some amount of water can also be gotten from fruits, vegetables and their juices.
Failure to meet daily requirement of water intake can lead to dehydration. Some indications of dehydration are dry mouth, constipation, headaches, indigestion, weight gain (yes weight gain so if you want to keep off the weight drink - drink pure water in addition to healthy diet), fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, weakness, fluid retention, dark and pungent urine, and their associated pathologies colitis, kidney stones, bladder and urinary tract infections.
In addition to the daily maintenance of our bodies, water also plays a key role in the prevention of disease. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and it can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer.
There is therefore the need to drink water and especially filtered water because, according to recent news and reports, most tap and well water are not safe for drinking due to heavy industrial and environmental pollution. Toxic bacteria, chemicals and heavy metals routinely penetrate and pollute our natural water sources making people sick while exposing them to long term health consequences such as liver damage, cancer and other serious conditions.
A good water filtration system installed in your home is the only way to proactively monitor and ensure the quality and safety of your drinking water.
As a tip add some lemon and fresh peppermint to your drinking water – it makes you feel full.
• Promotes weight loss
• Combats cancer
• Conquers kidney stones
• Smoothes skin
Water is one of the most essential elements to good health. It is necessary for the digestion and absorption of food; helps maintain proper muscle tone; promotes weight-loss; combats cancer; supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells; rids the body of wastes; and serves as a natural air conditioning system.
Health officials emphasize the importance of drinking at least eight glasses of clean water each and every day to maintain good health.
The human body consists of 75 percent of water, and this undoubtedly makes it clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on earth. Water circulates through the human body transporting, dissolving, replenishing nutrients and organic matter while carrying away waste material. It also regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions in the body.
Research shows that the body loses 2-3 litters of water each day through elimination, urination, perspiration and respiration. The amount of water lost each day may increase during illness, high performance, exercise, pregnancy and nursing. It is worth noting that coffee, tea, alcohol, soft and sugary drinks cause the loss of water dissolved in and also draw water the body reserves.
The loss of fluid should be replaced by drinking water, possibly, pure water. Some amount of water can also be gotten from fruits, vegetables and their juices.
Failure to meet daily requirement of water intake can lead to dehydration. Some indications of dehydration are dry mouth, constipation, headaches, indigestion, weight gain (yes weight gain so if you want to keep off the weight drink - drink pure water in addition to healthy diet), fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, weakness, fluid retention, dark and pungent urine, and their associated pathologies colitis, kidney stones, bladder and urinary tract infections.
In addition to the daily maintenance of our bodies, water also plays a key role in the prevention of disease. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and it can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer.
There is therefore the need to drink water and especially filtered water because, according to recent news and reports, most tap and well water are not safe for drinking due to heavy industrial and environmental pollution. Toxic bacteria, chemicals and heavy metals routinely penetrate and pollute our natural water sources making people sick while exposing them to long term health consequences such as liver damage, cancer and other serious conditions.
A good water filtration system installed in your home is the only way to proactively monitor and ensure the quality and safety of your drinking water.
As a tip add some lemon and fresh peppermint to your drinking water – it makes you feel full.
Effective Ways of Dealing With Your Hair Loss Problem
Today, 'Looks' is considered as one of the most important factors around the world and people do spend more and more in order to maintain their symbol. One of the most common problems faced by different people nowadays is hair loss which must be considered seriously. There are numerous products related to hair loss in the market, but still any one cannot prove to be a single effective solution for all. Some products may be suitable for few individuals, but may not suit others as well. Very often, you may use some external products for your hair loss treatment, but in reality, the solution may be different. It is very important that you cure this problem through its root and your doctor may guide you to this process successfully. There may be different causes which can affect your hair, so its better to have a consultation with your physician before taking any decision yourself.
You may find that your doctor insists you to change your diet style, food habits, lifestyle, etc. which in return helps you find a better cure solution for your problem. So it is very important that you find out the exact cause for your hair loss problem. So before you directly start any treatment, it is advisable that you take as much information as much you can, in order to have a proper treatment.
If you are provided with particular medication, then it is important that you check what it contains. Usually Herbal Products are safe sided and they do not have any negative effects on any other of your body parts. In the similar context, even home remedies also prove better results to your hair loss problem. You can also discuss your hair loss problem with your colleagues, friends or relatives who have suffered the similar problems, which might help you discover optional remedies that have already proved to be effective. You may even take equal initiative to find the better solutions through online search and even compare different products and their ratings. But before deciding any remedial action, do consider about the side effects of the same, because it may affect your health on the long run. So, it is always advisable that you do extensive research about different products and about your body type which will always be useful for you to find a better solution suitable to you.
It is also important that you first start off with simple yet common solutions like changing your shampoo, hair oil, etc before you take course of direct external treatments like hair grafting, etc. Other Clinical methods like surgery, transplantation, etc may be too costly and risky, so it is always better to start with easier options which might be the solution to your hair loss problem.
You may find that your doctor insists you to change your diet style, food habits, lifestyle, etc. which in return helps you find a better cure solution for your problem. So it is very important that you find out the exact cause for your hair loss problem. So before you directly start any treatment, it is advisable that you take as much information as much you can, in order to have a proper treatment.
If you are provided with particular medication, then it is important that you check what it contains. Usually Herbal Products are safe sided and they do not have any negative effects on any other of your body parts. In the similar context, even home remedies also prove better results to your hair loss problem. You can also discuss your hair loss problem with your colleagues, friends or relatives who have suffered the similar problems, which might help you discover optional remedies that have already proved to be effective. You may even take equal initiative to find the better solutions through online search and even compare different products and their ratings. But before deciding any remedial action, do consider about the side effects of the same, because it may affect your health on the long run. So, it is always advisable that you do extensive research about different products and about your body type which will always be useful for you to find a better solution suitable to you.
It is also important that you first start off with simple yet common solutions like changing your shampoo, hair oil, etc before you take course of direct external treatments like hair grafting, etc. Other Clinical methods like surgery, transplantation, etc may be too costly and risky, so it is always better to start with easier options which might be the solution to your hair loss problem.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Vitamins and Foods For Heart Health; Grapes or Apple Cider?
People have lots of interesting questions about vitamins and foods for heart health. We have received questions about grapes and heart health, apple cider vinegar and heart health and many others. We thought that we could probably cover grapes and apple cider vinegar in this article and we will have more coming soon.
It is not surprising that people are interested in what are the best vitamins and foods for heart health. The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. We cannot live without it and when disease strikes the heart, the results are serious. Much research has been down about the importance of vitamins and foods for heart health. There are many, many healthy foods, many not so healthy foods and some foods that you should avoid entirely. Here, though, because of specific questions that people have about grapes and heart health, as well as, apple cider vinegar and heart health, we are focusing on these two foods. Apple cider vinegar might be thought of as more of a condiment than a food, but the source is the apple, a very healthy food, for the heart and the rest of the body as well.
Let’s start with grapes. Grapes come in a variety of colors, can be eaten raw and are used to make wines, juices, jams and jellies. Research concerning grapes and heart health began when the French Paradox was discovered. Researchers found that the typical diet in France was high in animal fat, but the incidence of heart disease was lower than that of other Western countries. Red wine consumption is believed to be the answer to the paradox.
However, it is not safe to assume that drinking red wine will counteract the affects of the typical American diet, which contains way too much fat in general and way too much animal fat, specifically. Diet and fitness experts agree on very little, but most agree that no more than 30% of the calories consumed per day should come from fat, regardless of the “type” of fat. In the healthiest diet for the heart, and in general, fat should come from fish, nuts, olives and other plant sources.
But, back to grapes and heart health. A compound known as resveratrol is believed to help lower cholesterol levels, slowing the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries. Grapes contain resveratrol. Red wine contains resveratrol, but white does not, because the skins are not used during the fermenting process. For the same reason, grape juice is not a source of resveratrol. The compound is found in the skins of the grapes, so eating them raw works, but processing for foods (such as jelly) that does not include the skin does not provide the same benefit. Some of the better daily health supplements now contain resveratrol.
As opposed to many recommended vitamins and foods for heart health, the subject of apple cider vinegar and heart health is controversial. Over the years, apple cider vinegar has been used as a remedy for everything from sunburn to pneumonia. The validity of these uses is questionable. The two uses supported by scientific research are weight and blood sugar control. Either of these could establish a possible relationship between apple cider vinegar and heart health, since uncontrolled type II or adult onset diabetes and obesity are both risk factors for heart disease.
The relevant studies indicate that two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a meal can reduce appetite, cause a feeling of fullness and reduce the glycemic index of the food being eaten. Starchy carbs, like potatoes, pasta and rice have a high glycemic index and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. None of these studies focused on apple cider vinegar and heart health. There is no evidence that apple cider vinegar reduces or prevents cardiovascular disease. It is likely that apples are better for you, because of the vitamin and fiber content.
To learn more about vitamins and foods for heart health and new supplements that can lower cholesterol and prevent build up in the arteries, please visit Heart Health Diet
It is not surprising that people are interested in what are the best vitamins and foods for heart health. The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. We cannot live without it and when disease strikes the heart, the results are serious. Much research has been down about the importance of vitamins and foods for heart health. There are many, many healthy foods, many not so healthy foods and some foods that you should avoid entirely. Here, though, because of specific questions that people have about grapes and heart health, as well as, apple cider vinegar and heart health, we are focusing on these two foods. Apple cider vinegar might be thought of as more of a condiment than a food, but the source is the apple, a very healthy food, for the heart and the rest of the body as well.
Let’s start with grapes. Grapes come in a variety of colors, can be eaten raw and are used to make wines, juices, jams and jellies. Research concerning grapes and heart health began when the French Paradox was discovered. Researchers found that the typical diet in France was high in animal fat, but the incidence of heart disease was lower than that of other Western countries. Red wine consumption is believed to be the answer to the paradox.
However, it is not safe to assume that drinking red wine will counteract the affects of the typical American diet, which contains way too much fat in general and way too much animal fat, specifically. Diet and fitness experts agree on very little, but most agree that no more than 30% of the calories consumed per day should come from fat, regardless of the “type” of fat. In the healthiest diet for the heart, and in general, fat should come from fish, nuts, olives and other plant sources.
But, back to grapes and heart health. A compound known as resveratrol is believed to help lower cholesterol levels, slowing the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries. Grapes contain resveratrol. Red wine contains resveratrol, but white does not, because the skins are not used during the fermenting process. For the same reason, grape juice is not a source of resveratrol. The compound is found in the skins of the grapes, so eating them raw works, but processing for foods (such as jelly) that does not include the skin does not provide the same benefit. Some of the better daily health supplements now contain resveratrol.
As opposed to many recommended vitamins and foods for heart health, the subject of apple cider vinegar and heart health is controversial. Over the years, apple cider vinegar has been used as a remedy for everything from sunburn to pneumonia. The validity of these uses is questionable. The two uses supported by scientific research are weight and blood sugar control. Either of these could establish a possible relationship between apple cider vinegar and heart health, since uncontrolled type II or adult onset diabetes and obesity are both risk factors for heart disease.
The relevant studies indicate that two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a meal can reduce appetite, cause a feeling of fullness and reduce the glycemic index of the food being eaten. Starchy carbs, like potatoes, pasta and rice have a high glycemic index and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. None of these studies focused on apple cider vinegar and heart health. There is no evidence that apple cider vinegar reduces or prevents cardiovascular disease. It is likely that apples are better for you, because of the vitamin and fiber content.
To learn more about vitamins and foods for heart health and new supplements that can lower cholesterol and prevent build up in the arteries, please visit Heart Health Diet
Friday, 11 December 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
The Importance Of Healthy Bones and Joints
Enjoying life is not always about having a lot of fame and fortune. It is also about living a healthy and pain free life with having strong bones and joints. Having strong bones and joints is important in this day and age.By having healthy bones and joints,it is easier to simply get around and complete movements that you rely on every day for work or taking care of your family.
Have you ever tried to walk up a flight of stairs and almost took a tumble because it felt like you knee and joints couldn't support your weight? Maybe you felt like your job was getting harder and harder to perform because of the pain around the knee,finger and elbows wouldn't allow you to do certain things that your job requires. If you can relate to any one of these painful situations,you may suffer from having unhealthy joints and bones.
I am a former bodybuilder and weight trainer. I experienced joint problems at a young age. While participating in the bodybuilding sport,It was all about lifting heavy weight. I later found out from having joint problems,the sport was not worth the pain. There are a couple of ways to protect your joints. You should avoid lifting alot of heavy objects along with wearing some type of brace that will protect the joints.
Having strong joints and bones is important in this day and age. By having healthy joints,it is easier to simply get around and complete movements that you rely on every day for work or taking care of your family. Just because we age does not mean that we have to sacrifice comfort,strong bone and joints. There is a tremendous amount of research,which points to certain nutrients that help nutritionally support your body along with your joints. To learn more,visit
Have you ever tried to walk up a flight of stairs and almost took a tumble because it felt like you knee and joints couldn't support your weight? Maybe you felt like your job was getting harder and harder to perform because of the pain around the knee,finger and elbows wouldn't allow you to do certain things that your job requires. If you can relate to any one of these painful situations,you may suffer from having unhealthy joints and bones.
I am a former bodybuilder and weight trainer. I experienced joint problems at a young age. While participating in the bodybuilding sport,It was all about lifting heavy weight. I later found out from having joint problems,the sport was not worth the pain. There are a couple of ways to protect your joints. You should avoid lifting alot of heavy objects along with wearing some type of brace that will protect the joints.
Having strong joints and bones is important in this day and age. By having healthy joints,it is easier to simply get around and complete movements that you rely on every day for work or taking care of your family. Just because we age does not mean that we have to sacrifice comfort,strong bone and joints. There is a tremendous amount of research,which points to certain nutrients that help nutritionally support your body along with your joints. To learn more,visit
How To Get a Healty Skin With Acne Treatment
Acne is the most common skin disease worldwide. It is common on the back, chest, shoulders, and even buttocks of many people in their teens and twenties. In fact, it is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions commonly called pimples. Acne is a universal skin disease which manifests in all genders, ages, and races. Fortunately, acne is treatable and can be resolved.
Most people do not have any problem in recognizing acne. In the simplest terms, the direct cause for problem skin is blocked oil ducts and pores in the skin. The biggest problem: Many adults dry out their skin with use of oil-stripping products or excessive washing. To effectively deal with any problem, you must first understand and eliminate the root cause of the problem. Wash problem areas twice daily with a nonmedicated soap or mild cleanser. If the problem is severe, then oral antibiotics may be needed along with topical applications.
Is clear, healthy skin important to you. Diseases of the skin are a common occurrence. It's very important to be taking care of that skin these days. For someone with oily skin, the best thing to do is to take measures to keep pores from getting clogged and forming acne lesions. Do protect your skin by wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunburns if you currently have acne. This is one of the key factors behind many skin disorders including acne. To normalize functioning of problematic skin it is necessary to use acne products. Here are some tips for keeping your skin acne free.
*Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne.
*Don't pop pimples. It's tempting, but here's why you shouldn't: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring.
*Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like the telephone receiver.
*If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.
*If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes, which don't allow skin to breathe and may cause irritation.
*Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.
*Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.
*Protect your skin from the sun. It may seem like a tan masks acne, but it's only temporary.
We know more today than ever before about the treatment of acne. Fortunately effective treatment is available for acne of all severity. No treatment will completely 'cure' your acne. It’s a known fact that an effective acne treatment can prevent emotional and physical scarring. The main aim of an acne treatment is to prevent new spots appearing on the skin. Remember that it can take 3-6 weeks to see any improvement after beginning an acne treatment.
Myth #1 is that acne is caused by poor hygiene. While acne is not caused by dirty skin, it can be aggravated by grease in the skin. Fortunately it is not a serious health threat, but it can cause scars. Acne is not a skin disease, it is a skin manifestation of changes that occur in the body and is caused by a blockage to the opening of the oil glands in the skin. Acne is a skin condition that every teen encounters and deal with at some point of their lives. It is a health condition and needs to be treated as such.
If you find this information useful, visit us today at:
Most people do not have any problem in recognizing acne. In the simplest terms, the direct cause for problem skin is blocked oil ducts and pores in the skin. The biggest problem: Many adults dry out their skin with use of oil-stripping products or excessive washing. To effectively deal with any problem, you must first understand and eliminate the root cause of the problem. Wash problem areas twice daily with a nonmedicated soap or mild cleanser. If the problem is severe, then oral antibiotics may be needed along with topical applications.
Is clear, healthy skin important to you. Diseases of the skin are a common occurrence. It's very important to be taking care of that skin these days. For someone with oily skin, the best thing to do is to take measures to keep pores from getting clogged and forming acne lesions. Do protect your skin by wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunburns if you currently have acne. This is one of the key factors behind many skin disorders including acne. To normalize functioning of problematic skin it is necessary to use acne products. Here are some tips for keeping your skin acne free.
*Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne.
*Don't pop pimples. It's tempting, but here's why you shouldn't: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring.
*Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like the telephone receiver.
*If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.
*If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes, which don't allow skin to breathe and may cause irritation.
*Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.
*Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.
*Protect your skin from the sun. It may seem like a tan masks acne, but it's only temporary.
We know more today than ever before about the treatment of acne. Fortunately effective treatment is available for acne of all severity. No treatment will completely 'cure' your acne. It’s a known fact that an effective acne treatment can prevent emotional and physical scarring. The main aim of an acne treatment is to prevent new spots appearing on the skin. Remember that it can take 3-6 weeks to see any improvement after beginning an acne treatment.
Myth #1 is that acne is caused by poor hygiene. While acne is not caused by dirty skin, it can be aggravated by grease in the skin. Fortunately it is not a serious health threat, but it can cause scars. Acne is not a skin disease, it is a skin manifestation of changes that occur in the body and is caused by a blockage to the opening of the oil glands in the skin. Acne is a skin condition that every teen encounters and deal with at some point of their lives. It is a health condition and needs to be treated as such.
If you find this information useful, visit us today at:
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
3 Surefire Ways to Conquer Stress and Lose Weight
If you've struggled to lose weight, you've probably blamed the typical factors - genetics, fast food, and lack of exercise. One factor that you might not have considered, however, is stress. Studies have shown that prolonged stress can actually cause you to gain weight. Unfortunately, this can create a vicious cycle - you gain weight because you feel stressed; then you experience even more anxiety because you discover you are putting on unwanted pounds. In turn, the increased anxiety causes - you guessed it - more weight gain!
It's little wonder that obesity in developed countries has reached epic proportions. The lifestyle we lead makes unhealthiness more than a possibility - it makes it a near certainty! Take a look around you - what tasks are you responsible for every day? You probably have a full time job, kids to drive around, friendhips to maintain, and social obligations to keep. On top of that, you have to keep the house clean, the refrigerator stocked, and the clothes clean.
So what gets put at the bottom of the list? Your health! You can hardly blame yourself, considering the sheer number of roles you are required to play every day. Finding time to cook a healthy, balanced meal is nothing short of a luxury... and when there are so many packaged meals available on your grocery store shelves and so many fast food restaurants offering a quick solution to the question, "what's for dinner?", it's not hard to see why many of us keep packing on the pounds!
But your busy lifestyle doesn't make you gain weight just because of your conscious food choices, though. Did you know that stress causes your body to release a cocktail of harmful chemicals that can cause a wide range of problems? Among these is cortisol, a chemical that makes you crave sugars and simple carbohydrates.
So here's what happens... you're having a hard day, your kids are late getting ready for school, the boss is off on a tangent, and your spouse still hasn't fixed the garage door opener. So all day, you've been stressed out, and your brain has been pumping out cortisol the entire time. And when you walk in the door, what's the first thing you do to deal with your stress?
That's right - you reach for "comfort foods"! You know, those goodies like chips, cake, and cookies... the whole time, you're thinking about how you're putting on more weight, but you can't seem to control yourself.
You might not think of your favorite comfort foods as "simple carbs", but most junk foods are loaded with them! Here's the problem - your body breaks simple carbs down into sugars. So if you reach for that frosted cupcake or glazed doughnut, you're really getting a double whammy of sugar! Sure, that's what your body wants when you're stressed, but all that sugar will keep you gaining weight, no matter how much you exercise or how strongly you try to assert your willpower.
So what do you do when the little devil on your shoulder is pushing your hand into the cookie jar?
1. Smile Breathing Curbs Cravings
Take a deep smile breath and invite the angel on your other shoulder to guide you to a better choice. Practicing smile breaths helps reduce your comfort food cravings. To do: Breathe in through your nose, smile and slowly release your smile as you exhale through your mouth.
2. Practice Simple yoga.
Not the kind that makes your body yell, 'hey, what are you doing to me, I'm not designed to bend like that!' A terrific beginner yoga stretch is called heaven and earth. Reach your hands up to the ceiling and bend to the side, to the floor and keep going all the way around until you've made a complete circle. Incorporate the breathing and you have instant stress release.
3. Meditate
Meditating just 10 minutes a day can help you lose 2 dress sizes in a month because it helps you deal with stress related issues by calming your mind and helping you to stay focused on your goal.
It's little wonder that obesity in developed countries has reached epic proportions. The lifestyle we lead makes unhealthiness more than a possibility - it makes it a near certainty! Take a look around you - what tasks are you responsible for every day? You probably have a full time job, kids to drive around, friendhips to maintain, and social obligations to keep. On top of that, you have to keep the house clean, the refrigerator stocked, and the clothes clean.
So what gets put at the bottom of the list? Your health! You can hardly blame yourself, considering the sheer number of roles you are required to play every day. Finding time to cook a healthy, balanced meal is nothing short of a luxury... and when there are so many packaged meals available on your grocery store shelves and so many fast food restaurants offering a quick solution to the question, "what's for dinner?", it's not hard to see why many of us keep packing on the pounds!
But your busy lifestyle doesn't make you gain weight just because of your conscious food choices, though. Did you know that stress causes your body to release a cocktail of harmful chemicals that can cause a wide range of problems? Among these is cortisol, a chemical that makes you crave sugars and simple carbohydrates.
So here's what happens... you're having a hard day, your kids are late getting ready for school, the boss is off on a tangent, and your spouse still hasn't fixed the garage door opener. So all day, you've been stressed out, and your brain has been pumping out cortisol the entire time. And when you walk in the door, what's the first thing you do to deal with your stress?
That's right - you reach for "comfort foods"! You know, those goodies like chips, cake, and cookies... the whole time, you're thinking about how you're putting on more weight, but you can't seem to control yourself.
You might not think of your favorite comfort foods as "simple carbs", but most junk foods are loaded with them! Here's the problem - your body breaks simple carbs down into sugars. So if you reach for that frosted cupcake or glazed doughnut, you're really getting a double whammy of sugar! Sure, that's what your body wants when you're stressed, but all that sugar will keep you gaining weight, no matter how much you exercise or how strongly you try to assert your willpower.
So what do you do when the little devil on your shoulder is pushing your hand into the cookie jar?
1. Smile Breathing Curbs Cravings
Take a deep smile breath and invite the angel on your other shoulder to guide you to a better choice. Practicing smile breaths helps reduce your comfort food cravings. To do: Breathe in through your nose, smile and slowly release your smile as you exhale through your mouth.
2. Practice Simple yoga.
Not the kind that makes your body yell, 'hey, what are you doing to me, I'm not designed to bend like that!' A terrific beginner yoga stretch is called heaven and earth. Reach your hands up to the ceiling and bend to the side, to the floor and keep going all the way around until you've made a complete circle. Incorporate the breathing and you have instant stress release.
3. Meditate
Meditating just 10 minutes a day can help you lose 2 dress sizes in a month because it helps you deal with stress related issues by calming your mind and helping you to stay focused on your goal.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Principles of Healthy Living
Way back in 1946, there was a statement made by the World Health Organization "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
Now, everybody has the right to a healthy living lifestyle; a life free of diseases, illnesses and infirmities. And disease, illnesses etc. are directly caused by the violation of the principles of healthy living. The problem with people, in these hectic days is that they want a gun-shot treatment; get rid of the symptoms that is causing the disease or the illness and get along with life, make money, eat junk food and start the cycle over again. You have to forgive them for they do not know what they are doing to their bodies. When they are ill they simply go to a physician, take a pill and that's it. They do not bother to find out the real cause of their illness or disease.
Most diseases are lifestyle related and most of them can be prevented by following some of the basic principles of healthy living. These are very simple and can be abundantly had if you spend a fraction of the time in a day to look for it. They are Air, Sunlight, Rest, Exercise, Nutrition, Water, Temperance and Trust. Easily available and doesn't cost much. Practically all of them can be had free of cost and you do not even have to take the trouble of making a search for them.
Air : It is a free blessing from heaven. What we are doing all out to pollute it is a different question. But right now it is still relatively pollution free and can be had free of cost. We can live for about three weeks without food, three days without water but hardly three minutes without air. It is calculated to electrify the whole system of our bodies. A good respiration soothes the nerves; t induces sound sleep; and it stimulates the appetite and aids digestion.
Sunlight : One of nature's best of healing agents. The exposure of our skin to direct sunlight, unfiltered by the myriad of lotions and powders that are available, will help the body in producing vitamin D. In the United States of America, over 20,000 people die annually from lack of vitamin D and insufficient exposure to ultra-violet rays.
Rest : All mammals require rest for their bodies to function normally and efficiently during the daytime. And sleep is an indispensible way of getting the rest that we need. Even God needed rest. The recommended number of hours of sleep is eight.
Exercise : Every muscle in our body requires exercise or it will go into disuse and then degenerate into uselessness. Similarly, the heart is also a muscle and it also requires exercise so that it can pump the blood around your body efficiently. And exercise simulates the production of a chemical called serotonin. This serotonin makes you feel happier and less stressed. And the best exercise for healthy living is walking. If there is anything that reduces blood sugar it is walking. The benefits of waking can only be experienced if you practice it. Walking gives all round health. It is well known that exercise burns calories and burning calories makes you lose weight. For healthy living you have to lose a lot of calories. The kind of lifestyle that we live nowadays only helps to accumulate calories and not lose them. If you are overweight, exercise will help you achieve your ideal weight.
Nutrition : You are what you eat. In today's world a vegetarian diet is the best and safest diet. It goes without saying that vegetarians are 50% less likely to develop a heart disease and they have 40% of the cancer rate of non-vegetarians. It has also been found that vegetarians have a stronger immune system and are less prone to the ordinary illnesses such as flu etc. And to beat it all, vegetarians, on an average, live some 10 years longer that non-vegetarians.
Water : Another of God given gifts and just as the air that we breath we are actually going out of our way to pollute it. It may interest you to know that 97% of the water on the earth is salty and found in the oceans. Of the remaining 3%, two thirds are frozen in the polar ice caps and glaciers of the world and even the remaining is found mainly as groundwater, leaving only a small fraction above ground and in the air. And just think of the ways we are trying to pollute it that it is now become a normal activity to get water from the ground, bottle it and sell it.
That water is essential to life can be seen by the simple fact that the human body is about 60% water in males and 55% in females. Lean muscle tissue contains 75% water by weight; blood 95%; body fat 14% and even bone contains 22% water. Every day we lose about 2.5 liters of water which must be replenished to prevent dehydration. The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of water for an adult male is 3.70 liters and that for a female is 2.70 liters, that is for those above the age of 18. Water acts as a solvent, a temperature regulator, a lubricant and a means of transportation in the body.
Bathing is another activity that is required for a healthy living. A healthy skin in itself leads to a healthy body. A warm bath makes your muscles more flexible, the intellect is brightened, the mind and the body alike become invigorated and every bodily facility becomes livelier.
Temperance : This applies to all factors in our daily lives: work, sleep, food etc. Abstinence can be defined as "the act of practice of refraining". Apply this to all factors that affect our health. Temperance in diet is rewarded with mental, physical and moral vigor. It also aids in the control of our passions. We must always be in control of our bodies and not the reverse.
Trust : Worrying about our present conditions, nowadays we do not worry about the conditions of others, and worrying about our future leads to an intemperate lifestyle and not healthy living. This in turn leads to stress and stress in turn leads to cardiovascular diseases, cancers, lowered immunity and psychiatric problems. Among possible physiological mechanisms, stress may induce hypersecretion, reduce acid buffering in the digestive tracts and the stomach, impair gastroduodenal blood flow and affect healing and inflammation. Trust alienates worries; trust in others and more importantly trust in God.
Simply by following the above principles of healthy living we can lead a healthy lifestyle free from most of the diseases and illnesses that we experience these days. We can lead a normal life mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. Getting the above ingredients in all their abundance is bound to raise your well being and those around you.
For more articles visit and
Now, everybody has the right to a healthy living lifestyle; a life free of diseases, illnesses and infirmities. And disease, illnesses etc. are directly caused by the violation of the principles of healthy living. The problem with people, in these hectic days is that they want a gun-shot treatment; get rid of the symptoms that is causing the disease or the illness and get along with life, make money, eat junk food and start the cycle over again. You have to forgive them for they do not know what they are doing to their bodies. When they are ill they simply go to a physician, take a pill and that's it. They do not bother to find out the real cause of their illness or disease.
Most diseases are lifestyle related and most of them can be prevented by following some of the basic principles of healthy living. These are very simple and can be abundantly had if you spend a fraction of the time in a day to look for it. They are Air, Sunlight, Rest, Exercise, Nutrition, Water, Temperance and Trust. Easily available and doesn't cost much. Practically all of them can be had free of cost and you do not even have to take the trouble of making a search for them.
Air : It is a free blessing from heaven. What we are doing all out to pollute it is a different question. But right now it is still relatively pollution free and can be had free of cost. We can live for about three weeks without food, three days without water but hardly three minutes without air. It is calculated to electrify the whole system of our bodies. A good respiration soothes the nerves; t induces sound sleep; and it stimulates the appetite and aids digestion.
Sunlight : One of nature's best of healing agents. The exposure of our skin to direct sunlight, unfiltered by the myriad of lotions and powders that are available, will help the body in producing vitamin D. In the United States of America, over 20,000 people die annually from lack of vitamin D and insufficient exposure to ultra-violet rays.
Rest : All mammals require rest for their bodies to function normally and efficiently during the daytime. And sleep is an indispensible way of getting the rest that we need. Even God needed rest. The recommended number of hours of sleep is eight.
Exercise : Every muscle in our body requires exercise or it will go into disuse and then degenerate into uselessness. Similarly, the heart is also a muscle and it also requires exercise so that it can pump the blood around your body efficiently. And exercise simulates the production of a chemical called serotonin. This serotonin makes you feel happier and less stressed. And the best exercise for healthy living is walking. If there is anything that reduces blood sugar it is walking. The benefits of waking can only be experienced if you practice it. Walking gives all round health. It is well known that exercise burns calories and burning calories makes you lose weight. For healthy living you have to lose a lot of calories. The kind of lifestyle that we live nowadays only helps to accumulate calories and not lose them. If you are overweight, exercise will help you achieve your ideal weight.
Nutrition : You are what you eat. In today's world a vegetarian diet is the best and safest diet. It goes without saying that vegetarians are 50% less likely to develop a heart disease and they have 40% of the cancer rate of non-vegetarians. It has also been found that vegetarians have a stronger immune system and are less prone to the ordinary illnesses such as flu etc. And to beat it all, vegetarians, on an average, live some 10 years longer that non-vegetarians.
Water : Another of God given gifts and just as the air that we breath we are actually going out of our way to pollute it. It may interest you to know that 97% of the water on the earth is salty and found in the oceans. Of the remaining 3%, two thirds are frozen in the polar ice caps and glaciers of the world and even the remaining is found mainly as groundwater, leaving only a small fraction above ground and in the air. And just think of the ways we are trying to pollute it that it is now become a normal activity to get water from the ground, bottle it and sell it.
That water is essential to life can be seen by the simple fact that the human body is about 60% water in males and 55% in females. Lean muscle tissue contains 75% water by weight; blood 95%; body fat 14% and even bone contains 22% water. Every day we lose about 2.5 liters of water which must be replenished to prevent dehydration. The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of water for an adult male is 3.70 liters and that for a female is 2.70 liters, that is for those above the age of 18. Water acts as a solvent, a temperature regulator, a lubricant and a means of transportation in the body.
Bathing is another activity that is required for a healthy living. A healthy skin in itself leads to a healthy body. A warm bath makes your muscles more flexible, the intellect is brightened, the mind and the body alike become invigorated and every bodily facility becomes livelier.
Temperance : This applies to all factors in our daily lives: work, sleep, food etc. Abstinence can be defined as "the act of practice of refraining". Apply this to all factors that affect our health. Temperance in diet is rewarded with mental, physical and moral vigor. It also aids in the control of our passions. We must always be in control of our bodies and not the reverse.
Trust : Worrying about our present conditions, nowadays we do not worry about the conditions of others, and worrying about our future leads to an intemperate lifestyle and not healthy living. This in turn leads to stress and stress in turn leads to cardiovascular diseases, cancers, lowered immunity and psychiatric problems. Among possible physiological mechanisms, stress may induce hypersecretion, reduce acid buffering in the digestive tracts and the stomach, impair gastroduodenal blood flow and affect healing and inflammation. Trust alienates worries; trust in others and more importantly trust in God.
Simply by following the above principles of healthy living we can lead a healthy lifestyle free from most of the diseases and illnesses that we experience these days. We can lead a normal life mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. Getting the above ingredients in all their abundance is bound to raise your well being and those around you.
For more articles visit and
Healthy Living Probably Gives You 10 More Years
Healthy living is not only a matter of physical health - spiritual and psychological health is an essential foundation upon which we can build physical health. Learning to cope with problems better is vital for healthy daily living.
As the result have shown that people with severe mental illness die on average 10 years younger than the rest of the population based on the research of both the positive and negative effects of lifestyle if they intend on formulating valid theories about mental disorders. People with mental health problems tend to be at an increased risk of a range of physical illnesses and conditions.
Weight control and management is critical to living a healthy lifestyle. Good diet and regular exercise is the key to control your weight. But with the endless weight loss systems around, sometimes it is hard to know what to do for the best.
Having at least 5 servings of fresh fruit or vegetables every day Eating 2 portions a week of oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel or sardines. Reducing the amount of 'trans' fat in your diet.
Exercise helps burn calories, raise your metabolism, lower elevated blood sugars, increase your desire for healthy foods, and elevate your mood, but doesn't mean you have to be sporty, it just means you need a little more activity in your life.
There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving: Cycling, Dance, Football, Gym, Running, Jogging, Racket Sports, Swimming, Tai Chi, Walking, Rambling and Yoga.
To help alleviate illnesses or symptoms by using alternative medicines and health supplements will help encourage a healthier lifestyle and your well being on the whole. There are increasing numbers of people worldwide are helped by using these medicines to reach their healthy living aspirations.
Eating right, getting physically fit, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness and prevention are all apart of creating a healthy lifestyle. Start taking responsibility and making smart health choices for today and future's happiness.
For more on healthy living go to the website Healthy Living Guide.
As the result have shown that people with severe mental illness die on average 10 years younger than the rest of the population based on the research of both the positive and negative effects of lifestyle if they intend on formulating valid theories about mental disorders. People with mental health problems tend to be at an increased risk of a range of physical illnesses and conditions.
Weight control and management is critical to living a healthy lifestyle. Good diet and regular exercise is the key to control your weight. But with the endless weight loss systems around, sometimes it is hard to know what to do for the best.
Having at least 5 servings of fresh fruit or vegetables every day Eating 2 portions a week of oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel or sardines. Reducing the amount of 'trans' fat in your diet.
Exercise helps burn calories, raise your metabolism, lower elevated blood sugars, increase your desire for healthy foods, and elevate your mood, but doesn't mean you have to be sporty, it just means you need a little more activity in your life.
There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving: Cycling, Dance, Football, Gym, Running, Jogging, Racket Sports, Swimming, Tai Chi, Walking, Rambling and Yoga.
To help alleviate illnesses or symptoms by using alternative medicines and health supplements will help encourage a healthier lifestyle and your well being on the whole. There are increasing numbers of people worldwide are helped by using these medicines to reach their healthy living aspirations.
Eating right, getting physically fit, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness and prevention are all apart of creating a healthy lifestyle. Start taking responsibility and making smart health choices for today and future's happiness.
For more on healthy living go to the website Healthy Living Guide.
Your Health Solutions Are Just A Click Away
A healthy body initiates better mental conditions. Following the same one should always try and inculcate better health practices into him/her self. Since any health disorder starts from the scratch and magnifies its scope of effects in a particular duration of time it is always advisable to have a proper treatment of the particular disease at the right time to live a healthier life.
The best and easy to approach source of knowledge about the different diseases, their treatment and medicines is through online pharmacies. In an online pharmacy one can get the prescription from the experienced physicians about different physical disorders such as Allergies, Obesity, Sexual problems etc. These pharmacies allow you to have a better overview about your disease and its treatment. The online physicians who are available on these online pharmacies can help you 24 hours a day in order to let you have the best prescription about your type of disease.
A number of online drugs can be availed through these online pharmacies on discounted rates and a number of additional offers. In fact a number of online pharmacies give you the money back facility in case the treatment or the medicine does not give you good results.
One can get the best deal in terms of pricing of medicines through these online pharmacies whereby one can get up to 70% of discounts on generic medicines and 30% discount on branded medicines.
Online pharmacies are not only very famous because of them being so cost effective but also because them being so concerned about the quality of medicines they sell. Most of the medicines displayed in online pharmacies are FDA approved and hence provide the full security and easy to use instructions to their users. In fact the wide range of medicines allows the user to choose the most appropriate medication according to his requirements and his budget.
Online pharmacies are the ready to use source of information about health, medication and prescription. One can get more knowledge about a wide range of diseases, their treatment and the best medication to suit according to his/her health conditions.
A number of case studies are displayed on these online pharmacies whereby one can correlate his/her kind of a health condition with other patients as well. A lot of online support and users experiences can be read through these online pharmacies which actually act as an open forum of all those who want to remain fit and healthy always.
Daniels Charles is the editor for the website [], a highly recommended online pharmacy [] site, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on online pharmacy [], weight loss diet pills, men’s health, sexual health, and drugs like Cialis, Didrex, by latest news, personal views, and articles on erectile dysfunction related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at
The best and easy to approach source of knowledge about the different diseases, their treatment and medicines is through online pharmacies. In an online pharmacy one can get the prescription from the experienced physicians about different physical disorders such as Allergies, Obesity, Sexual problems etc. These pharmacies allow you to have a better overview about your disease and its treatment. The online physicians who are available on these online pharmacies can help you 24 hours a day in order to let you have the best prescription about your type of disease.
A number of online drugs can be availed through these online pharmacies on discounted rates and a number of additional offers. In fact a number of online pharmacies give you the money back facility in case the treatment or the medicine does not give you good results.
One can get the best deal in terms of pricing of medicines through these online pharmacies whereby one can get up to 70% of discounts on generic medicines and 30% discount on branded medicines.
Online pharmacies are not only very famous because of them being so cost effective but also because them being so concerned about the quality of medicines they sell. Most of the medicines displayed in online pharmacies are FDA approved and hence provide the full security and easy to use instructions to their users. In fact the wide range of medicines allows the user to choose the most appropriate medication according to his requirements and his budget.
Online pharmacies are the ready to use source of information about health, medication and prescription. One can get more knowledge about a wide range of diseases, their treatment and the best medication to suit according to his/her health conditions.
A number of case studies are displayed on these online pharmacies whereby one can correlate his/her kind of a health condition with other patients as well. A lot of online support and users experiences can be read through these online pharmacies which actually act as an open forum of all those who want to remain fit and healthy always.
Daniels Charles is the editor for the website [], a highly recommended online pharmacy [] site, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on online pharmacy [], weight loss diet pills, men’s health, sexual health, and drugs like Cialis, Didrex, by latest news, personal views, and articles on erectile dysfunction related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at
Monday, 7 December 2009
Choosing a Positive Attitude For Good Health
Good health is difficult to define, but it is certainly more than just the absence of disease. It reflects, rather, a combination of mental, social, physical and spiritual well-being, ALL of which is strongly influenced by lifestyle.
Are YOU tired of feeling sick, sick and tired of being sick, or always feeling miserable and depressed? Are you tired of being overweight? Is your self esteem at an all-time low? If you answered YES to any of the questions, then take heart! It is no secret that a good, POSITIVE attitude can change any situation, no matter how desperate.
Remember that the benefits of keeping a positive outlook on life are many. Research has shown that positive thinking has been known to boost the immune system, which in turn increases the body's ability to fight off diseases and infections. Develop a PASSION for living an all-round healthy lifestyle. Never accept mediocrity when it comes to your health! Always be pro-active.
If being overweight is getting you down, make a plan to get your WEIGHT down. Set attainable goals...take it slow... don't get despondent! You didn't gain the weight overnight, and nor will you lose it overnight. Find out how to WAKE UP your metabolism, and light the natural fire in your body! Pay attention to regular exercise. Create a new life-culture, based on a firm foundation of healthy eating habits. Consider that you have nothing to lose, except excess, unwelcome...FAT! What you will GAIN is more self-confidence and better all-round health.
The word "diet" is derived from the Greek "diata" which means "way of life." So it stands to reason that if you change your diet, you WILL change your life!
NOW is the time to take responsibility for your own physical and emotional health. Opt for natural remedies wherever possible. Make it your business to find out which supplements are best suited for you.
Don't let any disease sneak up on you! Get good, sound nutritional advice. Many ailments respond well to natural remedies. But if you are in any doubt about anything, always consult a Qualified Health Practioner.
Hayley James, nutritionist and lifecoach, markets her business on the internet, promoting healthy, complementary lifestyle options. For information on the OPTIMAL-HEALTHYLIFE-CLUB, sign on to her website or mail Hayley at
Are YOU tired of feeling sick, sick and tired of being sick, or always feeling miserable and depressed? Are you tired of being overweight? Is your self esteem at an all-time low? If you answered YES to any of the questions, then take heart! It is no secret that a good, POSITIVE attitude can change any situation, no matter how desperate.
Remember that the benefits of keeping a positive outlook on life are many. Research has shown that positive thinking has been known to boost the immune system, which in turn increases the body's ability to fight off diseases and infections. Develop a PASSION for living an all-round healthy lifestyle. Never accept mediocrity when it comes to your health! Always be pro-active.
If being overweight is getting you down, make a plan to get your WEIGHT down. Set attainable goals...take it slow... don't get despondent! You didn't gain the weight overnight, and nor will you lose it overnight. Find out how to WAKE UP your metabolism, and light the natural fire in your body! Pay attention to regular exercise. Create a new life-culture, based on a firm foundation of healthy eating habits. Consider that you have nothing to lose, except excess, unwelcome...FAT! What you will GAIN is more self-confidence and better all-round health.
The word "diet" is derived from the Greek "diata" which means "way of life." So it stands to reason that if you change your diet, you WILL change your life!
NOW is the time to take responsibility for your own physical and emotional health. Opt for natural remedies wherever possible. Make it your business to find out which supplements are best suited for you.
Don't let any disease sneak up on you! Get good, sound nutritional advice. Many ailments respond well to natural remedies. But if you are in any doubt about anything, always consult a Qualified Health Practioner.
Hayley James, nutritionist and lifecoach, markets her business on the internet, promoting healthy, complementary lifestyle options. For information on the OPTIMAL-HEALTHYLIFE-CLUB, sign on to her website or mail Hayley at
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Health Solutions - Heart Health - Your Heart is More Than a Pump, it is Also a Brain!
Did you know that opening your heart to heal your emotions, thoughts and physical body can help you have a healthy heart? Focusing on heart disease provides a model for addressing the lifestyle link in all the major killer diseases, such as cancer (prostate, breast, colon and lung being the most common), arthritis, HIV/Aids, diabetes and other degenerative diseases. The heart-lifestyle link is best understood and well researched, at this point in time, and the heart is after all, the place where the body, the mind, emotions and soul converge.
Up to fairly recently, heart disease was regarded as a male health challenge. This is no longer so. As more and more research also focus on women and their hearts, it has become alarmingly clear that women over 45 years of age, especially in the peri- and post menopausal period, have the same, if not higher, risk for heart disease as men.
A positive family history and symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, unproductive chronic cough, blue or painful extremities, extreme sensitivity to cold, leg ulcers, swelling of the ankles, pain over the chest, left arm or up the neck at rest or during exertion, have to be thoroughly evaluated with a complete physical examination, basic blood tests and an exertion or stress electrocardiogram. A thorough heart evaluation should form part of everybody's yearly preventative medical examination, whether or not you have symptoms or a positive history. The natural and wellness treatment options are aimed at improving energy metabolism inside the heart's cells, as well as blood supply to the heart, while simultaneously facilitating the release and surrender of blocked emotional and mental energy.
As one patient who participated in the world renowned Heart Disease Reversal Programme lead by physician, Dr Dean Ornish, said: 'Even if the tests showed my arteries hadn't opened up (which they did!), I would still follow this program, because I've opened up!'
Hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol and cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) disease risk factors
Major well-known risk factors for cardiovascular disease:
Elevated cholesterol levels
High blood pressure
Physical inactivity
High stress / distress
Positive family history
Other very important, lesser known risk factors:
Low antioxidant status
Low levels of essential fatty acids
Low levels of magnesium and potassium
Increased platelet aggregation (stickiness)
Increased fibrinogen formation
Elevated levels of homocystein
Stress associated with the type A personality, worry, anxiety
Heart facts
Research shows that the heart does have an effect on our health and happiness:
- If, for instance, you focus on or visualise feelings of love, peace and gratitude, your breathing and heart rate slow down, and become synchronised and harmonious.
- Meditation has a similar effect.
Feelings of love also have a positive influence on the immune system, hormones and cognitive brain function.
Heart research
More and more research studies show the link between the heart, the emotions, stress and the fact that the heart also functions as brain:
'The abyss between the emotions and physiology narrowed in 2005 as researchers discovered that emotional stress can indeed, produce symptoms of a heart attack. Although the research team concluded that the mechanism remains unknown regarding reversible left ventricular dysfunction precipitated by emotional stress, it was suggested that stress hormones might temporarily overwhelm heart cells. Nicknamed the 'Broken Heart Syndrome', the cause might best be described as 'adrenalin poisoning'.
- Wittstein, L. Neurohumoral Features of Myocardial Stunning Due to Sudden Emotional Stress. New England Journal of Medicine. 352(6): 539-548, 2005
Heart as brain (information published in 2006/2007):
The heart has receptor sites for, and manufacture, peptides that are identical to the neurotransmitter message carrier molecules inside the brain. It is now crystal clear that the heart is a very important endocrine gland, making and releasing the major hormone, ANF (atrial natriuretic factor). ANF has a profound effect on the brain's limbic structure and function. The limbic system is the seat of the emotions and stress survival reaction, and is also called the emotional brain. The limbic system includes the hippocampus where the memory, learning and control centres for the entire hormonal system resides. 60-65% of heart cells are neurons (nervous system cells), and not muscle cells as previously believed. These neurons are identical to brain neurons. 50% of the heart neuron cells translate information from the whole body to keep it functioning as a harmonious whole. The other 50% have a direct, unmediated neural connection with the emotional brain inside the head, with a 24/7 heart-brain-heart dialogue we are completely unconscious of. The heart is a powerful electromagnetic generator that creates an electromagnetic field that encompasses body and extends 3-5 meters away from it. One can actually take an ECG (electro cardiogram) reading 1 meter away from the body, with no wires attached! This electromagnetic field has a profound effect on the brain, furnishing radio wave pattern from which the brain draws material to create an internal experience of the world. Ultimately everything in our lives depends on our emotional (i.e. feeling) response to events.
Stress accelerates your heart rate through secretion of the adrenal stress hormones adrenalin, noradrenalin and the long term stress hormone cortisol. Stress is initially experienced as emotions or feelings within the limbic system of the brain. ANF influences not only the heart muscle contraction, pressure in blood vessels and kidneys, but also the mood-influencing adrenal glands, as well as the brain. In the brain, parasympathetic or sympathetic impulses coming from the heart help trigger the onset of either calming or excitatory thoughts and emotions. Research also shows that by focusing on, or visualising feelings of love, peace and gratitude, breathing and heart rate slow down, and become synchronised and harmonious. Regular meditation practice has a similar effect. In emotionally healthy people, there appears to be a strong tendency for the heart and brain to have a smoothly functioning dialogue, and to remain synchronised, or entrained. Entrainment reflects a positive frame of mind, but also helps create it, in part by enhancing the balance of the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic / relaxing, and sympathetic / excitatory system). The body, clearly, can help heal the mind. But what gets this healing process started? The mind itself! Your mind, when focused on appreciation, love and peace, has a limitless power to trigger physical and emotional healing.
According to Candace Pert in her new book 'Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d', neural nests that form pathways after repeated firing in specific patterns (compare this to wild animals treading the same pathway to the water every single day), form memory not only in the brain, but also in the heart, spinal cord, immune system - actually all systems linked by autonomic ganglia and part of the psychosomatic network. This information network comprises the firing between neurons in the nervous system (only 2% of the information system), the link of ligands (peptides, hormones, neurotransmitters) to their receptors (98% of the information system), and the matrix, or intricate spider web of collagen fibres that link throughout the bodymind, and extending into every single cell. According to James Oschman in his book 'Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis', the living matrix can be compared to a liquid crystal and it is a physical entity explaining how energy healing works, and also instantaneous, or miraculous healing. Through instant transmission along the matrix, new molecules of emotion can bind to receptors, with an immediate healing effect. On the surface, this is the benefit of repeating positive affirmations and on a deeper, spiritual level, the epiphany or transcendent moment the mystics talk about, of finally being able to let go and release old, buried emotions of past core emotional trauma, from the cells of your body, especially the heart, and creating new pathways of health and wellbeing, new 'elsewheres of thought' as Ramhta (JC Knight) said in the movie 'What the Bleep do we Know?!..'.
Heartfelt feelings
We often say: my heart's not in it anymore; my heart is sore; my heart is breaking. This is much more literal than we thought! In all cultures and religions, the experience of peace, love, healing and harmony are seated in the heart and thymus (responsible for immunity) region in the chest. Feelings of love also have a positive influence on the immune system, hormones and cognitive brain function. In his book, 'Love & Survival', Dr Dean Ornish says that the most important contributing factor to heart health, is the love and intimacy found in close relationships. Research has shown that people in Japan and France (both countries with low heart disease risk) have very close family and friendship links, signifying the perception they have of having a support system in times of trouble. Lack of love and intimacy has been shown to be the most consistent predictor of heart disease! This is a more consistent factor than genetics and risk factors such as obesity, too little exercise, high LDL-cholesterol, poor nutrition and smoking.
Even some of the risk factors can be attributable to lack of social interaction and feeling isolated and alone! People smoke, drink, or overeat as an ineffective, harmful way of stilling the mind from the stressful monkey chatter, to try and prevent the emotions from surfacing.
Other feelings associated with the heart:
•Issues with unconditional love
•Heart not in it anymore: work & relationships
•Perfectionist, driven, workaholic - type A behaviour
•Harshly judgmental of self and others
•Difficulty expressing emotions or feelings
•Denying feelings
•Difficult relationships - cannot cope with needs of others
•Self control issues - the inner drive to always be in control of situations
•Fear of failure - empathy with yourself and others
All these are stressors or triggers for the stress reaction where the heart and cardiovascular system are constantly put in red alert to react in the classical stress response: fight or flight!
This does NOT imply that you CAUSE your disease on purpose! The process occurs on a deeply unconscious level in cell memories. You can however, become consciously aware of these issues and through process work, help your inner self to heal, leading to personal power and inner peace.
Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe, medical doctor, specialist corporate health & wellness service provider and author of Stress Solutions, 'Relax & Unwind' relaxation CD, Health & Happiness and Training manuals on Wellness/Peer Education, Stress Management and Workplace Wellness.
For more info & to order:
Up to fairly recently, heart disease was regarded as a male health challenge. This is no longer so. As more and more research also focus on women and their hearts, it has become alarmingly clear that women over 45 years of age, especially in the peri- and post menopausal period, have the same, if not higher, risk for heart disease as men.
A positive family history and symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, unproductive chronic cough, blue or painful extremities, extreme sensitivity to cold, leg ulcers, swelling of the ankles, pain over the chest, left arm or up the neck at rest or during exertion, have to be thoroughly evaluated with a complete physical examination, basic blood tests and an exertion or stress electrocardiogram. A thorough heart evaluation should form part of everybody's yearly preventative medical examination, whether or not you have symptoms or a positive history. The natural and wellness treatment options are aimed at improving energy metabolism inside the heart's cells, as well as blood supply to the heart, while simultaneously facilitating the release and surrender of blocked emotional and mental energy.
As one patient who participated in the world renowned Heart Disease Reversal Programme lead by physician, Dr Dean Ornish, said: 'Even if the tests showed my arteries hadn't opened up (which they did!), I would still follow this program, because I've opened up!'
Hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol and cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) disease risk factors
Major well-known risk factors for cardiovascular disease:
Elevated cholesterol levels
High blood pressure
Physical inactivity
High stress / distress
Positive family history
Other very important, lesser known risk factors:
Low antioxidant status
Low levels of essential fatty acids
Low levels of magnesium and potassium
Increased platelet aggregation (stickiness)
Increased fibrinogen formation
Elevated levels of homocystein
Stress associated with the type A personality, worry, anxiety
Heart facts
Research shows that the heart does have an effect on our health and happiness:
- If, for instance, you focus on or visualise feelings of love, peace and gratitude, your breathing and heart rate slow down, and become synchronised and harmonious.
- Meditation has a similar effect.
Feelings of love also have a positive influence on the immune system, hormones and cognitive brain function.
Heart research
More and more research studies show the link between the heart, the emotions, stress and the fact that the heart also functions as brain:
'The abyss between the emotions and physiology narrowed in 2005 as researchers discovered that emotional stress can indeed, produce symptoms of a heart attack. Although the research team concluded that the mechanism remains unknown regarding reversible left ventricular dysfunction precipitated by emotional stress, it was suggested that stress hormones might temporarily overwhelm heart cells. Nicknamed the 'Broken Heart Syndrome', the cause might best be described as 'adrenalin poisoning'.
- Wittstein, L. Neurohumoral Features of Myocardial Stunning Due to Sudden Emotional Stress. New England Journal of Medicine. 352(6): 539-548, 2005
Heart as brain (information published in 2006/2007):
The heart has receptor sites for, and manufacture, peptides that are identical to the neurotransmitter message carrier molecules inside the brain. It is now crystal clear that the heart is a very important endocrine gland, making and releasing the major hormone, ANF (atrial natriuretic factor). ANF has a profound effect on the brain's limbic structure and function. The limbic system is the seat of the emotions and stress survival reaction, and is also called the emotional brain. The limbic system includes the hippocampus where the memory, learning and control centres for the entire hormonal system resides. 60-65% of heart cells are neurons (nervous system cells), and not muscle cells as previously believed. These neurons are identical to brain neurons. 50% of the heart neuron cells translate information from the whole body to keep it functioning as a harmonious whole. The other 50% have a direct, unmediated neural connection with the emotional brain inside the head, with a 24/7 heart-brain-heart dialogue we are completely unconscious of. The heart is a powerful electromagnetic generator that creates an electromagnetic field that encompasses body and extends 3-5 meters away from it. One can actually take an ECG (electro cardiogram) reading 1 meter away from the body, with no wires attached! This electromagnetic field has a profound effect on the brain, furnishing radio wave pattern from which the brain draws material to create an internal experience of the world. Ultimately everything in our lives depends on our emotional (i.e. feeling) response to events.
Stress accelerates your heart rate through secretion of the adrenal stress hormones adrenalin, noradrenalin and the long term stress hormone cortisol. Stress is initially experienced as emotions or feelings within the limbic system of the brain. ANF influences not only the heart muscle contraction, pressure in blood vessels and kidneys, but also the mood-influencing adrenal glands, as well as the brain. In the brain, parasympathetic or sympathetic impulses coming from the heart help trigger the onset of either calming or excitatory thoughts and emotions. Research also shows that by focusing on, or visualising feelings of love, peace and gratitude, breathing and heart rate slow down, and become synchronised and harmonious. Regular meditation practice has a similar effect. In emotionally healthy people, there appears to be a strong tendency for the heart and brain to have a smoothly functioning dialogue, and to remain synchronised, or entrained. Entrainment reflects a positive frame of mind, but also helps create it, in part by enhancing the balance of the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic / relaxing, and sympathetic / excitatory system). The body, clearly, can help heal the mind. But what gets this healing process started? The mind itself! Your mind, when focused on appreciation, love and peace, has a limitless power to trigger physical and emotional healing.
According to Candace Pert in her new book 'Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d', neural nests that form pathways after repeated firing in specific patterns (compare this to wild animals treading the same pathway to the water every single day), form memory not only in the brain, but also in the heart, spinal cord, immune system - actually all systems linked by autonomic ganglia and part of the psychosomatic network. This information network comprises the firing between neurons in the nervous system (only 2% of the information system), the link of ligands (peptides, hormones, neurotransmitters) to their receptors (98% of the information system), and the matrix, or intricate spider web of collagen fibres that link throughout the bodymind, and extending into every single cell. According to James Oschman in his book 'Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis', the living matrix can be compared to a liquid crystal and it is a physical entity explaining how energy healing works, and also instantaneous, or miraculous healing. Through instant transmission along the matrix, new molecules of emotion can bind to receptors, with an immediate healing effect. On the surface, this is the benefit of repeating positive affirmations and on a deeper, spiritual level, the epiphany or transcendent moment the mystics talk about, of finally being able to let go and release old, buried emotions of past core emotional trauma, from the cells of your body, especially the heart, and creating new pathways of health and wellbeing, new 'elsewheres of thought' as Ramhta (JC Knight) said in the movie 'What the Bleep do we Know?!..'.
Heartfelt feelings
We often say: my heart's not in it anymore; my heart is sore; my heart is breaking. This is much more literal than we thought! In all cultures and religions, the experience of peace, love, healing and harmony are seated in the heart and thymus (responsible for immunity) region in the chest. Feelings of love also have a positive influence on the immune system, hormones and cognitive brain function. In his book, 'Love & Survival', Dr Dean Ornish says that the most important contributing factor to heart health, is the love and intimacy found in close relationships. Research has shown that people in Japan and France (both countries with low heart disease risk) have very close family and friendship links, signifying the perception they have of having a support system in times of trouble. Lack of love and intimacy has been shown to be the most consistent predictor of heart disease! This is a more consistent factor than genetics and risk factors such as obesity, too little exercise, high LDL-cholesterol, poor nutrition and smoking.
Even some of the risk factors can be attributable to lack of social interaction and feeling isolated and alone! People smoke, drink, or overeat as an ineffective, harmful way of stilling the mind from the stressful monkey chatter, to try and prevent the emotions from surfacing.
Other feelings associated with the heart:
•Issues with unconditional love
•Heart not in it anymore: work & relationships
•Perfectionist, driven, workaholic - type A behaviour
•Harshly judgmental of self and others
•Difficulty expressing emotions or feelings
•Denying feelings
•Difficult relationships - cannot cope with needs of others
•Self control issues - the inner drive to always be in control of situations
•Fear of failure - empathy with yourself and others
All these are stressors or triggers for the stress reaction where the heart and cardiovascular system are constantly put in red alert to react in the classical stress response: fight or flight!
This does NOT imply that you CAUSE your disease on purpose! The process occurs on a deeply unconscious level in cell memories. You can however, become consciously aware of these issues and through process work, help your inner self to heal, leading to personal power and inner peace.
Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe, medical doctor, specialist corporate health & wellness service provider and author of Stress Solutions, 'Relax & Unwind' relaxation CD, Health & Happiness and Training manuals on Wellness/Peer Education, Stress Management and Workplace Wellness.
For more info & to order:
Need a Helping Hand? Women's Health Supplements Can Help
You are what you eat...
It’s something we’ve heard all our lives, and it’s true. Our health is the end result of the food we eat, the nutrients we take in and how our bodies absorb them.
In order to stay healthy you need to implement some basic dietary rules:
• Maximise your nutrient intake from fresh food (particularly green leafy vegetables, meat, fish and eggs)
• Minimise your loss of nutrients (through too much caffeine and carbonated, fizzy or soft drinks for example)
• Reduce or eliminate the things that are definitely bad for us – fried food and margarine, sugar and refined flour, burned animal fat, cigarettes.
• Perform a moderate amount of exercise – for example about 20 minutes per day to reduce your risk of diseases affecting women including osteoporosis, arthritis and heart disease.
In terms of general health, most scientists now agree that a multi-vitamin (and mineral) supplement is useful for the prevention of chronic disease - this is why women’s health supplements are so important. Recently, even the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an article linking the inadequate intake of vitamins to chronic diseases.
Healthy diet - The important thing to realise is that if you don’t start by following the simple dietary advice above, then you’ll be more prone to disease and illness.
The following is a summary of the women’s health supplements which can help with different women’s health challenges.
Breast cancer– womens health supplements – particularly antioxidants such as selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and a recently discovered plant chemical found in tomatoes called Lycopene – may reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables – these contain natural phytonutrients that are linked to a lower incidence of cancer. Alcohol, smoking, bad fats (found in fried food and margarine and oils when they’re heated), hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and lack of exercise are considered risk factors.
Cancer – same rules as above however there are some additional risk factors associated with other forms of cancer. Womens health supplements should include a full spectrum of 90 essential nutrients - including minerals in a highly absorbable form, amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins.
The antioxidant selenium along with antioxidant vitamins A, C and E have demonstrated anti-cancer properties.
Cellulite – cellulite develops when the connective tissues between the fat cell chambers and between the chambers and the skin become thin and weakened and the elastic fibres that give the connective tissue strength are also weakened. Weight gain is one reason for cellulite, but it happens to very slim women too. Reducing the appearance of cellulite is all about improving the circulation of blood to the affected areas, reducing the size of the fat cells and improving the strength of the connective tissue.
Exercise, plenty of water, detoxification (you can try doing a mineral wrap at home – you need wide elastic bandages soaked in warm water with plant colloidal mineral solution, covered by a layer of plastic to help you sweat out the toxins) and womens health supplements such as a good mineral, vitamin and essential fatty acid supplement will assist.
PMS – Premenstrual syndrome - some very significant studies have proven that supplementing with calcium can reduce the symptoms of PMS. Magnesium has also shown to be lacking or very low in women with PMS – a good source of this is chocolate – which may explain the chocolate cravings we sometimes have! (There are other ways to get magnesium, not just by eating chocolate!).
Women’s health supplements for PMS should include these minerals along with Vitamin E, herbs such as Black Cohosh and essential fatty acids.
Menopause – Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life where the ovaries gradually stop producing estrogen and progesterone. The symptoms of menopause vary from person to person however it is commonly characterized by hot flashes and night sweats as well as a range of symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, insomnia and weight gain.
Osteoporosis can develop more rapidly as a result of the loss of estrogen. Womens health supplements particularly with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D can be of help and herbs such as ‘black cohosh’ can help with the night sweats and other symptoms.
A diet high in essential fatty acids, low in saturated fat and the elimination of bad fats, along with plenty of green leafy vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and exercise, will make this a smoother transition.
Fertility and Pregnancy – a great deal of positive research surrounds the affects of taking womens health supplements during pregnancy. Supplementing with Folic acid during pregnancy is now recognized as helping to protect babies from neural tube defects; recent studies also indicate it may help prevent Down’s Syndrome.
Other supplements including selenium have been linked to reduced complications with pregnancy, while taking increased amounts of omega three fish oils may prevent asthma and improve brain development and learning in offspring. During pregnancy you have to take in nutrients for ‘two’ and women frequently suffer from poor nutrition; an example of a mineral deficiency is cravings during pregnancy.
For those considering pregnancy, recent pilot studies have proven the value of nutrient supplements to improve fertility. This can be easily resolved by giving the body what it needs and womens health supplements containing all 90 essential nutrients including Selenium are the best answer.
Varicose Veins – Varicose veins occur when the valves in your veins malfunction and when your veins lose their elasticity. Varicose veins occur mostly in women between the ages of 30 and 70. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, premenstruation and menopause may be a risk factor as female hormones tend to relax the vein walls. Exercise, weight control, elevating your legs periodically, avoiding long periods of sitting cross legged or standing for long periods of time as well as wearing low heels (makes the calves work harder) can help with circulation.
For womens health supplements, colloidal copper in plant derived minerals and certain antioxidant nutrients found in grape seed extract may assist in repairing the elastic fibres of the veins from within.
Heart Disease – affects three times more women than cancer and is the number one cause of death for all women. To reduce your risk of heart disease you need a diet high in fiber, green leafy vegetables and unsaturated fat (fish oil, flax seed oil); also eliminate the bad fats such as fried foods and margarine. Womens health supplements high in antioxidants such as selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals and essential fatty acids along with plenty of exercise and diet will protect the heart and keep you healthy.
High Cholesterol – high cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and you need to eliminate the ‘bad’ fats from the diet and consume more of the good’ fats. An essential fatty acid supplement rich in omega 3 fish oil is very effective at reducing cholesterol in addition to antioxidant vitamins and highly absorbable plant derived minerals - all found in the 90 Essential Nutrients.
High Blood Pressure - Dietary and lifestyle changes are very important. Eliminate smoking, alcohol, caffeine and sugar. Consume a high fiber diet with plenty of green leafy vegetables and reduce your weight if you are overweight. Supplement with 90 essential nutrients including the plant derived colloidal calcium and other minerals, liquid calcium, CO-Q10 (coenzyme Q-10), essential fatty acids and lecithin. Herbs such as European Hawthorn also help.
Fatigue – womens health supplements should include all 90 essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids – this will ensure you have no nutritional deficiencies and will help with fatigue.
Health supplements with chromium can help regulate low blood sugar which can make you feel tired.
Nails – healthy nails are important for a woman’s appearance, but more importantly they are good indicators of a nutritional deficiency. White spots can indicate a zinc deficiency; brittle nails can be a sign of a protein deficiency and ridges in the nails an indicator of calcium or iron deficiency. Womens health supplements including gelatin, liquid minerals, amino acids, vitamins and essential fatty acids found in all the 90 essential nutrients, will assist with repair.
Skin – eliminating fried foods, sugar and bad fats from your diet is as important as good nutrition and plenty of water. Essential fatty acids from a natural source or in womens health supplements are a must. Vitamins and minerals are also important and will assist with a number of conditions such as acne, psoriasis, age spots and dermatitis.
Sports - If you train or exercise frequently and you sweat then you need to supplement with a good liquid mineral and multivitamin product to replace everything you're sweating out. If you don't then you're setting yourself up for serious health problems such as heart disease, joint problems, low energy and chronic aches and pains. You have to replace all those vital minerals you are sweating out while exercising. According to the Centers for Disease Control over 100,000 men, women and children die every year (in the US alone) during and immediately after exercise. Almost without doubt because they never replaced all the minerals, trace minerals, electrolytes and vitamins lost through strenuous activity.
Look for good sports energy drinks that are completely natural and contain a healthy mix of vitamins, minerals, protein, natural sugars, and herbs that will help keep you healthy while you exercise.
Weight Loss - A good weight loss plan involves eliminating bad foods such as refined and processed sugary foods, margarine, fried foods, caffeine and soft (fizzy) drinks. It also involves a good diet with plenty of protein, green leafy vegetables and complex carbohydrates and water. Womens health supplements that have a good source of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids which ensure you get adequate nutrition and stop you getting the ‘munchies’. An organised and fun exercise program is essential.
Bones and Joints - Bone and joint diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis involve a complex of nutritional deficiencies which can be prevented and reversed if you follow a light exercise plan, implement a healthy diet, eliminate all the bad foods – particularly soft drinks and bad fats (fried foods and margarine especially) and use natural supplements to help maintain and repair your body. Womens health supplements containing all 90 essential nutrients as well as specific bone and joint supplements, such as CM Cream, for natural, rapid and very effective pain relief are fundamental to a return to normal health.
It’s something we’ve heard all our lives, and it’s true. Our health is the end result of the food we eat, the nutrients we take in and how our bodies absorb them.
In order to stay healthy you need to implement some basic dietary rules:
• Maximise your nutrient intake from fresh food (particularly green leafy vegetables, meat, fish and eggs)
• Minimise your loss of nutrients (through too much caffeine and carbonated, fizzy or soft drinks for example)
• Reduce or eliminate the things that are definitely bad for us – fried food and margarine, sugar and refined flour, burned animal fat, cigarettes.
• Perform a moderate amount of exercise – for example about 20 minutes per day to reduce your risk of diseases affecting women including osteoporosis, arthritis and heart disease.
In terms of general health, most scientists now agree that a multi-vitamin (and mineral) supplement is useful for the prevention of chronic disease - this is why women’s health supplements are so important. Recently, even the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an article linking the inadequate intake of vitamins to chronic diseases.
Healthy diet - The important thing to realise is that if you don’t start by following the simple dietary advice above, then you’ll be more prone to disease and illness.
The following is a summary of the women’s health supplements which can help with different women’s health challenges.
Breast cancer– womens health supplements – particularly antioxidants such as selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and a recently discovered plant chemical found in tomatoes called Lycopene – may reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables – these contain natural phytonutrients that are linked to a lower incidence of cancer. Alcohol, smoking, bad fats (found in fried food and margarine and oils when they’re heated), hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and lack of exercise are considered risk factors.
Cancer – same rules as above however there are some additional risk factors associated with other forms of cancer. Womens health supplements should include a full spectrum of 90 essential nutrients - including minerals in a highly absorbable form, amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins.
The antioxidant selenium along with antioxidant vitamins A, C and E have demonstrated anti-cancer properties.
Cellulite – cellulite develops when the connective tissues between the fat cell chambers and between the chambers and the skin become thin and weakened and the elastic fibres that give the connective tissue strength are also weakened. Weight gain is one reason for cellulite, but it happens to very slim women too. Reducing the appearance of cellulite is all about improving the circulation of blood to the affected areas, reducing the size of the fat cells and improving the strength of the connective tissue.
Exercise, plenty of water, detoxification (you can try doing a mineral wrap at home – you need wide elastic bandages soaked in warm water with plant colloidal mineral solution, covered by a layer of plastic to help you sweat out the toxins) and womens health supplements such as a good mineral, vitamin and essential fatty acid supplement will assist.
PMS – Premenstrual syndrome - some very significant studies have proven that supplementing with calcium can reduce the symptoms of PMS. Magnesium has also shown to be lacking or very low in women with PMS – a good source of this is chocolate – which may explain the chocolate cravings we sometimes have! (There are other ways to get magnesium, not just by eating chocolate!).
Women’s health supplements for PMS should include these minerals along with Vitamin E, herbs such as Black Cohosh and essential fatty acids.
Menopause – Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life where the ovaries gradually stop producing estrogen and progesterone. The symptoms of menopause vary from person to person however it is commonly characterized by hot flashes and night sweats as well as a range of symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, insomnia and weight gain.
Osteoporosis can develop more rapidly as a result of the loss of estrogen. Womens health supplements particularly with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D can be of help and herbs such as ‘black cohosh’ can help with the night sweats and other symptoms.
A diet high in essential fatty acids, low in saturated fat and the elimination of bad fats, along with plenty of green leafy vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and exercise, will make this a smoother transition.
Fertility and Pregnancy – a great deal of positive research surrounds the affects of taking womens health supplements during pregnancy. Supplementing with Folic acid during pregnancy is now recognized as helping to protect babies from neural tube defects; recent studies also indicate it may help prevent Down’s Syndrome.
Other supplements including selenium have been linked to reduced complications with pregnancy, while taking increased amounts of omega three fish oils may prevent asthma and improve brain development and learning in offspring. During pregnancy you have to take in nutrients for ‘two’ and women frequently suffer from poor nutrition; an example of a mineral deficiency is cravings during pregnancy.
For those considering pregnancy, recent pilot studies have proven the value of nutrient supplements to improve fertility. This can be easily resolved by giving the body what it needs and womens health supplements containing all 90 essential nutrients including Selenium are the best answer.
Varicose Veins – Varicose veins occur when the valves in your veins malfunction and when your veins lose their elasticity. Varicose veins occur mostly in women between the ages of 30 and 70. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, premenstruation and menopause may be a risk factor as female hormones tend to relax the vein walls. Exercise, weight control, elevating your legs periodically, avoiding long periods of sitting cross legged or standing for long periods of time as well as wearing low heels (makes the calves work harder) can help with circulation.
For womens health supplements, colloidal copper in plant derived minerals and certain antioxidant nutrients found in grape seed extract may assist in repairing the elastic fibres of the veins from within.
Heart Disease – affects three times more women than cancer and is the number one cause of death for all women. To reduce your risk of heart disease you need a diet high in fiber, green leafy vegetables and unsaturated fat (fish oil, flax seed oil); also eliminate the bad fats such as fried foods and margarine. Womens health supplements high in antioxidants such as selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals and essential fatty acids along with plenty of exercise and diet will protect the heart and keep you healthy.
High Cholesterol – high cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and you need to eliminate the ‘bad’ fats from the diet and consume more of the good’ fats. An essential fatty acid supplement rich in omega 3 fish oil is very effective at reducing cholesterol in addition to antioxidant vitamins and highly absorbable plant derived minerals - all found in the 90 Essential Nutrients.
High Blood Pressure - Dietary and lifestyle changes are very important. Eliminate smoking, alcohol, caffeine and sugar. Consume a high fiber diet with plenty of green leafy vegetables and reduce your weight if you are overweight. Supplement with 90 essential nutrients including the plant derived colloidal calcium and other minerals, liquid calcium, CO-Q10 (coenzyme Q-10), essential fatty acids and lecithin. Herbs such as European Hawthorn also help.
Fatigue – womens health supplements should include all 90 essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids – this will ensure you have no nutritional deficiencies and will help with fatigue.
Health supplements with chromium can help regulate low blood sugar which can make you feel tired.
Nails – healthy nails are important for a woman’s appearance, but more importantly they are good indicators of a nutritional deficiency. White spots can indicate a zinc deficiency; brittle nails can be a sign of a protein deficiency and ridges in the nails an indicator of calcium or iron deficiency. Womens health supplements including gelatin, liquid minerals, amino acids, vitamins and essential fatty acids found in all the 90 essential nutrients, will assist with repair.
Skin – eliminating fried foods, sugar and bad fats from your diet is as important as good nutrition and plenty of water. Essential fatty acids from a natural source or in womens health supplements are a must. Vitamins and minerals are also important and will assist with a number of conditions such as acne, psoriasis, age spots and dermatitis.
Sports - If you train or exercise frequently and you sweat then you need to supplement with a good liquid mineral and multivitamin product to replace everything you're sweating out. If you don't then you're setting yourself up for serious health problems such as heart disease, joint problems, low energy and chronic aches and pains. You have to replace all those vital minerals you are sweating out while exercising. According to the Centers for Disease Control over 100,000 men, women and children die every year (in the US alone) during and immediately after exercise. Almost without doubt because they never replaced all the minerals, trace minerals, electrolytes and vitamins lost through strenuous activity.
Look for good sports energy drinks that are completely natural and contain a healthy mix of vitamins, minerals, protein, natural sugars, and herbs that will help keep you healthy while you exercise.
Weight Loss - A good weight loss plan involves eliminating bad foods such as refined and processed sugary foods, margarine, fried foods, caffeine and soft (fizzy) drinks. It also involves a good diet with plenty of protein, green leafy vegetables and complex carbohydrates and water. Womens health supplements that have a good source of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids which ensure you get adequate nutrition and stop you getting the ‘munchies’. An organised and fun exercise program is essential.
Bones and Joints - Bone and joint diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis involve a complex of nutritional deficiencies which can be prevented and reversed if you follow a light exercise plan, implement a healthy diet, eliminate all the bad foods – particularly soft drinks and bad fats (fried foods and margarine especially) and use natural supplements to help maintain and repair your body. Womens health supplements containing all 90 essential nutrients as well as specific bone and joint supplements, such as CM Cream, for natural, rapid and very effective pain relief are fundamental to a return to normal health.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Natural Acne Remedies
Would you knowingly put toxic products on your face. I didn't think so. There is a very good argument for opting for natural acne remedies every time. Many acne products contain something called Benzoyl peroxide which was first developed and used in the 1920's. Benzoyl peroxide has shown in research to cause dryness and irritation although this does not normally show until after about a week. Some people may have a more severe reaction.and can suffer from burning, itching, and possible swelling. this does not seem appropriate as we are trying to clear the skin, not inflame it.
Glycolic acid is another ingredient which can be found in acne treatments often used in skin peel is known to be as strong irritant. The top layer of skin is not the problem, the bacteria actually inside the pores is, so peeling will not eliminate the basic problem causing acne. After using peeling products the skin is often extremely red, rather like a severe case of sunburn.
Diet, stress, unclean skin or hormonal imbalances can all lead to acne. For ages people have turned towards natural acne remedies as a way to safely and easily treat this skin condition. It stands to reason that if stress can cause acne, if you relieve some of that stress; it will help clear the acne up, too. Although we think of acne and problem skin as modern afflictions, a look back in time disproves this. "A Book of Fruits and Flowers," published in England four centuries ago, includes a home remedy for pimples. The main ingredient of the remedy is lemon. Known as an astringent, and so good for closing the pores, lemon juice can also be used directly on pimples, either neat or diluted for sensitive skin, to help dry them out.
Benefit 1 - Through using a natural herbal remedy for treating acne you are providing a way that restores the balance of hormones within the body. Even where the hormone balance does not fluctuate that greatly in a person they will find it helps to prevent the possibility of an outbreak of acne.
Benefit 2 - Most of the herbal treatments for dealing with acne are ones that contain properties that help with fighting the underlying causes of the problem. In many cases with over the counter cures these are designed to help treat what you see. As the herbal natural acne remedies contain anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties they can fight what cannot be seen by you. What works in curing acne are homeopathy substances: sulphur ointment or lotion and kali bhromium, to name a few. For these natural treatments to work well you need to combine them with an adequate diet and the suggested daily water intake (7-8 glasses a day). If the natural acne remedies are hindered in any way they won't perform their intended task at full capacity. For these proven solutions to work, one must change his/her eating habits. No more oil and fat rich foods, iodine, junk-foods or refined sugars.
Glycolic acid is another ingredient which can be found in acne treatments often used in skin peel is known to be as strong irritant. The top layer of skin is not the problem, the bacteria actually inside the pores is, so peeling will not eliminate the basic problem causing acne. After using peeling products the skin is often extremely red, rather like a severe case of sunburn.
Diet, stress, unclean skin or hormonal imbalances can all lead to acne. For ages people have turned towards natural acne remedies as a way to safely and easily treat this skin condition. It stands to reason that if stress can cause acne, if you relieve some of that stress; it will help clear the acne up, too. Although we think of acne and problem skin as modern afflictions, a look back in time disproves this. "A Book of Fruits and Flowers," published in England four centuries ago, includes a home remedy for pimples. The main ingredient of the remedy is lemon. Known as an astringent, and so good for closing the pores, lemon juice can also be used directly on pimples, either neat or diluted for sensitive skin, to help dry them out.
Benefit 1 - Through using a natural herbal remedy for treating acne you are providing a way that restores the balance of hormones within the body. Even where the hormone balance does not fluctuate that greatly in a person they will find it helps to prevent the possibility of an outbreak of acne.
Benefit 2 - Most of the herbal treatments for dealing with acne are ones that contain properties that help with fighting the underlying causes of the problem. In many cases with over the counter cures these are designed to help treat what you see. As the herbal natural acne remedies contain anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties they can fight what cannot be seen by you. What works in curing acne are homeopathy substances: sulphur ointment or lotion and kali bhromium, to name a few. For these natural treatments to work well you need to combine them with an adequate diet and the suggested daily water intake (7-8 glasses a day). If the natural acne remedies are hindered in any way they won't perform their intended task at full capacity. For these proven solutions to work, one must change his/her eating habits. No more oil and fat rich foods, iodine, junk-foods or refined sugars.
7 Reasons Why You Should Start a Health Network Marketing Business
More and more people are looking into starting a home based business. The unstable economy, low job satisfaction and the high cost of living are some of the many factors driving people to explore ways to create additional income. Even network marketing doesn't seem to have the stigma it used to as people are starting MLM businesses more than ever.
If this describes you then I congratulate your entrepreneurial spirit! I admire people who seek ways to improve their lives and those of their families. I also encourage you to do your due diligence before leaping into just any MLM company if that's what you're considering. I've been in many network marketing companies and I learned what to look for (and what to avoid) in MLM companies through painful trial and error.
There are a huge variety of multi-level marketing companies out there offering almost any product or service you can imagine including travel services, legal services, nutritional and health products, weight loss products and many more. But I personally recommend you seriously consider starting a health network marketing business rather than any other. And I have seven really good reasons which you'll never forget because they form the word HEALTHY.
Here we go!
Huge market. When you start your health network marketing business you'll automatically have the largest market possible--everyone! Everyone either wants to improve their health or maintain their good health. You won't find anyone who will say, "Nah, I'm not interested in being healthy."
With some other network marketing companies, however, the market can be very limited. Not everyone needs a cell phone plan or dental insurance or legal services, for instance. These aren't bad companies but their markets are obviously smaller than that of health MLMs.
Everyone wants more money. The primary appeal of network marketing is the potential for additional income. This is another place where health network marketing outshines other forms of network marketing. With other types of MLMs, getting people excited in the products or services can be a "tough sell" which means making money is harder. Many health and nutrition MLMs, on the other hand, offer products that create visible and dramatic results with their customers, creating instant excitement. If you've had dramatic results with your own health products, even better! Sales are easy when people are excited and want to get the same results you had.
Before and after photos are common sales tools in health MLMs, usually showing improvement with skin problems or significant weight loss. These photos are visual evidence that customers are getting great results. Great results create an emotional attachment between the customer and the products. This translates into more repeat sales, better customer retention, increased word of mouth advertising and referrals for you.
This is in contrast with other network marketing companies which may have great products or services but are less likely to create dramatic physical results, emotional attachment from their customers and repeat sales. I've been in other types of MLMs myself and I can tell you from personal experience that the income potential in a health network marketing company is significantly higher.
Alternative health industry is booming. Health network marketing products generally fall into the alternative health category versus more traditional forms of Western medicine such as surgeries and pharmaceutical drugs. This is a good thing because there's a growing trend of people preferring alternative health options such as high-density nutritional products; vitamins, antioxidants and other supplements; natural weight loss solutions; etc.
Think of the "buy organic" trend and the popularity of Whole Foods and other similar stores. When it comes to picking a good business, it's like picking a good stock: "The trend is your friend." Ask yourself if the other network marketing companies you may be looking at are part of a booming trend like alternative health or if they just have run-of-the-mill products and services that could have been offered 20 years ago.
Lowers your grocery costs. Many health network marketing companies offer a wide variety of nutritional products including meal replacements, vitamins, protein bars and energy drinks--all of which can replace equivalent products that you and your customers probably already buy at the grocery store.
If you're a distributor, you're getting your company's products at wholesale prices which in many cases will be about the same price or lower than what you'd pay at a regular store. Not to mention your products are probably much better for you! Plus, if you factor in the advantage of deducting you autoshipped products from your taxes (check with your CPA) your food costs are even lower.
Take advantage of massive income potential. With health network marketing companies, your chances of getting large initial and ongoing purchases are very good as customers stock up on their favorite products for themselves and their families. This means higher commissions for you--and more business volume from your team members.
With other types of MLMs, though, it's much harder to get large orders on a regular basis. For instance, it's not likely that a customer will order several hundred dollars worth of household cleaning supplies or greeting cards on a monthly basis. But this is common practice for many customers with families in health network marketing companies. That's why there's so much more potential for huge income in a health network marketing business.
Health professionals are seeking additional income streams. With the uncertainty in the economy, the questionable future of health care (at least in the US) and rising costs of running a health practice, health professionals are looking into health network marketing businesses like never before. Normally, health professionals need to get past one or more "hurdles" before they'll join a health MLM, though.
These hurdles include believing that alternative health products must be inferior to Western medicine counterparts and the concern that selling products to their patients may be "unethical". Once they see proof that alternative health products can benefit their patients, many health professionals will take a serious look at the products and company behind them. Then, once they see that sales of these health products can create a significant income stream, even surpassing their income as a health professional (like the millionaire chiropractor I know), stepping over their earlier hurdles becomes much easier.
Of course, the benefits of having a health professional on your team can be huge. Few people have more authority or bigger personal networks than health professionals. I'll write another article about attracting health professionals to your business soon.
You get to help others transform their lives. The best reason of all for starting a health network marketing business, though, is you are able to impact people's health and improve their lives like no other type of network marketing company. I've personally helped people lose hundreds of pounds total, improve their energy and probably extend their lives through my business. I get incredible personal satisfaction knowing how much I'm helping people lose weight and improve their health.
In other network marketing companies, you can certainly help people save money with helpful products and services. They'll probably be grateful to you for introducing it to them. But if these aren't health products, are you really transforming their lives? You can only really do that with a health network marketing business offering highly effective products.
And those are the 7 HEALTHY reasons why you should start a health network marketing business!
Don't Get Me Wrong
I know it sounds like I'm bashing other types of network marketing companies and saying a health network marketing business is the only type of MLM you should consider if you want to be successful. I'm not bashing other types of companies, though. There are lots of great companies out there.
But I've been in this industry for many years and I've seen other companies from the inside. And it's my strong and obviously biased opinion that if you want to improve your chances for outrageous success in network marketing, a health network marketing business is the way to go for the 7 HEALTHY reasons above.
Marc Menninger is a network marketer and blogger. He enjoys helping people lose weight, get healthy and build their businesses both online and offline. Read his health network marketing blog here:
If this describes you then I congratulate your entrepreneurial spirit! I admire people who seek ways to improve their lives and those of their families. I also encourage you to do your due diligence before leaping into just any MLM company if that's what you're considering. I've been in many network marketing companies and I learned what to look for (and what to avoid) in MLM companies through painful trial and error.
There are a huge variety of multi-level marketing companies out there offering almost any product or service you can imagine including travel services, legal services, nutritional and health products, weight loss products and many more. But I personally recommend you seriously consider starting a health network marketing business rather than any other. And I have seven really good reasons which you'll never forget because they form the word HEALTHY.
Here we go!
Huge market. When you start your health network marketing business you'll automatically have the largest market possible--everyone! Everyone either wants to improve their health or maintain their good health. You won't find anyone who will say, "Nah, I'm not interested in being healthy."
With some other network marketing companies, however, the market can be very limited. Not everyone needs a cell phone plan or dental insurance or legal services, for instance. These aren't bad companies but their markets are obviously smaller than that of health MLMs.
Everyone wants more money. The primary appeal of network marketing is the potential for additional income. This is another place where health network marketing outshines other forms of network marketing. With other types of MLMs, getting people excited in the products or services can be a "tough sell" which means making money is harder. Many health and nutrition MLMs, on the other hand, offer products that create visible and dramatic results with their customers, creating instant excitement. If you've had dramatic results with your own health products, even better! Sales are easy when people are excited and want to get the same results you had.
Before and after photos are common sales tools in health MLMs, usually showing improvement with skin problems or significant weight loss. These photos are visual evidence that customers are getting great results. Great results create an emotional attachment between the customer and the products. This translates into more repeat sales, better customer retention, increased word of mouth advertising and referrals for you.
This is in contrast with other network marketing companies which may have great products or services but are less likely to create dramatic physical results, emotional attachment from their customers and repeat sales. I've been in other types of MLMs myself and I can tell you from personal experience that the income potential in a health network marketing company is significantly higher.
Alternative health industry is booming. Health network marketing products generally fall into the alternative health category versus more traditional forms of Western medicine such as surgeries and pharmaceutical drugs. This is a good thing because there's a growing trend of people preferring alternative health options such as high-density nutritional products; vitamins, antioxidants and other supplements; natural weight loss solutions; etc.
Think of the "buy organic" trend and the popularity of Whole Foods and other similar stores. When it comes to picking a good business, it's like picking a good stock: "The trend is your friend." Ask yourself if the other network marketing companies you may be looking at are part of a booming trend like alternative health or if they just have run-of-the-mill products and services that could have been offered 20 years ago.
Lowers your grocery costs. Many health network marketing companies offer a wide variety of nutritional products including meal replacements, vitamins, protein bars and energy drinks--all of which can replace equivalent products that you and your customers probably already buy at the grocery store.
If you're a distributor, you're getting your company's products at wholesale prices which in many cases will be about the same price or lower than what you'd pay at a regular store. Not to mention your products are probably much better for you! Plus, if you factor in the advantage of deducting you autoshipped products from your taxes (check with your CPA) your food costs are even lower.
Take advantage of massive income potential. With health network marketing companies, your chances of getting large initial and ongoing purchases are very good as customers stock up on their favorite products for themselves and their families. This means higher commissions for you--and more business volume from your team members.
With other types of MLMs, though, it's much harder to get large orders on a regular basis. For instance, it's not likely that a customer will order several hundred dollars worth of household cleaning supplies or greeting cards on a monthly basis. But this is common practice for many customers with families in health network marketing companies. That's why there's so much more potential for huge income in a health network marketing business.
Health professionals are seeking additional income streams. With the uncertainty in the economy, the questionable future of health care (at least in the US) and rising costs of running a health practice, health professionals are looking into health network marketing businesses like never before. Normally, health professionals need to get past one or more "hurdles" before they'll join a health MLM, though.
These hurdles include believing that alternative health products must be inferior to Western medicine counterparts and the concern that selling products to their patients may be "unethical". Once they see proof that alternative health products can benefit their patients, many health professionals will take a serious look at the products and company behind them. Then, once they see that sales of these health products can create a significant income stream, even surpassing their income as a health professional (like the millionaire chiropractor I know), stepping over their earlier hurdles becomes much easier.
Of course, the benefits of having a health professional on your team can be huge. Few people have more authority or bigger personal networks than health professionals. I'll write another article about attracting health professionals to your business soon.
You get to help others transform their lives. The best reason of all for starting a health network marketing business, though, is you are able to impact people's health and improve their lives like no other type of network marketing company. I've personally helped people lose hundreds of pounds total, improve their energy and probably extend their lives through my business. I get incredible personal satisfaction knowing how much I'm helping people lose weight and improve their health.
In other network marketing companies, you can certainly help people save money with helpful products and services. They'll probably be grateful to you for introducing it to them. But if these aren't health products, are you really transforming their lives? You can only really do that with a health network marketing business offering highly effective products.
And those are the 7 HEALTHY reasons why you should start a health network marketing business!
Don't Get Me Wrong
I know it sounds like I'm bashing other types of network marketing companies and saying a health network marketing business is the only type of MLM you should consider if you want to be successful. I'm not bashing other types of companies, though. There are lots of great companies out there.
But I've been in this industry for many years and I've seen other companies from the inside. And it's my strong and obviously biased opinion that if you want to improve your chances for outrageous success in network marketing, a health network marketing business is the way to go for the 7 HEALTHY reasons above.
Marc Menninger is a network marketer and blogger. He enjoys helping people lose weight, get healthy and build their businesses both online and offline. Read his health network marketing blog here:
Thursday, 3 December 2009
3 Goal Setting Tips For Your Health And Fitness Program
You would not start or expand a business without a plan - a clear-cut idea of where you want to take your company and how you propose to get there. Instead, you would assess your cash flow and expenses, choose a location for your office, decide on your hours of operation, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
Your health and fitness program deserves the same level of attention, whether you are just beginning to map out your fitness plan or looking to expand and improve your current fitness routine.
Setting Goals for Your Health and Fitness Exercise
You ought to know why you want to get fit before you embark on a new health and fitness program. Maybe your pants split as you got up to greet your blind date, and you thought, "I really ought to do something about this." Maybe you cannot keep up with your grand children. Maybe heart disease runs in your family, and you want to avoid carrying on that tradition.
Whatever the reason, make sure you are doing this for yourself. You are not doing it simply to please your mother-in-law or your doctor. Then, after you have evaluated your current fitness level start setting specific goals. Research shows that goal-setting works.
Here we want to look at the different types of goals you should set.
Tip 1 - Long-term goals
Give yourself a time frame for the next six months. Some people get really creative with their long-term goals in their health and fitness plan.
You have to ensure that your long-term goals are realistic. If you have decided to run your first full marathon, you do not need to run the full marathon on the first training session. On the other hand, do not be afraid to dream. Visualize that you will are running in the local marathon competition. Choose a goal that really sparks you on. This is something that may be out of reach at the moment but is not out of the realm of possibility. People are often surprised by what they can accomplish.
My uncle Dave was 60 years old when he started training for a half marathon race. He trained 6 days a week together with his buddy. After six months of training, Uncle Dave successfully completed the half marathon. He was the oldest one on the competition, but he was not the slowest. His success inspired him to train to run the full marathon.
You need to judge for yourself what is realistic. Some people rise to the occasion when they set goals that seem virtually impossible. Other people get discouraged by setting extremely high expectations. If you are a beginner, try to set moderately challenging goals. If you reach your goals earlier than you expect that is the time to choose more ambitious ones. Here are some concrete examples of long-term goals that may spark your imagination:
Complete a 20-kilometer run in 3 hours six months away. Drop 5 percent body fat in 20 weeks.
Tip 2 - Short-term goals
Six months is a long time to wait for feelings of success. In order to stay motivated, you need to feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. Set short-term goals for one week to one month. Here are some examples:
Use the stair-climber four times this week for 30 minutes each time.
Improve your one-kilometer walk by 30 seconds in one week.
Bicycle 50 kilometers a week for the next three weeks.
Tip 3 - Immediate goals
Immediate goals refer to goals for each week, day, or workout. This way, when you walk into the health fitness club, you don not waste any time figuring out which exercises to do. Here are examples of immediate goals:
Go to the health fitness club 3 times a week
Run 5 kilometers 2 times a week.
Bicycle 15 kilometers twice a week.
You see, goals are like a points on the compass that will help to get to the destination you want to arrive at.
Is there anything else you want to find out on how to build up your fitness level? When you regularly exercise and eat a healthy diet, you will live healthier, happier and longer.
For more informations visit
Your health and fitness program deserves the same level of attention, whether you are just beginning to map out your fitness plan or looking to expand and improve your current fitness routine.
Setting Goals for Your Health and Fitness Exercise
You ought to know why you want to get fit before you embark on a new health and fitness program. Maybe your pants split as you got up to greet your blind date, and you thought, "I really ought to do something about this." Maybe you cannot keep up with your grand children. Maybe heart disease runs in your family, and you want to avoid carrying on that tradition.
Whatever the reason, make sure you are doing this for yourself. You are not doing it simply to please your mother-in-law or your doctor. Then, after you have evaluated your current fitness level start setting specific goals. Research shows that goal-setting works.
Here we want to look at the different types of goals you should set.
Tip 1 - Long-term goals
Give yourself a time frame for the next six months. Some people get really creative with their long-term goals in their health and fitness plan.
You have to ensure that your long-term goals are realistic. If you have decided to run your first full marathon, you do not need to run the full marathon on the first training session. On the other hand, do not be afraid to dream. Visualize that you will are running in the local marathon competition. Choose a goal that really sparks you on. This is something that may be out of reach at the moment but is not out of the realm of possibility. People are often surprised by what they can accomplish.
My uncle Dave was 60 years old when he started training for a half marathon race. He trained 6 days a week together with his buddy. After six months of training, Uncle Dave successfully completed the half marathon. He was the oldest one on the competition, but he was not the slowest. His success inspired him to train to run the full marathon.
You need to judge for yourself what is realistic. Some people rise to the occasion when they set goals that seem virtually impossible. Other people get discouraged by setting extremely high expectations. If you are a beginner, try to set moderately challenging goals. If you reach your goals earlier than you expect that is the time to choose more ambitious ones. Here are some concrete examples of long-term goals that may spark your imagination:
Complete a 20-kilometer run in 3 hours six months away. Drop 5 percent body fat in 20 weeks.
Tip 2 - Short-term goals
Six months is a long time to wait for feelings of success. In order to stay motivated, you need to feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. Set short-term goals for one week to one month. Here are some examples:
Use the stair-climber four times this week for 30 minutes each time.
Improve your one-kilometer walk by 30 seconds in one week.
Bicycle 50 kilometers a week for the next three weeks.
Tip 3 - Immediate goals
Immediate goals refer to goals for each week, day, or workout. This way, when you walk into the health fitness club, you don not waste any time figuring out which exercises to do. Here are examples of immediate goals:
Go to the health fitness club 3 times a week
Run 5 kilometers 2 times a week.
Bicycle 15 kilometers twice a week.
You see, goals are like a points on the compass that will help to get to the destination you want to arrive at.
Is there anything else you want to find out on how to build up your fitness level? When you regularly exercise and eat a healthy diet, you will live healthier, happier and longer.
For more informations visit
Creating health and fitness goals year round
You don't have to wait until New Year's Day to implement resolutions to improve your health and fitness. Regardless of the month or day, you can take action now to achieve your health and fitness goals. Here are some tips to get you started: * Select one area to work on: Many people make the mistake of trying to make himself or herself into a new person overnight. It's unreasonable to expect yourself to, at the snap of a finger, change habits that you have spent years cultivating. Instead, select one health and fitness area to work on.
* Select a specific goal: Saying that you "want to lose weight" or "get in shape" is too vague. You need to come up with a concrete goal in order to measure your progress and celebrate your success.
* Select a realistic goal: If you've been a sugar junkie for 20 years, you can't expect to go cold turkey overnight. You may be able to cut sugar out for a few days or even a few weeks, but you won't be able to keep it up for the rest of your life.
* Opt for incremental change: In the sugar scenario, outline a series of steps you can take over time to achieve your goal. The first step might be to switch from regular soda to sugar-free soda. After successfully doing that for a month, tackle the next step - maybe a switch from regular to sugar-free ice cream, or restricting desserts to weekends only. Incorporating small changes over time dramatically increases the chance that you'll make it a permanent lifestyle change.
* Get some support: In a society that supersizes everything, it's never easy to stick with your health and fitness goals. Enlist the help of a friend, family member, or co-worker - someone who will help you stay with the program. If your goal is to go to the gym three times a week, for example, knowing that your friend is waiting there for you might be just the incentive you need to make sure you follow through. For extra motivation, put a dollar in a jar every time you go to the gym, then treat yourself to something special at the end of each month.
* Celebrate your success: We're quick to beat ourselves up when we don't reach our health and fitness goals, but we rarely celebrate our successes. When you've achieved one of your goals, give yourself a pat on the back. Treat yourself to a massage, a new pair of shoes, or a night out with your friends.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Health and Beauty Website and Majon's Health and Beauty directory.
* Select a specific goal: Saying that you "want to lose weight" or "get in shape" is too vague. You need to come up with a concrete goal in order to measure your progress and celebrate your success.
* Select a realistic goal: If you've been a sugar junkie for 20 years, you can't expect to go cold turkey overnight. You may be able to cut sugar out for a few days or even a few weeks, but you won't be able to keep it up for the rest of your life.
* Opt for incremental change: In the sugar scenario, outline a series of steps you can take over time to achieve your goal. The first step might be to switch from regular soda to sugar-free soda. After successfully doing that for a month, tackle the next step - maybe a switch from regular to sugar-free ice cream, or restricting desserts to weekends only. Incorporating small changes over time dramatically increases the chance that you'll make it a permanent lifestyle change.
* Get some support: In a society that supersizes everything, it's never easy to stick with your health and fitness goals. Enlist the help of a friend, family member, or co-worker - someone who will help you stay with the program. If your goal is to go to the gym three times a week, for example, knowing that your friend is waiting there for you might be just the incentive you need to make sure you follow through. For extra motivation, put a dollar in a jar every time you go to the gym, then treat yourself to something special at the end of each month.
* Celebrate your success: We're quick to beat ourselves up when we don't reach our health and fitness goals, but we rarely celebrate our successes. When you've achieved one of your goals, give yourself a pat on the back. Treat yourself to a massage, a new pair of shoes, or a night out with your friends.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Health and Beauty Website and Majon's Health and Beauty directory.
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