Tuesday, 27 July 2010

SKIN CARE: Get Healthy and Glowing Skin

Who does not want to achieve an acne freeglowing andhealthy skin? Here are someskin care tips to achievehealthy skinSKIN CARE: ACNE FREE, GLOWING AND HEALTHY SKIN
Just put on a neat white shirt in the morning before you set off for work. Check its brightness in the evening when you return home. You‘d certainly note the difference, dusts, smokes, mites and what may not be there. Keep it up for next two three days more and you would hardly be able to recognize if it is that 3 days old shirt. This is what happens with your skin. The fact is, your skin is much more delicate, soft and tender to get weathered, wrinkled, blemished, burned and what not. A bit of caring advice – make skin care a part of your health and fitness regime. If you do not care a bit about your skin’s health, leave it as it is and see yourself growing twice your age in the mirror. If the fact really scares you, keep reading for solution:
Basically there are three steps to get a healthy and glowing skin -
  • Skin Cleansers: You need to clear skin of dirt and oil that have deposited deep into its pores but not the way you rinse it out of your shirt. Cleaning your skin properly prepares it to absorb and respond to succeeding skin care methods in a better way. Generally people perform a manual skin clean and think the job to be over, which it is not in fact. You can not clean your skin properly by hands, use skin care brushes. These brushes are technically designed to clear skin deeply but gently. They expel dirt and debris out from your skin without much effort.
  • Skin Toners: What does a skin toner does? And why do you need it at all? A good facial toner further clears your skin from the point where your skin cleanser has left it. Means, it cleanse it more deeply. But this is not what a toner is for. Then what? When you wash or clean your skin with cleansers, brushes or some other substances, the pores get wider than normal and raise a risk of depositing more dust and dirt if not repaired. This is what a skin toner does. It shrinks and restores your skin pores to their normal size.
  • Precaution: You need to be cautious before you adopt a skin toner. Make sure that it does not contain any form of alcohol in it or it may irritate and dry up your skin.
  • Skin Moisturizers: Our skin has a natural moisturizer that helps it stay soft and shining. Some, those who have a dry skin, may not experience this on their skin, though. If you have passed through both the above steps chances are that your skin’s natural moisturizer has worn away in the process. You need a good moisturizer to regain that softness on your skin that has dried away during the process. It is simple to use and wondrous in effects. It also clears all oil-based types that might cause breakouts.
Rejoice! You have learnt the secret of achieving healthy and glowing skin in as easy as 1-2-3. Just perform these skin care methods on regular basis and defy your age. Always try to procure good quality skin care products to avoid any unwanted injury or side effect on your skin. True! They are a bit costlier than ordinary cosmetic products but they are worth it.
So make it a habit to care for your skin as you would do for any other part of your body, even better if you do it religiously under your daily health and fitness regime and don’t be surprised if you get a WOW!! or a compliment for your glowing skin when you step out of your house the next time. Never forget to pat yourself for this, for this is the result of your skin care efforts.

Health & Nutrition

What are nutrients?
Every molecule in the body is created by Nutrients & there are more than 45 nutrients. These nutrients build molecules, cells, and tissues of the body.We get energy from Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that we eat.
These are called macronutrients. These macro nutrients are broken down / metabolized to give energy to the body.
Vitamins and minerals (called micronutrients) are not themselves metabolized for energy, but they are important in helping the macronutrients convert to energy.
What is a healthy diet?
The optimal diet has to be individualized to meet your unique needs. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) food pyramid suggests that we use fat "sparingly," and that our daily diet include 2 - 3 servings of dairy products; 2 - 3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, or nuts; 3 - 5 servings of vegetables; 2 - 4 servings of fruit; and 6 - 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice, or pasta.
These are general guidelines. Healthy diet is dependent upon many factors like: age, gender, body size, pregnancy, and status of health. A clinical nutritionist or nutritionally oriented doctor can help you determine what type of diet is best for you.
While you know it is important to eat a healthy diet, it isn't always easy to sort through all of the information available about nutrition and food choices.
Nutrition has a vital importance to human well-being. Nutrition should play a leading role to improve our quality of life. Nutrition is a key for reducing your body fat percentage.
Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to achieving better quality of life. Safe food and good nutrition are important to all.
Basic nutrition knowledge is constantly taking shape every day, producing new diet trends to an ever growing audience of people who want to know the latest and greatest ways to achieve their physical fitness goals.
Get nutrition facts and discover how you can use dietary recommendations to improve your health. As you grow older, getting a nutritionally rich diet becomes even more important. The link between nutrition and health is necessary to achieve optimal health.
Good nutrition is a clear path to optimize our quality of life. An important starting point for achieving optimum health is to achieve optimum nutrition and get the proper nutrients from the food.
Diet and nutrition are the principle preventive measures against diseases.
Reading labels and eating a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients is optimal for healthy nutrition. Research confirms that good nutrition in the early years of life is crucial for human growth and mental development.
The study of human nutrition dates back to the 18th century, when the French chemist Lavoisier discovered that there was a relationship between our metabolism of food and the process of breathing.
The field of clinical nutrition has evolved into a practice that is increasingly incorporated into mainstream medical treatment. The term "nutritional supplement" refers to vitamins, minerals, and other food components that are used to support good health and treat illness.
A clinical nutritionist or nutritionally oriented doctor can help you determine what type of diet is best for you.
During the initial part of the visit, the clinical nutritionist will ask you questions about your medical history, family history, and personal lifestyle.
In hospitals, nutrition is used to improve the overall health of patients with a wide range of conditions. Effects of exercise and nutrition on postural balance and risk of falling in elderly people with decreased bone mineral density: randomized controlled trial pilot study.
Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a sustainable way.
Healthy eating is associated with reduced risk for many diseases, including the three leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Healthy eating is fundamental to good health and is a key element in healthy human development, from the prenatal and early childhood years to later life stages.
Healthy eating is equally important in reducing the risk of many chronic diseases. We spend a lot of money on food, but there are ways to cut costs and still serve healthy delicious meals.
When you choose healthy foods instead of sugary or high-fat foods you can actually improve your health by adding extra phytochemicals and fiber. Breakfast foods should be healthy but they have a tendency to be high in fats and sugar.
We always hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why ruin a healthy breakfast.
Good nutrition is vital to good health, disease prevention, and essential for healthy growth and development of children and adolescents. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet.
Many of us work very hard to eat healthy meals, but struggle with the urge for candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream and anything else full of sugar and sweetness. Most experts agree that snacking is a part of a balanced and healthy diet, as long as the snacks don't pile on empty calories.
When your best efforts go awry, and you order pizza or serve another meal that doesn't exactly fit into a healthy diet, you still have many options for making it healthier. Just about everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are a very important part of a healthy diet.
Having a well-stocked pantry and refrigerator can be a busy cook's best weapon in the war against resorting to fast-food, high-fat, unhealthy meals. Fresh oil is a source of essential fatty acids, which help keep the skin healthy and the hair shiny.
We believe eating sensibly, combined with appropriate exercise, is the best solution for a healthy lifestyle.
When you choose healthy foods instead of sugary or high-fat foods you can actually improve your health by adding extra phytochemicals and fiber. The goal is to balance negative foods with positive foods so that the combined rating for all foods eaten in a single day is positive.
If you want to restrict your caloric intake without feeling hungry, find foods highest in any vitamin or mineral or lowest in carbs, saturated fats, or sugars. Our general state of health is partially driven by the types of foods we consume.
To make vegetable oils suitable for deep frying, the oils are hydrogenated, so trans fats are commonly found in deep-fried foods such as French fries and doughnuts. Trans fats, beyond a limit, are not good for our health.
Hydrogenation solidifies liquid oils and increases the shelf life and the flavor stability of oils and foods that contain them. Other sources of trans fats are vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, cookies, snack foods, and other foods.
Since trans fats increase a products shelf life, many pre-prepared foods and mixes (for example, some pancake mixes and pizza dough) contain trans fats.
The solution: Whenever possible, eat whole, fresh, and unprocessed foods. When buying packaged foods, put in at least as much time into reading labels and selecting products as you do when choosing a shower gel or shampoo.
A good diet is central to overall good health, but which are the best foods to include in your meals, and which ones are best avoided.
Fast food has become much more popular of late and all over the world the outcry regarding harms of fast foods is on increase.
Be aware that there is little scientific information about the effect of so-called functional foods --foods to which vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other dietary substances are added -- despite their growing popularity in the market place and claims of beneficial effects.
Some common foods, including nuts, wheat gluten, dairy products, fish, shrimp, soy, bananas and eggs may trigger allergic reactions.
Fats add taste to meals and give one a feeling of fullness when eaten. When you choose healthy foods instead of sugary or high-fat foods you can actually improve your health by adding extra phytochemicals and fiber.
Breakfast foods should be healthy but they have a tendency to be high in fats and sugar. The human brain is almost entirely composed of unsaturated fatty acids.
You deprive yourself of more than fats when you go for the fat-free or low-fat salad dressing. We need fats to absorb all the beneficial elements of salads and other fruits and vegetables. Learn which are the right types of fats, to create beautiful, supple skin, and a healthy body.
Eating more whole foods is a good way to replace many of the processed snacks and foods that have a lot of extra sugar, fat (including trans fat), salt, and other things added to them and a lot of good things taken out, like fiber.In addition to food labeled fat-free and low fat, healthy low fat foods include most fruits and vegetables.
Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats (called macronutrients) are broken down (metabolized) to give the body energy.
For example, lowering fat and cholesterol intake and adding whole grains to the diet can prevent atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arteries), which can lead to heart disease or stroke.
Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential components of cells and can protect the heart from, for example, fatal arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm). Omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish (such as herring, tuna, and salmon) have been reported to reduce inflammation and help prevent certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.
Safe food and good nutrition are important to all. Basic nutrition knowledge is constantly taking shape every day, producing new diet trends to an ever growing audience of people who want to know the latest and greatest ways to achieve their physical fitness goals.
Did you know that you can drastically decrease your chance of heart disease and cancer by eating a healthy diet and following the recommended nutrition guidelines?
Proper nutrition is a powerful good: people who are well nourished are more likely to be healthy, productive and able to learn.
Good nutrition benefits families, their communities and the world as a whole. Malnutrition is, by the same logic, devastating.
Visit http://www.health-fitness-wellness.com for practically useful information on health & healthy lifestyles.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Can I Achieve Normal Blood Sugar Levels Permanently? Yes! Why Not?

Is it possible to achieve normal blood sugar levels permanently? It is a frequently asked question by diabetics. As most diabetics do not have enough information about the basic understanding of diabetes, it includes diabetes symptoms, diabetic diet and diabetes treatment. Unfortunately diabetes is a life long ailment especially for those who do not have confidence and will power to beat it.
But what makes this disease too hard to treat?
Is this failure to recognize signs and symptoms of diabetes? Or is it something else. Most of the times the signs of diabetes remain unnoticed and the patient is unable to detect what is going on deep inside him. When the signs of diabetes come in his notice, it has become too late and the complications have started to set in. At this stage it becomes difficult to control the levels of blood sugar.
But the question remains same that is there any long time or permanent cure for this disease. There are some researches that say that it is a medical disorder that can never be cured. Everyone admit this fact that normal blood sugar levels can be achieved with the help of proper care and control. It has been approved that few famous diabetics who are living an active and happy life. The important here is to achieve normal blood sugar level ranges. The diabetics only have to try their blood sugar level do not exceed 110 mg/dl after 8 to 12 hours of fasting and the level must be in the range of 140 and 150 mg/dl after 2 hours of full meals.
The diabetic patients must lead a perfectly healthy life for leading a right ways for handling the disease. Following are the tips that can help to achieve normal blood sugar levels.
Recognize The Signs Of Diabetes: It is important to recognize the symptoms and signs of diabetes in time. This knowledge will help you to identify the symptoms of high blood sugar and signs of low blood sugar. If a person is occupied with anxiety, anger and frustration then the condition is termed hyperglycemia. If the diabetic is feeling confused, unfocussed and unable to properly concentrate on the different tasks then it is hypoglycemic. Identifying the signs helps to prevent the diabetes for curing easily.
Consult the Doctor: It is better to explain the problem experienced by you to the doctor. The detailed information about your health condition, medication and family history is helpful for the diabetics. This helps the doctor to prescribe the right treatment.
Proper Diet: The foremost step in the treatment of diabetes is to have the balanced diet full of vitamins, proteins as well as minerals. It is good to avoid sweetened drinks, junk food and starch rich foods. It is better to consume natural foods like vegetables and fresh fruits. The better idea is to eat whole fruits which are unpeeled with a handful of nuts as this will help you to get rid of diabetes and achieve normal blood sugar levels in a short period of time.
Regularly Exercise: Well balanced diet as well as regular exercise is the key constituents for controlling the level of blood glucose. The ideal exercises are jogging, swimming and cycling. 30 minutes are the suggested length of exercising session. Some simple exercises can be adopted at home as well.
Blood Sugar Monitoring: All these steps must be regularly monitored for the fluctuations in the level of blood glucose so that the medications could be planned accordingly. Best idea is to maintain a blood sugar level chart.
Learn more about the details of Signs Of Diabetes and learn the tips to deal with increase in Blood Sugar