Tuesday, 30 March 2010


Regular hair care is very essential to prevent hair loss and to have a good and healthy hair growth. Healthy hair growth – yes who doesn’t want to have healthy hair! A person having healthy hair not only enhances his / her external look and beauty but also reflects his / her overall health and fitness. Hair forms a vital as well as one of the most significant part of our external beauty and any neglect to it may result in hair loss, hence it makes quite a sense to keep our hair healthy and well nourished to look good and therefore to maintain our hair one should treat it as just another part of our body and include it in our daily health and fitness care.
Hair grows in phases and each strand has a life cycle that can last from a few months to a few years. In other words all the hair does not fall out together, or grow together. When one strand ends its life cycle and falls off, a new strand replaces it. Replacement depends on factors like age, hormonal changes, internal reasons and its general condition. It also depends on the state of internal health and fitness of both body and mind as well as on external care.
Eat well to enhance hair growth:
To have healthy hair growth, the daily diet should include fresh salad, fruit, sprouts, leafy green vegetables, curd. If you are suffering from hair loss, ask your doctor to prescribe mineral and vitamin supplements. Along with a nutritious diet daily exercise, health and fitness care, relaxation, adequate sleep and a healthy lifestyle are required for a healthy hair growth. If there is a medical condition likes diabetes, ask your doctor before making changes to your diet.
Wash your hair right to prevent hair loss:

A question most people often ask – how often should hair be washed? Frequency of shampooing depends on hair type. Oily hair needs frequent shampooing. Three or four times a week for oily hair and twice a week for dry hair suits most people. The point here to be noted is washing does not harm hair but the quality of the product used does matter a lot to prevent hair loss. Always use a mild herbal shampoo and apply less, most non herbal shampoos contain detergent base which may be harmful to your hair and excessive use may cause hair loss. Rinse hair thoroughly with water.
Hair care – the smart way:
Proper hair care is the way to keep your hair healthy and enhance hair growth. After washing, wrap a towel around your head so that it soaks up moisture. Do not brush wet hair, because the elasticity of hair increases when wet and brushing can cause them to stretch and break. Use a wide toothed comb to brush your hair, start from ends and go upwards towards the scalp. Also avoid regular use of hair dryers.
Nourish and oil regularly to prevent hair loss:
Application of oil with a light massage helps to stimulate hair growth and blood circulation to hair follicles. It also helps in loosening dandruff flakes. Apply warm oil on the hair and scalp. Oils have their own particular properties and benefits. For example olive oil is helpful in dandruff and pure coconut oil is said to help hair growth.
Hot oil therapy is very useful, for dandruff, as well as damaged hair. Heat pure coconut oil or sesame seed oil or olive oil. Apply the oil on the scalp with cotton wool, rubbing gently to dislodge the flakes, then dip a towel in hot water, squeeze out the water and wrap around the head, like a turban, and keep it for five minutes. Repeat the hot towel wrap 3 – 4 times. This helps hair and scalp absorb oil better. Leave oil on overnight, next morning apply lemon juice on the scalp and wash your hair after half an hour. Weekly henna treatment also keeps the scalp clean and healthy.
Damage control – last but not least:
The most common causes of hair damage are repeated coloring, straightening and perming.
Below mentioned points sum up the hair care in a gist -
·         Hot oil therapy helps.
·         If hair is dry use a creamy conditioner.
·         Hair should be treated very gently.
·         Avoid tying hair tightly with rubber bands.
·         Avoid using hair dryers and brushes.
·         Do the hot towel wrap after hot oil treatments.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Maintaining a Healthy Diet While Dining Out

The modern family of today is much different than a family of earlier times. It seems there isn't enough time in a day to get all of the scheduled activities that are planned let alone having time to cook dinner. So, probably more often than you want, you end up at a restaurant to speed up the process. The problem is, if you are concerned for maintaining a healthy diet, you may find it difficult to find healthy choices in many restaurants.
If this sounds familiar to you, it's okay. Just remember that it is not only about eating healthy but also making good choices in those times healthy nutritious food is not available. Start first by learning about nutrition and things your body needs to stay active and healthy. Then make the best choices you can from your available options. One mistake people typically make is their drink selection. You may think it is okay to enjoy a bottle of beer or a mixed beverage before or with dinner but in reality all you are doing is taking in empty calories that have no benefit to your body. The one exception to the rule when it comes to alcohol is wine, especially red wine, which may be okay if you have only one glass. It may even help prevent heart disease in some people.
The obvious part of the menu you should skip over is the appetizers. Unless you start with a small salad, appetizers are usually foods that are high in fat content and that can actually make you crave more high fat foods. If you just focus on your main course you should be able to easily resist the temptation. But if you just can't resist, you should at least try to get a single serving that everyone at the table can share.
Choosing your main dish is when you will test your knowledge of healthy food, and your ability to resist foods for their taste. You should make choices with your health as your main concern. Anything that has creamy sauces or meats that have a lot of fat should be passed over for healthier things such as non-breaded fish or a leaner cut of meat. And please skip side dishes like French fries, mashed potatoes and onion rings. Those can easily be replaced with a nice serving of vegetables or can be eliminated completely when vegetables are not available.
One thing that cannot be stressed enough is portion size. A good way to eat smaller portions is to order from the lunch menu. Lunch portions are typically much smaller than the dinner portions so the decision should be an easy one. Another way to ensure you eat smaller portions is to split your meal in two and ask for the other half to be packed in a doggie bag. This helps you in two ways. First you don't eat as much and second you have a nice meal you can enjoy for lunch or dinner the next day.
When you have finished your meal, you may be tempted to order desert. This may be especially true when you first start eating smaller portions, because you may feel you are still hungry. But just like you did with the appetizers, you need to skip the temptation or order one serving for everyone at the table to share. You may not realize this but many deserts have more calories than the entire meal you just ate. Special occasions, like birthday parties and such are times you can cheat a little when it comes to desert but for your overall health and well being, deserts should be avoided completely.
Knowing which foods are okay and which to avoid will help you make healthy choices when eating in a restaurant. It is ultimately your will power and commitment to healthy living that will help you make those choices so you will need to be on guard and not give in to temptation. Now go out and enjoy!
While I am not a trained professional, I do follow and support things that promote a healthy lifestyle. To get more free information on how you can make healthier choices for a better life, please visithttp://loseweightwithjon.webs.com

Monday, 1 March 2010