Saturday, 27 February 2010

Best Foods For a Heart Healthy Diet

Did you know the best foods for a healthy heart are the very ones we've been told to avoid? Recent research shows us that we need to go back to the past to learn about healthy traditional cultures and their diets. Traditional cultures did not devise their diets in a lab but they did utilize the natural foods around them.
Today, we are surrounded by abundance in our supermarkets. But this abundance seems to be our undoing. Our ancestors expended huge amounts of energy obtaining their food. They traveled long distances, tracking wild and dangerous animals. They expended enormous physical energy in the actual hunting and killing of prey and more energy hauling the kill back to their families and tribes. And the hunt often failed, which meant starvation. The other members of the tribe, clan or family who did not hunt, expended their energy foraging and gathering wild greens, berries and other foods.
Over the last 40,000 years our DNA has not changed. Our bodies are still genetically linked to the past of living in caves, eating fats, protein and plants. Our bodies also still need to move, to use the energy from our food. It has only been in the last several decades that our bodies have been forced to work out how to process McDonald's Big Macs, Pizza Hut's Stuffed Crust Pizza and a Starbuck's Grande Mocha.
So what are the foods traditional cultures ate to keep their hearts health?
• Fats-Traditional cultures had 30%-80% fat in their daily diet. Animal fats included grassfed lard, tallow and butter. Olive oil and other cold-pressed oils, cream, cod liver oil and coconut oil were also used daily by various traditional cultures.
• Protein-All healthy cultures had some type of protein in their diet, even if it was reptiles or insects. Today we have access to grassfed meats like bison, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, goose and duck. Eggs were consumed when available also. Raw milk, butter and cheese from grassfed animals were also used as part of a daily diet.
• Organ Meats-Organs like the heart, liver, sweetbreads and others were prized for the super-nutrients that kept tribal cultures healthy. Beef heart is full of CoQ10, which is supplemented today for heart problems, gum disease and inflammation.
• Bone Broths-Broths made from boiling down the bones with raw apple cider vinegar or wine extracts calcium and other rich minerals into the broth. These cultures had about 4 times the amount of calcium and other minerals from their diet than we do today.
• Low-Carb Veggies and Fruits-Lots of greens were eaten and other vegetables and fruits when in season. When eaten with a fat, like butter, your body can assimilate the minerals and vitamins from plant matter better. Absorption is increased dramatically if the plant matter is cooked.
• Seeds, Nuts and Grains-Traditional cultures always soaked, fermented or sprouted seeds, nuts and grains because they have anti-nutrients and phytic acid that inhibit absorption of the nutrients. That's why we have more bowel intolerance problems to grain products today. To be able to access more of the available vitamins, soak grains overnight for porridge the next day.
• Sea salt, Seaweeds and Herbs-Our bodies needs salt. Our modern table salt is bleached and stripped of the trace minerals. Sea salt still has the trace minerals from the ocean that help our bodies utilize the salt. Seaweeds contain natural iodine which nourishes our thyroid. And gentle safe herbs like Hawthorn strengthen and nourish the heart and normalize blood pressure.
By following thousands of years of proven healthy diets we can improve our health today.
©2010 Shanna Ohmes
Discover more natural foods and how to prepare them by clicking the following link The Natural Living Site

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Food is meant to be Enjoyed

Food is meant to nourish us and not to serve as means to dealing with pressures, stress, boredom, fatigue and all that goes with it. Whilst you eat to nourish your body try to enjoy it by eating small quantities at regular intervals and taking small bites. Try to chew your food as this aids digestion. Drink a lot of water. Don’t just eat because you have to eat..if you are not hungry you might want to wait till you are hungry. Whatever you do, enjoy your food.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Healthy Weight Loss - The Effects of Acid Vs Alkaline Foods on Your Weight and Overall Health

The body needs to have a balanced pH level to promote health and normal system functions. Incidentally, the kinds of food that most people consume add to the acidity and fat stored in the body.
Coffee, Alcohol, Corn, meat, beans, fish, fowl, coffee, eggs, yogurt and active cultures, and most fermented foods and aged cheeses are examples of acidic foods which leave an acid residue in the body. When the body consumes too much acidic food, toxins build up and the body tries to protect itself by storing fat cells. Hence, too much acid results in weight problems and illnesses. By increasing alkaline foods in your diet, you can neutralize the effect of acid, lessen the fat stored inside the body and improve your weight.
pH or 'potential Hydrogen' is actually a rating system that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid. 7 is the neutral pH level. pH value that is less than 7 means acidic and values greater than 7 indicates alkalinity. The body functions best when its pH value is slightly alkaline. Consuming more high-acid foods may compromise the pH of bodily fluids.
One classic symptom of pH imbalance is weight problem; either you become overweight or underweight. The food you ingest greatly influences the body's pH level. To a person who is used to continental breakfast, processed foods and foods that are high in fat and sugar, he or she is most likely to become acidic. And one way of decelerating and interrupting the critical processes of over-acidification of the body is to establish nutritional balance between alkaline-forming and acid-forming foods in your diet.
Flushing off the acid and fat in the body is easier when you increase alkaline foods in your diet. If you are currently overweight, eating more alkaline foods may assist rapid and long-term weight loss benefits. Nutritionists recommend at least 5 dishes of vegetable and green foods per day.
Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods. Examples of very alkaline foods include bananas, apples, pineapples, tomatoes, potatoes, fogs, potatoes, celery, lettuce, cabbage, spinach and dandelion greens. Simply put, all green vegetables and herbs are alkalizing. To make sure that your diet is alkaline, begin balancing your diet. So how should it work?
First, be conscious about your food choices. Start finding alternatives to high-acid foods. By preferring an alkaline diet and keeping your body more alkaline, you can actually gain significant health benefits such as increased energy and vitality. More importantly, it allows your body to process fat, converting it to energy instead of storing it as solid body fat.
The optimal strategy for good health and healthier body is by observing 50 to 80% alkaline foods diet daily. The enzymes and nutrients you get from alkaline vegetables and fruits hasten cell rejuvenation and provide the body with enzymes that are essential in building and maintaining health. Following this eating style awakens the cells and frees the body from built up toxins.
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Friday, 19 February 2010

How to Effectively Eat For a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is one of the west's biggest killers but there are simple steps you can take to minimize your risk. By making the decision to eat for a healthy heart, you can eliminate many of the causes of heart disease as well as other health conditions.
There are three main health conditions that contribute to heart disease. These are high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol and being overweight. Others include smoking and lack of exercise. By adopting a healthy eating regime, you can reduce the effect of the three main factors. Giving up smoking and taking more exercise is a subject for another article.
So how can we reduce cholesterol?
The biggest dietary cause of high cholesterol is saturated fats. This is found in meat, milk, butter, cheese, eggs and many processed foods. When shopping for food make sure to check the levels of saturated fat and only choose foods with a low level. Unlike Saturated fat, monounsaturated fats such as olive oil will help you to protect your heart. Olive oil is an ideal choice for cooking, dressing, or even as a dipping sauce.
Another food product that helps reduce cholesterol is omega-3. Omega-3 is a fatty acid that is noted to have many health benefits besides helping to reduce cholesterol. You can get good amounts of omega-3 from herring, sardines, salmon, walnuts and flaxseed.
To complete your battle with cholesterol, you need to make sure you eat plenty of fiber rich foods. Fiber is thought to work by causing the excretion of some of the bile in the intestines. The process used by the body to make up for the lose of bile effectively removes some of the cholesterol in the blood stream. Good sources of fiber include whole grains, including breads, cereals, pastas and rice, nuts and seeds, peas beans, lentils, fruits and vegetables, especially broccoli and carrots.
Now lets have a look at blood pressure.
The main dietary cause of high blood pressure is salt. Most foods contain natural levels of salt and processed foods also often contain high levels of salt. The simplest way to tackle high blood pressure is to stop adding salt when cooking or as a condiment to your meal.
Also, try to eat plenty of potassium rich foods. Potassium can help to reverse the effects of the salt you eat and has a direct effect in lowering your blood pressure. Good sources of potassium include bananas, beans, potatoes, spinach and raisins.
Finally the thorny subject of your weight.
If you are overweight, you should try to stick to a diet that helps you to lose weight. Don't aim to lose weight quickly, make it a medium term goal. This is more likely to be successful and once your target weight is reached, you will be more likely to stay there.
The main healthy eating action to help with weight loss is to cut out sugar and foods containing excessive amounts of sugar. Eating sugar quickly raises the sugar levels in your blood. To cope with this your body stores the excess energy from the sugar in your blood as fat cells. This then reduces the sudden surge in blood sugar levels back to a normal blood sugar level.
You don't have to make a sudden change to healthy eating. Take your time. Try gradually including foods that help your body reduce the risk of heart disease. Not forgetting to cut out those that are harmful to your health. By eating healthy food, you will not only be protecting your heart, you will enjoy better all round health.
Want to know about the ultimate in healthy eating? Hurry on over to Jenny's site right now where you can sign up for a free 7 day mini course and learn some shocking facts about the food we eat. Don't wait, go now to

Thursday, 18 February 2010

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet and Live Longer

There is no guarantee on how long you are going to be alive. Whether you believe the length of your stay on this Earth has already been numbered or if you believe it is all up to the way you live and the choices you make, you need to learn how to maintain a healthy diet to at least improve the quality of the years that have been given to you here.
A long life is more likely to come your way if you take care of your body and keep it in prime fighting condition. A healthy body is more able to fight off dangerous cancer cells as well as various other diseases that try to take it down. You can also expect to look younger and more beautiful as you age if you have taken exceptional care of your body.
So, how exactly do you maintain a healthy lifestyle to reap all of these rewards for your own life?
It all starts with letting go of the past and putting food in a healthy perspective. Food is not meant to be a best friend or an emotional response to the world. It is not meant to hold your hand through the rough moments and celebrate all of your happy moments.
It is meant to nourish your body and give it energy, and nothing else!
Getting the proper relationship with food is no different than fixing relationships with other people in your life. When your connection with food is all wrong it will bring havoc to your body. Once you put it in its rightful place and start thinking of it only as a source of energy, then you will start to really see changes that can lead to a longer life.
If you want to learn how to maintain a healthy diet, then start by replacing refined carbs and processed foods with whole grain versions and lots of fruits and vegetables. That alone will eliminate much of the empty calories that your body does not actually need to function properly.
Get more help to maintain a healthy diet with these tasty healthy urban kitchen ideas.

Monday, 15 February 2010

How Do You Maintain a Healthy Diet?

All of us know - "Health is Wealth". To be in good health you need to have healthy diet. The question is, how do you maintain a healthy diet?
Eating habits should have a perfect blend of variety, balance and regulation. Single food can never provide all the essential nutrients that your body needs. Therefore, always consume a wide variety of foods to get adequate vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.
Healthy lifestyle is required with balanced diet. Device some useful plans which will restrict you from smoking, reduce your level of alcohol consumption to minimum and manage stress.
To keep you healthy without compromising your taste buds you can follow the basic guidelines mentioned below:
• Eat vegetables and fruits daily. They provide a lot of dietary fiber which lowers cholesterol level, regulate glucose level, reduce cardiac problems and check constipation.
• Eat fish meals at least twice a week. They are great source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. They help in lowering high blood pressure and cardiac problems.
• Eat red meat a few times a week. However, if you are a vegetarian, have legume or nuts daily as an alternative. They contain essential minerals which keeps your brain healthy and active.
• Do not eat large quantities at a time. Promote healthy metabolism by eating food in frequent intervals instead of consuming in bulk at a time.
• Drink plenty of water. Drink around 6 liters of water daily which helps to absorb vitamins and nutrients in the bloodstream, detoxifies the body and keep your body clean and healthy.
• Exercise. It complements with healthy diet to keep you fit and steady.
If you can follow these basic things you can stay healthy. Life goes on, but it's in your hand to make it beautiful and disease free.

Best Diet Against Breast Cancer

Did you know that from the light of cancer research information available regarding potential anticancer properties, it is possible to cook what could be called "the best diet against cancer", a meal plan based on the daily diet of foods known as being exceptional sources for cancer treatment?
In fact, several of the molecules that possess the strongest cancer prevention activities are present only in a exclusive number of foods call functional food.
These rich phytochemical foods are important to be added into your daily diet in order to maximize breast cancer prevention. Most of this kind of food possess antioxidants, but there is a lot more then than to them.
Don't wait that cancer symptoms show itself, take action now.
This is an important issue since the presence of different classes of phytochemical allows for the targeting of several processes involved in the development to metastatic cancer. No single food, by itself, contains all the phytochemicals, like delphinidin and flavonoid, needed to act on all the processes involved in breast cancer tumor development, highlighting the importance to integrate a large variety of foods in the diet. The variety of functional foods associated with your meal plan is important since the cancer cells possess multiples pathway to grow and cancer prevention is insufficient to control their growth using anticancer molecules that interfere with only one process.
A combination of several fruits, vegetables and spices, possessing distinct phytochemical, allows for an increase of their effectiveness by acting synergically. Thanks to this synergy, the anticancer action of a molecule may be considerably increased by the presence of another molecule, an extremely important against cancer property for these molecules that are generally present in blood in tiny quantities after foods consumption. One of the best example of this kind of synergy is the ability of a molecule from black pepper, piperine, to increase bymore than 2,000 fold the absorption of curcumin from the spice turmeric, resulting in plasma concentrations of curcumin sufficient to interfere with the aggressive behavior of the breast metastatic cancer.
The modification of a healthy diet in order to integrate foods that are exceptional sources of anticancer molecules therefore represents one of the better weapons currently at our disposal in our battle against cancer. If you want to know more about these foods and how to fight back with the small berries to make cancer sleepy.
Yanick Bertand PhD has a passion to educate people in the fight against cancer. Through his many years of research on biological impacts to cancer, Yanick Bertand has discovered that a reaction occurs when we fight cancer with nutritional elements - such as the food that we eat. In his research on the fight against cancer, Yanick has come across critical information that is not known by the general public. It is Yanick's desire to educate the public on how they can help fight cancer.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Natural Anti Aging Skin Care to Restore Your Skin's Natural Radiance

From food, energy, cars, whatever the item, consumers are beginning to realize the benefits of natural products. More people are starting to investigate natural, organic-based products. Natural anti-aging skin care certainly falls into this category. With the rising popularity of natural beauty, natural anti-aging skin care creams and other products are a rapidly developing line for many health and beauty companies.
Natural products are by far more beneficial than man made of any synthetic type. However, some people believe that natural products are inferior to products containing chemicals because the results can be superior to that of natural ingredients. But over the long run, natural products are kinder to the skin.
Wrinkles love to make themselves known in the corners of the eyes, mouth, around the jaw line (and sometimes under it too), and around the neck. The benefit most feel is best when using natural skin care products comes from the fact that they really fight these wrinkles and in some cases will focus particularly on these trouble zones thanks to specific natural ingredients.
A major advantage of natural anti-aging skin care is that it can soften the skin so it looks smoother. As a person ages, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to feel rough. Natural products will penetrate the skin's dermis better than synthetic creams so it will appear fresher and more radiant.
There are synthetic skin creams which can make the skin look flushed or conversely, washed out. A better appearance of skin can be revealed, not to mention be healthier, when using a natural anti aging skin care product since natural ingredients tend to work in harmony with the skin's composition.
Many people seek natural products to reduce the appearance of aging. These products can have good effects, but it is important to be aware of potential allergies or sensitivities to ingredients that are found in nature. Many natural skin care preparations are created from flowers and herbs, therefore, it is possible for allergies to strike, such as in the case where you normally suffer from hay fever, so it is important to be aware of what you are allergic to before using all-natural products.
While artificial ingredients may seem like a good deal in the short term, if you use natural anti-aging skin care products on a regular basis you can have healthier, smoother and younger-looking skin. As your cells are nourished by the inherent healing and soothing properties of natural ingredients, you'll see the visible signs of aging fading away.

Healthy Living is the Best Diet

In a world of pills, powders, and programs there is still one fact about dieting that can't be ignored. A healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy weight. Infomercials would have you believe that a diet plan or supplement is the only way to lose weight. The truth is that millions of people all over the world control their weight simply by living a healthy and active lifestyle.
Healthy living starts with healthy eating. In order to eat healthy you need to understand what the body needs in a day. You should have at least 2 servings of meat and dairy products, and 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables as well as grains. You should also drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day. These are the body's needs in order to function properly each day. Notice there is no mention of fats or sugars as we have no need to intake these daily. Grains are considered to be complex carbohydrates that provide long lasting energy. Taking this into account in your lifestyle will help you make better choices when it comes to what you eat daily.
Eating right is only the first step to a healthy lifestyle. The second and arguably harder step is being active. The reason most people give for not exercising is that they do not have the time. There is no reason why you cannot make the choice to walk instead of drive, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do something active in the evening instead of watching television. Exercising promotes blood flow and helps concentration for hours after the workout. If you can find ways to be active and eat right you are well on your way to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy weight.
The last step to healthy living is actually the easiest! The final key to living a healthy life is to enjoy it. Don't get caught up in a regime of exercising and eating that doesn't make you happy. Find the foods that you enjoy and the activities that you like and explore them. Have fun being healthy and you will find that it is no longer a chore, but an adventure.
If you can master these simple keys to living a healthy lifestyle, you will find that your perfect weight is not only attainable - it's sustainable. You can lose weight, live right, and have fun all at the same time.
Joe likes to write about various topics and has been doing so for several years. His latest website reviews the Corioliss flat iron and the Corioliss straightener.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Simple Steps to Follow in Achieving Your Long Term Health, Fitness and Diet Goals

If you want to be worth 1million pounds by the time you retire then you should have the desire to live very long to enjoy this wealth. There are some basic and simple steps you can follow to achieve your long term health goals.
  • Work - Work to achieve those goals
  • Discipline - Discipline yourself to achieve your health and weight loss goals
  • Determination - Be determined to succeed
  • Plan - Have a routine of activities that will help you in achieving your goals; for example you can decide to walk for 20 minutes everyday, dance for 30 minutes every day, or do any form of exercise but you need a plan
  • Enjoyment - Choose your workout activities carefully. One factor is key - enjoyment - once you enjoy what you do the motivation will be there to do it continuously
  • Don't over task yourself - Be kind to yourself. If you are not able to fulfil a goal for a particular day be determined to start as soon as possible without being 'bitter'
  • Network - Find people who have the same objectives or goals as you and try to form a good relationship with them - there is strength in unity. They are likely to understand you better and will encourage you when you need it most
  • Be Healthy - Your main goal should be 'to be healthy' and not 'to grow thin'. Once you think of being healthy you will make healthy choices with respect to what you eat and drink
  • Consistent - With consistency and determination you sure will achieve your health, fitness and weight loss goals.

Monday, 8 February 2010

How Natural Cholesterol Lowering Foods Or Herbs Work to Keep You Healthy

People who are serious about controlling their cholesterol levels may be very interested in learning how cholesterol lowering foods or herbs can help. They may be familiar with the fact that prescription medications will work to keep levels under control but may not want to suffer the side effects that are common with many pharmaceuticals.

There are several different ways that natural cholesterol lowering foods or herbs can work. Some, like the soluble fiber in oatmeal will bind with the cholesterol in food. This means that it is eliminated naturally instead of the body absorbing it during digestion. Even eating a small helping of fiber rich food can really help you to lower your cholesterol levels.

Try adding fiber rich foods to your diet once or twice a week. If you eat oatmeal for breakfast a few times a week this can really help to increase your overall fiber intake. You can vary the seasonings that you add to basic oatmeal in order to ramp up the benefits even more. Think about adding sliced or diced apples and cinnamon one day and berries the next. This can provide you with natural sweetness that many people crave and help you increase your intake of vitamins and minerals as well.

Keep in mind that foods high in saturated fat can be devastating when you are trying to keep your cholesterol levels under control. Anything is fine in moderation but you should think about adding foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids to your diet. Consider replacing your regular meat with fish such as salmon once or twice a week.

Omega 3 fatty acids are excellent because they have a twofold effect on your cholesterol levels. Doctors will tell you that healthy cholesterol levels mean low LDL levels and higher HDL levels. When you eat salmon and other Omega 3 rich foods, they can help you achieve this balance. When you lower your LDL level and raise your HDL level as you do with fish, it brings your blood make-up into more normal proportions. In addition, Omega 3s from fish can also target triglycerides which are harmful when combined with cholesterol and can cause serious cardiovascular issues.
The foods you eat can profoundly affect your health. Natural cholesterol lowering foods or herbs can help augment or even replace prescription medications and help you live as healthy and natural a life as possible.

Learn more about how to lower your cholesterol naturally without dangerous drugs at Find out how natural cholesterol lowering foods or herbs work to keep you healthy.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Easy Healthy Eating - Discover How Enjoyable and Easy Healthy Eating Can Be With 5 Amazing Tricks

Easy - healthy eating? Anything but! Every time you open a journal, you find another story. One says: "Bananas give great energy, eat one every day!" The next one warns: "Bananas are high-sugar foods, don't eat them!" And a third one claims: "Eating bananas after 6 p.m. makes you fat." What's the truth?
I always wonder how to eat everything in one day how the crowd of experts recommends, and whom to believe when one praises and the next one bans the same food, leaving me in terrible confusion.
Finally, I came to the conclusion that it's best not to pay too much attention to all this. And I soon discovered how easy healthy eating is. There's no need to follow complicated calculations to set up your daily menu. Simply:
  • eat the right foods
  • vary what you eat
  • drink healthy
  • eat regularly
  • listen to your body
Eat the right foods
Eat mainly vegetables, fruit, legumes, grains and whole grain products. Dairy products, meat, fish and eggs are healthy but contain saturated fat. Eat moderate amounts only, choose lean meat and maybe even low-fat dairy products.
Add as little sugar and fat as possible to your foods. When choosing fat, eat healthy fats rather, there are enough of them. Keep sugary and fatty foods for occasional treats.
If that's your main diet, a little treat every now and then won't harm you.
Vary what you eat
This is a very easy healthy eating strategy, and the best way to ensure that you get all nutrients you need: Simply have a wide variety of all healthy food groups.
Don't eat the same five vegetables all the time! Rather have many different ones over the course of the week. A great way of doing this is to combine several veggie types in one meal. The same goes for the other food groups: Make a fruit salad, or example, or mix different legumes in a soup or stew.
Drink healthy
Avoid beverages with sugar, colorants, flavour enhancers and preservatives. Water is best, but there are also many low-calorie beverages. When buying fruit juice, choose one that is labeled "100% fruit juice" and make sure it contains no additives. Or make your own fruit juice at home. Smoothies with low-fat milk and fresh fruit are also a great option.
Eat regularly
Another easy healthy eating trick: Have regular mealtimes. This ensures that you will never be too hungry and always have enough fuel for your body. It also prevents you from overeating or eating unhealthy foods when you get "severe hunger attacks".
Definitely have breakfast, lunch and supper, and a snack in between. Maybe you also do better with six smaller meals instead of three big ones.
Listen to your body
Trust yourself! Your body knows best what it needs, and it tells you. I'm a lazy fruit eater, but when I was pregnant I was eating fruit all the time because my body was screaming for it. If you strongly feel like having any specific healthy food, then it's likely to contain something you need now.
The secret is: eat and drink healthy things, eat in a healthy way, and trust yourself. That's how easy healthy eating is.
Do you want to discover more secrets of easy healthy eating? For more information visit Elisha's Recipe World on today and see how Healing Gourmets Your Plate Your Fate can make healthy eating easy for you! If you eat healthier, you will be healthier. It's all up to you...

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Healthy Living Probably Gives You 10 More Years

Healthy living is not only a matter of physical health - spiritual and psychological health is an essential foundation upon which we can build physical health. Learning to cope with problems better is vital for healthy daily living.

As the result have shown that people with severe mental illness die on average 10 years younger than the rest of the population based on the research of both the positive and negative effects of lifestyle if they intend on formulating valid theories about mental disorders. People with mental health problems tend to be at an increased risk of a range of physical illnesses and conditions.
Weight control and management is critical to living a healthy lifestyle. Good diet and regular exercise is the key to control your weight. But with the endless weight loss systems around, sometimes it is hard to know what to do for the best.

Having at least 5 servings of fresh fruit or vegetables every day Eating 2 portions a week of oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel or sardines. Reducing the amount of 'trans' fat in your diet.
Exercise helps burn calories, raise your metabolism, lower elevated blood sugars, increase your desire for healthy foods, and elevate your mood, but doesn't mean you have to be sporty, it just means you need a little more activity in your life.

There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving: Cycling, Dance, Football, Gym, Running, Jogging, Racket Sports, Swimming, Tai Chi, Walking, Rambling and Yoga.
To help alleviate illnesses or symptoms by using alternative medicines and health supplements will help encourage a healthier lifestyle and your well being on the whole. There are increasing numbers of people worldwide are helped by using these medicines to reach their healthy living aspirations.

Eating right, getting physically fit, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness and prevention are all apart of creating a healthy lifestyle. Start taking responsibility and making smart health choices for today and future's happiness.

Haiyan Lai-Heskin has been a nurse for 17 years. She has been writing Health, Wellness and Fitness articles for many years. Her website Healthy Living Guide has varieties of health related articles advocate people to have a healthy lifestyle. Try the part of Popular Diets In Hollywood to help your weight loss and exercise program.

Tips For Healthy Living and Eating - Know What to Eat to Stay Healthy

Everyone knows they should follow a lifestyle that includes healthy living and eating if they want to avoid serious illness, and live to a ripe old age. But often the very word "healthy," when used in conjunction with food or lifestyle choices, scares most people off of the idea. It's amazing how much impact a single word can have on a person's behavior and their choices in life.
It's not that people don't want to be in good health or that they don't want to live longer, it's that it sounds like too much "work." When something sounds like it's going to be too difficult to maintain or even start, most people will avoid it like the plague or procrastinate in an attempt to avoid doing it.
Healthy living and eating doesn't have to be too terribly complicated. Something as simple as making sure you get plenty of sleep, keeping yourself hydrated- perhaps kicking a nicotine or caffeine habit- can make a major impact on your general health and well-being. These are fairly painless lifestyle changes to make, and the average person can make them without feeling too "deprived."
Making an appointment with a licensed dietitian can be a major help in learning about making healthy food choices. Most people don't choose foods with health in mind, simply because most don't understand the basics of nutrition, how their bodies work, or even sometimes it's as simple as they don't know how to cook.
But healthy living and eating is of utmost importance if you want to live to a ripe old age, and be able to have a good quality of life at an old age as well. Simply living to be old isn't really worth the trouble if your health continues to deteriorate to the point that you have a terrible quality of life. Making smart choices now, greatly decreases your changes of major health problems as you age.
Aging is a fact of life, but there are ways to ensure that your aging isn't as painful as it is for some. Ensuring strong, healthy bones and teeth is an excellent start- make sure you get plenty of calcium and vitamin D, as this will strengthem your bones and teeth.
Cardiovascular health is another important issue for ensuring a long life, and less health problems. Choose heart-healthy foods and supplements, lower your cholesterol by choosing higher fiber foods, cutting out transfats and taking supplements which help strengthen your heart is important. An exercise program is also important to maintain good heart health.
Healthy living and eating needn't be painful, or "bland." Discuss good options for maintaining optimum health and wellness with your physician, a licensed dietitian, and even a personal trainer. Stay in shape now, to protect your body and quality of life for the future!
Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about healthy living and eating, please visit Health and Fitness Today for current articles and discussions.